id: podcasts
title: Podcasts
layout: community
sectionid: community
permalink: community/podcasts.html

Podcasts dedicated to React and individual podcast episodes with React discussions.

## Podcasts

- [JavaScript Air](https://javascriptair.com/) - All about JavaScript (currently not producing new episodes).

- [React 30](https://react30.com/) - A weekly 30-minute podcast all about React (currently not producing new episodes).

- [React Podcast](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/react-podcast/id995869265?mt=2) - A podcast covering the ReactJS ecosystem (currently not producing new episodes).

## Episodes

- [CodeWinds Episode 4](http://codewinds.com/podcast/004.html) - Pete Hunt talks with Jeff Barczewski about React.

- [JavaScript Jabber 73](https://devchat.tv/js-jabber/073-jsj-react-with-pete-hunt-and-jordan-walke) - Pete Hunt and Jordan Walke talk about React.