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Free Components

  • Amaze UI React (in Chinese): Amaze UI components built with React.
  • Ant Design of React An enterprise-class UI design language and React-based implementation.
  • Belle: Configurable React Components with great UX.
  • chartify: Ultra lightweight and customizable React.js chart component.
  • Elemental UI: A UI toolkit for React websites and apps, themeable and composed of individually packaged components
  • Grommet The most advanced open source UX framework for enterprise applications.
  • Halogen: A collection of highly customizable loading spinner animations with React.
  • Khan Academy's component library
  • markdown-to-jsx: compiles markdown into safe React JSX without using dangerous escape hatches.
  • material-ui A set of React Components that implement Google's Material Design.
  • Onsen UI React Components: UI components for hybrid mobile apps with both Material Design for Android and flat design for iOS.
  • React Amazing Grid Flex grid with inline styles.
  • React Mdl React Components for Material Design Lite.
  • React Web A framework for building web apps with React.
  • react-amiga-guru-meditation: React JS Class to display a Amiga Guru Meditation Tribute
  • react-autosuggest WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component
  • react-bootstrap: Bootstrap 3 components built with React.
  • react-bootstrap-dialog: React Dialog component for react-bootstrap, instead of window.alert or window.confirm
  • react-bootstrap-table: It's a react table for Bootstrap.
  • react-component: A collection of react components maintained by Alibaba/Alipay employee.
  • react-data-menu: Smart data-driven menu rendered in an overlay. Hints-based aligning with custom renderers and factories. Never clipped by other components or screen edges.
  • react-date-picker: A simple and reusable datepicker component for React.
  • react-dates: Date-inputs + date-picker
  • react-dnd Flexible HTML5 drag-and-drop mixin for React with full DOM control
  • react-document-title Declarative, nested, stateful, isomorphic document.title for React
  • react-dropzone: React Dropzone for File-Uploads
  • react-forms: Form rendering and validation for React
  • react-highlight: React component for syntax highlighting
  • react-image: Like <img /> and Enhanced Image Component for React.
  • react-input-autosize: Like <input /> but resizes automatically to fit all its content.
  • react-intense: A component for viewing large images up close
  • react-joyride: Create walkthroughs and guided tours for your ReactJS apps.
  • react-ladda: React wrapper for Ladda buttons.
  • react-lorem-component: Lorem Ipsum placeholder component.
  • react-notification: Snackbar style notifications
  • react-select: Native React Select / Multiselect input field, similar to Selectize / Chosen / Select2
  • react-selectize: A stateless & flexible Select component, designed as a drop in replacement for React.DOM.Select, inspired by Selectize
  • react-sigma: Lightweight but powerful library for drawing network graphs
  • react-slick: Carousel component built with React
  • react-sparklines: Beautiful and expressive sparklines component
  • react-spreadsheet: React Spreadsheets / Editable tables with Excel-Style keyboard input and navigation
  • react-switch-button: Beautiful React Switch button component
  • react-tappable A Tappable React Component that provides native-feeling onTap events for mobile React apps
  • react-textarea-autosize: Like <textarea /> but resizes automatically to fit all its content.
  • React-TimeAgo A minimal live updating Time Ago component that smartly converts any time to a 'ago' or 'from now' format and keeps it updated.
  • react-translate-component: React component for i18n.
  • react-treeview: Easy, light, flexible tree view.
  • react-uwp A set of React Components that Implement Microsoft's UWP Design & Fluent Design..
  • react-validate-framework: A lightweight and extensible React validation component.
  • reactstrap: Simple Bootstrap 4 components built with tether
  • recharts: A composable charting library built on React components.
  • Selectivity: Modular and light-weight selection library.
  • Semantic-ui: The official Semantic-UI-React integration, Advanced components and declarative UI.
  • storybook-addon-material-ui A storybook addon for material-ui.
  • tcomb-form: Automatically generate form markup, automatic labels and inline validation from a domain model.
  • valuelink: Full-featured two-way data binding and forms validation with extended React links.
  • video-react: A web video player built for the HTML5 world using React library.
  • Winterfell: Generate complex, validated and extendable JSON-based forms in React

Fee Based Components