117 lines
2.9 KiB
117 lines
2.9 KiB
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const fm = require('gray-matter');
const globby = require('globby');
* This script takes a look at all the redirect frontmatter and converts it
* into a Next.js compatible redirects list. It also merges it with netlify's
* _redirects, which we moved by hand below.
* @remarks
* In the old gatsby site, redirects were specified in docs and blog post
* frontmatter that looks like:
* ---
* redirect_from:
* - /docs/old-path.html#maybe-an-anchor
* ---
const netlifyRedirects = [
source: '/html-jsx.html',
destination: 'https://magic.reactjs.net/htmltojsx.htm',
permanent: true,
source: '/tips/controlled-input-null-value.html',
destination: '/docs/forms.html#controlled-input-null-value',
permanent: false, // @todo why were these not permanent on netlify?
source: '/concurrent',
destination: '/docs/concurrent-mode-intro.html',
permanent: false,
source: '/hooks',
destination: '/docs/hooks-intro.html',
permanent: false,
source: '/tutorial',
destination: '/tutorial/tutorial.html',
permanent: false,
source: '/your-story',
destination: 'https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MVQV2R9',
permanent: true,
source: '/stories',
destination: 'https://medium.com/react-community-stories',
permanent: true,
.then(async () => {
let contentRedirects = [];
let redirectPageCount = 0;
// Get all markdown pages
const pages = await globby('src/pages/**/*.{md,mdx}');
for (let filepath of pages) {
// Read file as string
const rawStr = await fs.readFile(filepath, 'utf8');
// Extract frontmatter
const {data, content} = fm(rawStr);
// Look for redirect yaml
if (data.redirect_from) {
let destinationPath = filepath
.replace('src/pages', '')
.replace('.md', '');
// Fix /docs/index -> /docs
if (destinationPath === '/docs/index') {
destinationPath = '/docs';
if (destinationPath === '/index') {
destinationPath = '/';
for (let sourcePath of data.redirect_from) {
source: '/' + sourcePath, // add slash
destination: destinationPath,
permanent: true,
`Found ${redirectPageCount} pages with \`redirect_from\` frontmatter`
`Writing ${contentRedirects.length} redirects to redirects.json`
await fs.writeFile(
redirects: [...contentRedirects, ...netlifyRedirects],
console.log('✅ Done writing redirects');