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Introduction to React
Tom Occhino and Jordan Walke introduce React at Facebook Seattle.
Introducing React Native
Tom Occhino reviews the past and present of React in 2015, and teases where it's going next.
Rethinking Web App Development at Facebook
Delivering reliable, high-performance web experiences at Facebook's scale has required us to challenge some long-held assumptions about software development. Watch this Facebook F8 2014 talk to learn how we abandoned the traditional MVC paradigm in favor of a more functional application architecture.
Secrets of the Virtual DOM
Pete Hunt at Mountain West JavaScript 2014 discusses why a virtual DOM was built for React, how it compares to other systems, and its relevance to the future of browser technologies.
Rethinking Best Practices
Pete Hunt's talk at JSConf EU 2013 covers three topics: throwing out the notion of templates and building views with JavaScript, “re-rendering” your entire application when your data changes, and a lightweight implementation of the DOM and events.
High performance functional DOM programming
Tech Talk by Pete Hunt at Meteor DevShop 11.
Developing User Interfaces With React
Steven Luscher at Super VanJS 2013.
Introduction to React
Stoyan Stefanov at LAWebSpeed meetup.
Going big with React
Areeb Malik investigates how React performs in a high stress situation, and how it helped his team build safe code on a massive scale.
Backbone + React + Middleman Screencast
This screencast shows how to integrate Backbone with React using Backbone-React-Component.
React, or how to make life simpler
Tech talk by Alexander Solovyov at FrontEnd Dev Conf '14 (Russian).
React and Flux: Building Applications with a Unidirectional Data Flow
Facebook engineers Bill Fisher and Jing Chen talk about Flux and React at Forward JS 2014, and how using an application architecture with a unidirectional data flow cleans up a lot of their code.
CodeWinds Podcast
Pete Hunt talked with Jeff Barczewski about React in CodeWinds Episode 4.

02:08 | What is React and why use it? | 27:17 | Rendering HTML on the server with Node.js. Rendering backends |
03:08 | The symbiotic relationship of ClojureScript and React | 29:20 | React evolved through survival of the fittest at Facebook |
04:54 | The history of React and why it was created | 30:15 | Ideas for having state on server and client, using web sockets. |
09:43 | Updating web page with React without using data binding | 32:05 | React-multiuser - distributed shared mutable state using Firebase |
13:11 | Using the virtual DOM to change the browser DOM | 33:03 | Better debugging with React using the state transitions, replaying events |
13:57 | Programming with React, render targets HTML, canvas, other | 34:08 | Differences from Web Components |
16:45 | Working with designers. Contrasted with Ember and AngularJS | 34:25 | Notable companies using React |
21:45 | JSX Compiler bridging HTML and React javascript | 35:16 | Could a React backend plugin be created to target PDF? |
23:50 | Autobuilding JSX and in browser tools for React | 36:30 | Future of React, what's next? |
24:50 | Tips and tricks to working with React, getting started | 39:38 | Contributing and getting help |
JavaScript Jabber Podcast
Pete Hunt and Jordan Walke talked about React in JavaScript Jabber 73.

01:34 | Pete Hunt Introduction | 23:06 | Supporting Node.js |
02:45 | Jordan Walke Introduction | 24:03 | rendr |
04:15 | React | 26:02 | JSX |
06:38 | 60 Frames Per Second | 30:31 | requestAnimationFrame |
09:34 | Data Binding | 34:15 | React and Applications |
12:31 | Performance | 38:12 | React Users Khan Academy |
17:39 | Diffing Algorithm | 39:53 | Making it work |
19:36 | DOM Manipulation |