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starter-kits | Starter Kits | community | community/starter-kits.html |
Client-side Kits
- React CDK - Component Development Kit for React
- React Static Boilerplate: Static site generator based on React.js, Gulp/Webpack, React Hot Loader, Babel, postCSS/cssnext. Best suited for deploying React.js site to GitHub Pages or Amazon S3.
- React Redux Boilerplate: React Redux Boilerplate is a workflow boilerplate that make life easier for developers by providing a virtual development environment and production ready build workflow out of the box. ( React, Redux, Reselect, Redux Actions, ES6, ESLint, Webpack with integrated environment config support )
- React, TypeScript, JSPM starter-kit: Unopinionated starter kit to build modular web apps with React & TypeScript powered by JSPM/SystemJS 0.17.X (ES2016, hot-reload, browser-sync, bundle for prod scripts)
- Subschema - Subschema is a Dependency Injection Library for React, included is a project starter, with webpack, karma and babel.
- React + Redux + Saga Boilerplate - Ready to grow boilerplate with react-router, redux, saga, webpack 2, jest w/ coverage and enzyme.
- generator-enigma a minimalist React application scaffolding tool that sets up a ready-to-deploy web app, complete with testing via Jest and optional
boilerplate. - Component-Template - A create-react-app based starter kit for building, documenting, & publishing React Components. Includes React Router v4, Bootstrap 4 and Reactstrap.
Full-stack Kits
- react-universally A starter kit for universal react applications with React, Express, React Router (v4), ES2017, Flow, Jest, Service workers, Data-fetching and code-splitting.
- web-service-template Membership single-page application with React and TypeScript.
- starter-react-flux A generator for React and Flux project with Flux-Utils, Jest, Immutable.js, React Addons, Webpack, ESLint, Babel and ES2015.
- react-slingshot: React + Redux starter kit with Babel, hot reloading, testing, linting and a working example app.
- react-async-starter: React + Redux + Fetch + ES7 Async with Webpack, Babel and hot reloading.
- spa-starter-kit: Full stack Docker node.js container with React, webpack, babel, sass, ESLint, React Hot Loader, Redux for a single-page application.
- react-flux-starter-kit: React, Flux, React Router with Browserify, Bootstrap, and ESLint, all wired up via Gulp. Includes link to associated course.
- exnext-quickstart: Compilation, testing, code validation (ESLint) and hot reloading
- react-component-template: Base for npm-publisheable standalone React Components with tests, ES6 coverage
- Base: An open-source, security focused, web application starter kit. Built with ReactJS, Flux, Express, and Postgres.
- Este: Dev stack and starter kit for functional and universal (browser, server, mobile) React applications. Everything you need to start is included.
- essential-react: A minimal skeleton for building testable React apps using ES6
- jspm-react: Lightweight boilerplate on JSPM/Systemjs with hot-reloading modules for the browser
- react-flux-coffeescript-browserify-gulp-demo: React, Flux, Coffeescript, Browserify, Watchify, Gulp
- react-reflux-boilerplate-with-webpack: React Reflux Workflow Boilerplate -- React, Reflux, Gulp, Webpack, Stylus and CoffeeScript.
- kontraktor-intrinsic-jsx: Native Java-implementation of JSX Transpiler + Bundler + Server (no nashorn or node/babel required)
- React-Phonegap App: Phonegap App built with react using Flux.
- Kriasoft React Starter Kit: Gulp, Webpack, BrowserSync + React Starter Kit for Visual Studio
- react-express-template: Web app starter template with React, React Router, ES6 (via Babel), CoffeeScript, Express/Node.js, Semantic-UI, Gulp, LiveReload, and more
- generator-react-webpack: Yeoman generator for React and Webpack.
- generator-react-express: Yeoman generator for React and Express with browserify, react-router and bootstrap.
- generator-react-component: Yeoman generator React Component projects with Gulp, Browserify, Live Reload and publishing to GitHub Pages.
- Racket: Yeoman generator for creating a universal React Redux web application.
- Genesis Skeleton: Modern, opinionated, full-stack starter kit for rapid, streamlined application development (supports React).
- react-starter-template: Starter template with Gulp, Webpack and Bootstrap.
- react-brunch: Brunch plugin.
- react-browserify-template: Quick-start with Browserify.
- react-router-bootstrap-seed: Starter template with react-router, react-bootstrap and react-bootstrap-router (build with Gulp).
- React Phonegap Starter: Gulp, NPM, Browserify, React, Phonegap, Less, Recess, Underscore, JQuery...
- generator-react-gulp-browserify Yeoman generator for React, Gulp, Browserify and Twitter Bootstrap Sass official.
- generator-react-boilerplate Yeoman generator for React, Gulp, Browserify, Bootstrap and Fluxxor.
- react-starterify: React JS application skeleton using Browserify and other awesome tools
- fluxury: A React/Flux starter kit with NPM (build tool), Browserify, ImmutableJS, JSXHint and React-Router completely written in ES6 (Babelify transform).
- react-app-boilerplate: Browserify workflow with automatic JSX transformation, dependency handling for fast builds and jasmine test environment.
- nuts: A fully-featured starter kit that uses webpack, react, flux, backbone, mongo, and kue. Includes server-side and client-side rendering.
- generator-rc: A scaffold to develop react component quickly.
- MimosaReactBackbone: A TodoMVC React/Backbone app w/ Mimosa for tooling.
- TodoMVC - NestedReact: TodoMVC React app built with NestedTypes and NestedReact.
- react-boilerplate: It is a basic React project boilerplate, it uses JSX, React Router, Browserify, Reactify (ES6) and SASS.
- koa-react-full-example Boilerplate of a Koa React integration. Also shows a way to integrate koa-passport, react-router and react-bootstrap and a few other common modules. Includes an authentication flow.
- generator-simple-react-browserify Really simple React + Browserify app generator for yeoman. Start here if you're trying to actually learn something.
- react-starterkit-with-reflux It's a fork of react-starterkit with React, Reflux, ES6 with Babel, Fontawesome, SASS, Bootstrap SASS(not react-bootstrap), and Browserify.
- react-jspm Boilerplate for developing React with jspm and SystemJS module loader.
- electron-react-boilerplate A React + Flux Electron application boilerplate based on React, Flux, React Router, Webpack, React Hot Loader
- Coils: React/SQL full stack realtime framework in Clojure
- isomorphic-flux-react-react-router: A clean, unbloated starter template without any unnecessary complexity for isomorphic web apps using React, Flux, react-router. Uses gulp and webpack for builds, jest for testing and SASS for CSS preprocessing.
- generator-sui-react: A Yeoman generator for Schibsted User Interface (sui) ReactJS components. The generator provides a basic structure to start developing a component, including coding standard rules, naming conventions and a unit testing suite.
- Universal-routed-flux-demo Example app to get started building universal flux applications, with Reactjs, React Router and es6.
- react-starter React starter project with ES2015, Browserify, Babel, mobservable.
- react-flux-flow-webpack-jest-es6 A complete React, Flux, Flow, Webpack, Jest and ES6 starter kit.
- react-boilerplate Quick setup for performance orientated, offline-first React.js applications featuring Redux, hot-reloading, PostCSS, react-router, ServiceWorker, AppCache, FontFaceObserver and Mocha.
- vortigern A universal boilerplate for building web applications w/ TypeScript, React, Redux and more.
- react-redux-starter-kit: Terrific universal Redux + React Router starter kit with Babel, SASS, hot reloading, testing, linting. Unopinionated as possible.
- prax: Sane functional programming style architecture for realtime apps, with single immutable state, event system, reactive views, support development through pure functions.
- react-redux-universal-boilerplate: An Universal ReactJS/Redux Boilerplate with Babel, Webpack 2, Webpack backend bundling, React Hot Loader 3, sass or cssnext, testing, linting...
- FUJITSU K5 Playground A SPA and BFF generator with React, Flux, Swagger, Node.js, Material-ui, Jest, Webpack, ESLint and Babel.