You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
108 lines
2.9 KiB
108 lines
2.9 KiB
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
// To do: Make this ESM.
// To do: properly check heading numbers (headings with the same text get
// numbered, this script doesn’t check that).
const assert = require('assert');
const fs = require('fs');
const GithubSlugger = require('github-slugger');
let modules
function walk(dir) {
let results = [];
const list = fs.readdirSync(dir);
list.forEach(function (file) {
file = dir + '/' + file;
const stat = fs.statSync(file);
if (stat && stat.isDirectory()) {
/* Recurse into a subdirectory */
results = results.concat(walk(file));
} else {
/* Is a file */
return results;
function stripLinks(line) {
return line.replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]\([^)]+\)/, (match, p1) => p1);
function addHeaderID(line, slugger) {
// check if we're a header at all
if (!line.startsWith('#')) {
return line;
const match = /^(#+\s+)(.+?)(\s*\{(?:\/\*|#)([^\}\*\/]+)(?:\*\/)?\}\s*)?$/.exec(line);
const before = match[1] + match[2]
const proc = modules.unified().use(modules.remarkParse).use(modules.remarkSlug)
const tree = proc.runSync(proc.parse(before))
const head = tree.children[0]
assert(head && head.type === 'heading', 'expected `' + before + '` to be a heading, is it using a normal space after `#`?')
const autoId =
const existingId = match[4]
const id = existingId || autoId
// Ignore numbers:
const cleanExisting = existingId ? existingId.replace(/-\d+$/, '') : undefined
const cleanAuto = autoId.replace(/-\d+$/, '')
if (cleanExisting && cleanExisting !== cleanAuto) {
console.log('Note: heading `%s` has a different ID (`%s`) than what GH generates for it: `%s`:', before, existingId, autoId)
return match[1] + match[2] + ' {/*' + id + '*/}';
function addHeaderIDs(lines) {
// Sluggers should be per file
const slugger = new GithubSlugger();
let inCode = false;
const results = [];
lines.forEach((line) => {
// Ignore code blocks
if (line.startsWith('```')) {
inCode = !inCode;
if (inCode) {
results.push(addHeaderID(line, slugger));
return results;
const [path] = process.argv.slice(2);
async function main() {
const [unifiedMod, remarkParseMod, remarkSlugMod] = await Promise.all([import('unified'), import('remark-parse'), import('remark-slug')])
const unified = unifiedMod.default
const remarkParse = remarkParseMod.default
const remarkSlug = remarkSlugMod.default
modules = {unified, remarkParse, remarkSlug}
const files = walk(path);
files.forEach((file) => {
if (!(file.endsWith('.md') || file.endsWith('.mdx'))) {
const content = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8');
const lines = content.split('\n');
const updatedLines = addHeaderIDs(lines);
fs.writeFileSync(file, updatedLines.join('\n'));