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jsx-integrations | JSX Integrations | community | community/jsx-integrations.html |
Editor Integrations
- Sublime Text: babel-sublime: Snippets, syntax highlighting and optimized color schemes for Sublime Text
- Atom: language-babel Support for es2016, JSX and Flow.
- Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code supports JSX directly.
- JetBrains WebStorm: Syntax highlighting, code completion, error detection for JSX
- JetBrains IDE Live Templates: React live templates for JetBrains editors (e.g. WebStorm, PHPStorm, etc.)
- javascript-jsx.tmbundle Syntax for TextMate
- web-mode.el: An autonomous emacs major mode that indents and highlights JSX. No support for Automatic Semicolon Insertion.
- vim-jsx: Syntax highlighting and indenting for JSX
Build Tools
- Create React App: An officially supported way to create React apps with no configuration.
- nwb: A toolkit for React, Preact & Inferno apps, React libraries and other npm modules for the web, with no configuration (until you need it)
- Neutrino: Create and build modern JavaScript applications with zero initial configuration. Neutrino combines the power of webpack with the simplicity of presets.
- ESLint: A pluggable JavaScript linter that natively supports JSX syntax. Be sure to download eslint-plugin-react for React-specific rules.
- Structor: This tool is a user interface builder for node.js Web applications with React UI. Structor replaces the now deprecated React UI Builder. Watch Structor Video Tutorials
- react-jsx: Compile and use JSX as stand-alone templates that can run server-side and client side!
- cjsx-codemod: Write JSX code within Coffeescript!
- ReactScript: Write React code within Coffeescript without JSX!
- jsxhint: JSHint (linting) support. (JSX compilation doesn't affect line numbers so lint can also be run directly on the compiled JS.)
- reactify: Browserify transform.
- Babel: Standalone & Browserify transform (formerly known as 6to5).
- node-jsx: Native Node support.
- react-hot-loader: Loader for webpack that lets you edit JSX and have changes appear immediately in the browser without reloading the page.
- jsx-loader: Loader for webpack.
- express-jsxtransform: Middleware for Express.
- gradle-react-plugin: Transform jsx sources during a gradle build.
- grunt-react: GruntJS task.
- gulp-react: GulpJS plugin.
- brunch-react: Brunch plugin.
- jsx-requirejs-plugin: RequireJS plugin.
- react-meteor: Meteor plugin.
- pyReact: Python bridge to JSX.
- react-rails: Ruby gem for using JSX with Ruby on Rails.
- react-laravel: PHP package for using ReactJS with Laravel.
- ReactJS.NET: .NET library for React and JSX.
- sbt-reactjs SBT/Play/Scala JSX compiler plugin
- mimosa-react: Mimosa plugin.
- react-grails-asset-pipeline: Assets for react and precompilation of jsx files in Grails.
- gore-gulp: Wrapper around webpack, eslint, mocha for ease of use and zero configuration.
- webpack: Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jade, coffee, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.
- webpack-bbq: transform your src to lib, supports server rendering and static rendering.
- jsxtransformer: Compile pipeline for jsx files in Java
- babylon-jsx: Transform JSX to ES2015 with babylon sans babel
- CRA Universal CLI - A simple CLI to create and build Express server for your create-react-app projects, featuring Server-side rendering and Code-splitting.