var chalk = require ( 'chalk' ) ;
var handlers = {
MISSING_CONFIG : function ( ) {
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'Config file must export an options object. See' ) ) ;
} ,
MISSING_INPUT_OPTION : function ( ) {
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'You must specify an --input (-i) option' ) ) ;
} ,
MISSING_OUTPUT_OPTION : function ( ) {
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'You must specify an --output (-o) option when creating a file with a sourcemap' ) ) ;
} ,
MISSING_NAME : function ( err ) {
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'You must supply a name for UMD exports (e.g. `--name myModule`)' ) ) ;
} ,
PARSE_ERROR : function ( err ) {
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'Error parsing ' + err . file + ': ' + err . message ) ) ;
} ,
ONE_AT_A_TIME : function ( err ) {
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'rollup can only bundle one file at a time' ) ) ;
} ,
DUPLICATE_IMPORT_OPTIONS : function ( err ) {
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'use --input, or pass input path as argument' ) ) ;
} ,
ROLLUP_WATCH_NOT_INSTALLED : function ( err ) {
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'rollup --watch depends on the rollup-watch package, which could not be found. You can install it globally (recommended) with ' ) + chalk . cyan ( 'npm install -g rollup-watch' ) ) ;
} ,
console . error ( chalk . red ( 'must specify --input and --output when using rollup --watch' ) ) ;
} ;
module . exports = function handleError ( err ) {
var handler ;
if ( handler = handlers [ err && err . code ] ) {
handler ( err ) ;
} else {
console . error ( chalk . red ( err . message || err ) ) ;
if ( err . stack ) {
console . error ( chalk . grey ( err . stack ) ) ;
console . error ( 'Type ' + chalk . cyan ( 'rollup --help' ) + ' for help, or visit' ) ;
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
} ;