@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ |
import { decode } from 'sourcemap-codec'; |
import { locate } from 'locate-character'; |
import error from './error.js'; |
import relativeId from './relativeId.js'; |
import getCodeFrame from './getCodeFrame.js'; |
export default function transform ( bundle, source, id, plugins ) { |
@ -15,73 +14,87 @@ export default function transform ( bundle, source, id, plugins ) { |
const originalCode = source.code; |
let ast = source.ast; |
let errored = false; |
return plugins.reduce( ( promise, plugin ) => { |
return promise.then( previous => { |
if ( !plugin.transform ) return previous; |
let promise = Promise.resolve( source.code ); |
const context = { |
warn: ( warning, pos ) => { |
if ( typeof warning === 'string' ) { |
warning = { message: warning }; |
} |
plugins.forEach( plugin => { |
if ( !plugin.transform ) return; |
warning.plugin = plugin.name; |
if ( !warning.code ) warning.code = 'PLUGIN_WARNING'; |
promise = promise.then( previous => { |
function augment ( object, pos, code ) { |
if ( typeof object === 'string' ) { |
object = { message: object }; |
} |
if ( pos !== undefined ) { |
warning.pos = pos; |
const { line, column } = locate( previous, pos, { offsetLine: 1 }); |
warning.loc = { file: id, line, column }; |
warning.frame = getCodeFrame( previous, line, column ); |
} |
if ( !object.code ) object.code = code; |
if ( pos !== undefined ) { |
object.pos = pos; |
const { line, column } = locate( previous, pos, { offsetLine: 1 }); |
object.loc = { file: id, line, column }; |
object.frame = getCodeFrame( previous, line, column ); |
} |
return object; |
} |
let err; |
const context = { |
warn: ( warning, pos ) => { |
warning = augment( warning, pos, 'PLUGIN_WARNING' ); |
warning.plugin = plugin.name; |
bundle.warn( warning ); |
}, |
error ( e, pos ) { |
err = augment( e, pos, 'PLUGIN_ERROR' ); |
} |
}; |
return Promise.resolve( plugin.transform.call( context, previous, id ) ).then( result => { |
if ( result == null ) return previous; |
let transformed; |
if ( typeof result === 'string' ) { |
result = { |
code: result, |
ast: null, |
map: null |
}; |
} |
try { |
transformed = plugin.transform.call( context, previous, id ); |
} catch ( err ) { |
context.error( err ); |
} |
// `result.map` can only be a string if `result` isn't
else if ( typeof result.map === 'string' ) { |
result.map = JSON.parse( result.map ); |
} |
return Promise.resolve( transformed ) |
.then( result => { |
if ( err ) throw err; |
if ( result.map && typeof result.map.mappings === 'string' ) { |
result.map.mappings = decode( result.map.mappings ); |
} |
if ( result == null ) return previous; |
sourceMapChain.push( result.map || { missing: true, plugin: plugin.name }); // lil' bit hacky but it works
ast = result.ast; |
if ( typeof result === 'string' ) { |
result = { |
code: result, |
ast: null, |
map: null |
}; |
} |
return result.code; |
}); |
}).catch( err => { |
// TODO this all seems a bit hacky
if ( errored ) throw err; |
errored = true; |
// `result.map` can only be a string if `result` isn't
else if ( typeof result.map === 'string' ) { |
result.map = JSON.parse( result.map ); |
} |
if ( result.map && typeof result.map.mappings === 'string' ) { |
result.map.mappings = decode( result.map.mappings ); |
} |
err.plugin = plugin.name; |
throw err; |
sourceMapChain.push( result.map || { missing: true, plugin: plugin.name }); // lil' bit hacky but it works
ast = result.ast; |
return result.code; |
}) |
.catch( err => { |
err.plugin = plugin.name; |
err.id = id; |
error( err ); |
}); |
}); |
}, Promise.resolve( source.code ) ) |
.catch( err => { |
error({ |
message: `Error transforming ${relativeId( id )}${err.plugin ? ` with '${err.plugin}' plugin` : ''}: ${err.message}`, |
plugin: err.plugin, |
id |
}); |
}) |
.then( code => ({ code, originalCode, originalSourceMap, ast, sourceMapChain }) ); |
}); |
return promise.then( code => ({ code, originalCode, originalSourceMap, ast, sourceMapChain }) ); |
} |