import { basename, extname } from './utils/path'; import { Promise } from 'sander'; import MagicString from 'magic-string'; import { blank, keys } from './utils/object'; import Module from './Module'; import ExternalModule from './ExternalModule'; import finalisers from './finalisers/index'; import makeLegalIdentifier from './utils/makeLegalIdentifier'; import ensureArray from './utils/ensureArray'; import { defaultResolver, defaultExternalResolver } from './utils/resolveId'; import { defaultLoader } from './utils/load'; import getExportMode from './utils/getExportMode'; import getIndentString from './utils/getIndentString'; import { unixizePath } from './utils/normalizePlatform.js'; export default class Bundle { constructor ( options ) { this.entry = options.entry; this.entryModule = null; this.resolveId = options.resolveId || defaultResolver; this.load = options.load || defaultLoader; this.resolveOptions = { external: ensureArray( options.external ), resolveExternal: options.resolveExternal || defaultExternalResolver }; this.loadOptions = { transform: ensureArray( options.transform ) }; this.varExports = blank(); this.toExport = null; this.modulePromises = blank(); this.modules = []; this.statements = null; this.externalModules = []; this.internalNamespaceModules = []; this.assumedGlobals = blank(); this.assumedGlobals.exports = true; // TODO strictly speaking, this only applies with non-ES6, non-default-only bundles } build () { return this.fetchModule( this.entry, undefined ) .then( entryModule => { const defaultExport = entryModule.exports.default; this.entryModule = entryModule; if ( defaultExport ) { // `export default function foo () {...}` - // use the declared name for the export if ( defaultExport.declaredName ) { entryModule.suggestName( 'default', defaultExport.declaredName ); } // `export default a + b` - generate an export name // based on the id of the entry module else { let defaultExportName = makeLegalIdentifier( basename( ).slice( 0, -extname( ).length ) ); // deconflict let topLevelNames = []; entryModule.statements.forEach( statement => { keys( statement.defines ).forEach( name => topLevelNames.push( name ) ); }); while ( ~topLevelNames.indexOf( defaultExportName ) ) { defaultExportName = `_${defaultExportName}`; } entryModule.suggestName( 'default', defaultExportName ); } } return entryModule.markAllStatements( true ); }) .then( () => { return this.markAllModifierStatements(); }) .then( () => { this.orderedModules = this.sort(); }); } deconflict ( es6 ) { let definers = blank(); let conflicts = blank(); // Assign names to external modules this.externalModules.forEach( module => { let name = makeLegalIdentifier( module.suggestedNames['*'] || module.suggestedNames.default || ); while ( definers[ name ] ) { conflicts[ name ] = true; name = `_${name}`; } definers[ name ] = [ module ]; = name; this.assumedGlobals[ name ] = true; }); // Discover conflicts (i.e. two statements in separate modules both define `foo`) this.orderedModules.forEach( module => { module.statements.forEach( statement => { if ( !statement.isIncluded ) return; keys( statement.defines ).forEach( name => { if ( definers[ name ] ) { conflicts[ name ] = true; } else { definers[ name ] = []; } // TODO in good js, there shouldn't be duplicate definitions // per module... but some people write bad js definers[ name ].push( module ); }); }); }); // Ensure we don't conflict with globals keys( this.assumedGlobals ).forEach( name => { if ( definers[ name ] ) { conflicts[ name ] = true; } }); // Rename conflicting identifiers so they can live in the same scope keys( conflicts ).forEach( name => { const modules = definers[ name ]; if ( !this.assumedGlobals[ name ] ) { // the module closest to the entryModule gets away with // keeping things as they are, unless we have a conflict // with a global name modules.pop(); } modules.forEach( module => { const replacement = getSafeName( name ); module.rename( name, replacement ); }); }); // TODO assign names to default/namespace exports, based on suggestions // TODO trace bindings and rename within modules here (rather than later // with getCanonicalName) function getSafeName ( name ) { while ( conflicts[ name ] ) { name = `_${name}`; } conflicts[ name ] = true; return name; } } fetchModule ( importee, importer ) { return Promise.resolve( this.resolveId( importee, importer, this.resolveOptions ) ) .then( id => { if ( !id ) { // external module if ( !this.modulePromises[ importee ] ) { const module = new ExternalModule( importee ); this.externalModules.push( module ); this.modulePromises[ importee ] = Promise.resolve( module ); } return this.modulePromises[ importee ]; } if ( id === importer ) { throw new Error( `A module cannot import itself (${id})` ); } if ( !this.modulePromises[ id ] ) { this.modulePromises[ id ] = Promise.resolve( this.load( id, this.loadOptions ) ) .then( source => { let ast; if ( typeof source === 'object' ) { ast = source.ast; source = source.code; } const module = new Module({ id, source, ast, bundle: this }); this.modules.push( module ); return module; }); } return this.modulePromises[ id ]; }); } markAllModifierStatements () { let settled = true; let promises = []; this.modules.forEach( module => { module.statements.forEach( statement => { if ( statement.isIncluded ) return; keys( statement.modifies ).forEach( name => { const definingStatement = module.definitions[ name ]; const exportDeclaration = module.exports[ name ] || ( module.exports.default && module.exports.default.identifier === name && module.exports.default ); const shouldMark = ( definingStatement && definingStatement.isIncluded ) || ( exportDeclaration && exportDeclaration.isUsed ); if ( shouldMark ) { settled = false; promises.push( statement.mark() ); return; } // special case - const importDeclaration = module.imports[ name ]; if ( !importDeclaration ) return; const promise = Promise.resolve( importDeclaration.module || this.fetchModule( importDeclaration.source, ) ) .then( module => { if ( module.isExternal ) return null; importDeclaration.module = module; const exportDeclaration = module.exports[ ]; // TODO things like `export default a + b` don't apply here... right? return module.findDefiningStatement( exportDeclaration.localName ); }) .then( definingStatement => { if ( !definingStatement ) return; settled = false; return statement.mark(); }); promises.push( promise ); }); }); }); return Promise.all( promises ).then( () => { if ( !settled ) return this.markAllModifierStatements(); }); } render ( options = {} ) { const format = options.format || 'es6'; this.deconflict( format === 'es6' ); // If we have named exports from the bundle, and those exports // are assigned to *within* the bundle, we may need to rewrite e.g. // // export let count = 0; // export function incr () { count++ } // // might become... // // exports.count = 0; // function incr () { // exports.count += 1; // } // exports.incr = incr; // // This doesn't apply if the bundle is exported as ES6! let allBundleExports = blank(); if ( format !== 'es6' ) { keys( this.entryModule.exports ).forEach( key => { const exportDeclaration = this.entryModule.exports[ key ]; const originalDeclaration = this.entryModule.findDeclaration( exportDeclaration.localName ); if ( originalDeclaration && originalDeclaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ) { const canonicalName = this.entryModule.getCanonicalName( exportDeclaration.localName, false ); allBundleExports[ canonicalName ] = `exports.${key}`; this.varExports[ key ] = true; } }); } // since we're rewriting variable exports, we want to // ensure we don't try and export them again at the bottom this.toExport = keys( this.entryModule.exports ) .filter( key => !this.varExports[ key ] ); let magicString = new MagicString.Bundle({ separator: '\n\n' }); this.orderedModules.forEach( module => { const source = module.render( allBundleExports, format ); if ( source.toString().length ) { magicString.addSource( source ); } }); // prepend bundle with internal namespaces const indentString = magicString.getIndentString(); const namespaceBlock = module => { const exportKeys = keys( module.exports ); return `var ${module.getCanonicalName('*', format === 'es6')} = {\n` + key => { const localName = module.exports[ key ].localName; return `${indentString}get ${key} () { return ${module.getCanonicalName(localName, format === 'es6')}; }`; }).join( ',\n' ) + `\n};\n\n`; }).join( '' ); magicString.prepend( namespaceBlock ); const finalise = finalisers[ format ]; if ( !finalise ) { throw new Error( `You must specify an output type - valid options are ${keys( finalisers ).join( ', ' )}` ); } magicString = finalise( this, magicString.trim(), { // Determine export mode - 'default', 'named', 'none' exportMode: getExportMode( this, options.exports ), // Determine indentation indentString: getIndentString( magicString, options ) }, options ); if ( options.banner ) magicString.prepend( options.banner + '\n' ); if ( options.footer ) magicString.append( '\n' + options.footer ); const code = magicString.toString(); let map = null; if ( options.sourceMap ) { const file = options.sourceMapFile || options.dest; map = magicString.generateMap({ includeContent: true, file // TODO }); map.sources = unixizePath ); } return { code, map }; } sort () { let seen = {}; let ordered = []; let hasCycles; let strongDeps = {}; let stronglyDependsOn = {}; function visit ( module ) { seen[ ] = true; const { strongDependencies, weakDependencies } = module.consolidateDependencies(); strongDeps[ ] = []; stronglyDependsOn[ ] = {}; keys( strongDependencies ).forEach( id => { const imported = strongDependencies[ id ]; strongDeps[ ].push( imported ); if ( seen[ id ] ) { // we need to prevent an infinite loop, and note that // we need to check for strong/weak dependency relationships hasCycles = true; return; } visit( imported ); }); keys( weakDependencies ).forEach( id => { const imported = weakDependencies[ id ]; if ( seen[ id ] ) { // we need to prevent an infinite loop, and note that // we need to check for strong/weak dependency relationships hasCycles = true; return; } visit( imported ); }); // add second (and third...) order dependencies function addStrongDependencies ( dependency ) { if ( stronglyDependsOn[ ][ ] ) return; stronglyDependsOn[ ][ ] = true; strongDeps[ ].forEach( addStrongDependencies ); } strongDeps[ ].forEach( addStrongDependencies ); ordered.push( module ); } visit( this.entryModule ); if ( hasCycles ) { let unordered = ordered; ordered = []; // unordered is actually semi-ordered, as [ fewer dependencies ... more dependencies ] unordered.forEach( module => { // ensure strong dependencies of `module` that don't strongly depend on `module` go first strongDeps[ ].forEach( place ); function place ( dep ) { if ( !stronglyDependsOn[ ][ ] && !~ordered.indexOf( dep ) ) { strongDeps[ ].forEach( place ); ordered.push( dep ); } } if ( !~ordered.indexOf( module ) ) { ordered.push( module ); } }); } return ordered; } }