require( 'source-map-support' ).install(); var path = require( 'path' ); var relative = require( 'require-relative' ); var handleError = require( './handleError' ); var rollup = require( '../' ); // log to stderr to keep `rollup main.js > bundle.js` from breaking var log = console.error.bind(console); module.exports = function ( command ) { if ( command._.length > 1 ) { handleError({ code: 'ONE_AT_A_TIME' }); } if ( command._.length === 1 ) { if ( command.input ) { handleError({ code: 'DUPLICATE_IMPORT_OPTIONS' }); } command.input = command._[0]; } if ( command.environment ) { command.environment.split( ',' ).forEach( function ( pair ) { var index = pair.indexOf( ':' ); if ( ~index ) { process.env[ pair.slice( 0, index ) ] = pair.slice( index + 1 ); } else { process.env[ pair ] = true; } }); } var config = command.config === true ? 'rollup.config.js' : command.config; if ( config ) { config = path.resolve( config ); rollup.rollup({ entry: config, onwarn: function ( message ) { if ( /Treating .+ as external dependency/.test( message ) ) return; log( message ); } }).then( function ( bundle ) { var code = bundle.generate({ format: 'cjs' }).code; // temporarily override require var defaultLoader = require.extensions[ '.js' ]; require.extensions[ '.js' ] = function ( m, filename ) { if ( filename === config ) { m._compile( code, filename ); } else { defaultLoader( m, filename ); } }; try { var options = require( path.resolve( config ) ); if ( Object.keys( options ).length === 0 ) { handleError({ code: 'MISSING_CONFIG' }); } } catch ( err ) { handleError( err ); } execute( options, command ); require.extensions[ '.js' ] = defaultLoader; }) .catch(log); } else { execute( {}, command ); } }; var equivalents = { banner: 'banner', footer: 'footer', format: 'format', globals: 'globals', id: 'moduleId', indent: 'indent', input: 'entry', intro: 'intro', name: 'moduleName', output: 'dest', outro: 'outro', sourcemap: 'sourceMap', treeshake: 'treeshake' }; function execute ( options, command ) { var external = ( options.external || [] ) .concat( command.external ? command.external.split( ',' ) : [] ); if ( command.globals ) { var globals = Object.create( null ); command.globals.split( ',' ).forEach(function ( str ) { var names = str.split( ':' ); globals[ names[0] ] = names[1]; // Add missing Module IDs to external. if ( external.indexOf( names[0] ) === -1 ) { external.push( names[0] ); } }); command.globals = globals; } options.onwarn = options.onwarn || log; options.external = external; options.noConflict = command.conflict === false; delete command.conflict; // Use any options passed through the CLI as overrides. Object.keys( equivalents ).forEach( function ( cliOption ) { if ( command.hasOwnProperty( cliOption ) ) { options[ equivalents[ cliOption ] ] = command[ cliOption ]; } }); try { if ( ) { let watch; try { watch = relative( 'rollup-watch', process.cwd() ); } catch ( err ) { // TODO offer to install rollup-watch throw err; } watch( options ); } else { bundle( options ).catch( handleError ); } } catch ( err ) { handleError( err ); } } function bundle ( options ) { if ( !options.entry ) { handleError({ code: 'MISSING_INPUT_OPTION' }); } return rollup.rollup( options ).then( function ( bundle ) { if ( options.dest ) { return bundle.write( options ); } if ( options.targets ) { var result = null; options.targets.forEach( function ( target ) { result = bundle.write(target); }); return result; } if ( options.sourceMap && options.sourceMap !== 'inline' ) { handleError({ code: 'MISSING_OUTPUT_OPTION' }); } var result = bundle.generate( options ); var code = result.code, map =; if ( options.sourceMap === 'inline' ) { code += '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + map.toUrl(); } process.stdout.write( code ); }); }