require( 'source-map-support' ).install(); require( 'console-group' ).install(); const path = require( 'path' ); const sander = require( 'sander' ); const assert = require( 'assert' ); const { exec } = require( 'child_process' ); const buble = require( 'buble' ); const rollup = require( '../dist/rollup' ); const FUNCTION = path.resolve( __dirname, 'function' ); const FORM = path.resolve( __dirname, 'form' ); const SOURCEMAPS = path.resolve( __dirname, 'sourcemaps' ); const CLI = path.resolve( __dirname, 'cli' ); const PROFILES = [ { format: 'amd' }, { format: 'cjs' }, { format: 'es' }, { format: 'iife' }, { format: 'umd' } ]; function extend ( target ) { [] arguments, 1 ).forEach( source => { source && Object.keys( source ).forEach( key => { target[ key ] = source[ key ]; }); }); return target; } function normaliseOutput ( code ) { return code.toString().trim().replace( /\r\n/g, '\n' ); } function loadConfig ( path ) { try { return require( path ); } catch ( err ) { console.error( err.message ); console.error( err.stack ); throw new Error( `Failed to load ${path}. An old test perhaps? You should probably delete the directory` ); } } function loader ( modules ) { return { resolveId ( id ) { return id; }, load ( id ) { return modules[ id ]; } }; } describe( 'rollup', function () { this.timeout( 10000 ); describe( 'sanity checks', () => { it( 'exists', () => { assert.ok( !!rollup ); }); it( 'has a rollup method', () => { assert.equal( typeof rollup.rollup, 'function' ); }); it( 'fails without options', () => { return rollup.rollup().then( () => { throw new Error( 'Missing expected error' ); }, err => { assert.equal( 'You must supply options.entry to rollup', err.message ); }); }); it( 'fails without options.entry', () => { return rollup.rollup({}).then( () => { throw new Error( 'Missing expected error' ); }, err => { assert.equal( 'You must supply options.entry to rollup', err.message ); }); }); it( 'fails with invalid keys', () => { return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'x', plUgins: [] }).then( () => { throw new Error( 'Missing expected error' ); }, err => { assert.equal( err.message, 'Unexpected key \'plUgins\' found, expected one of: acorn, banner, cache, context, dest, entry, exports, external, footer, format, globals, indent, intro, moduleId, moduleName, noConflict, onwarn, outro, paths, plugins, preferConst, sourceMap, sourceMapFile, targets, treeshake, useStrict' ); }); }); }); describe( 'bundle.write()', () => { it( 'fails without options or options.dest', () => { return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'x', plugins: [{ resolveId: () => { return 'test'; }, load: () => { return '// empty'; } }] }).then( bundle => { assert.throws( () => { bundle.write(); }, /must supply options\.dest/ ); assert.throws( () => { bundle.write({}); }, /must supply options\.dest/ ); }); }); it( 'expects options.moduleName for IIFE and UMD bundles', () => { return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'x', plugins: [{ resolveId: () => { return 'test'; }, load: () => { return 'export var foo = 42;'; } }] }).then( bundle => { assert.throws( () => { bundle.generate({ format: 'umd' }); }, /You must supply options\.moduleName for UMD bundles/ ); assert.throws( () => { bundle.generate({ format: 'iife' }); }, /You must supply options\.moduleName for IIFE bundles/ ); }); }); it( 'warns on es6 format', () => { let warned; return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'x', plugins: [{ resolveId: () => { return 'test'; }, load: () => { return '// empty'; } }], onwarn: msg => { if ( /The es6 format is deprecated/.test( msg ) ) warned = true; } }).then( bundle => { bundle.generate({ format: 'es6' }); assert.ok( warned ); }); }); }); describe( 'function', () => { sander.readdirSync( FUNCTION ).sort().forEach( dir => { if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return; // .DS_Store... const config = loadConfig( FUNCTION + '/' + dir + '/_config.js' ); ( config.skip ? it.skip : config.solo ? it.only : it )( dir, () => { const warnings = []; const captureWarning = msg => warnings.push( msg ); const options = extend( { entry: FUNCTION + '/' + dir + '/main.js', onwarn: captureWarning }, config.options ); if ( config.solo ) dir ); return rollup.rollup( options ) .then( bundle => { let unintendedError; if ( config.error ) { throw new Error( 'Expected an error while rolling up' ); } let result; // try to generate output try { result = bundle.generate( extend( {}, config.bundleOptions, { format: 'cjs' })); if ( config.generateError ) { unintendedError = new Error( 'Expected an error while generating output' ); } } catch ( err ) { if ( config.generateError ) { config.generateError( err ); } else { unintendedError = err; } } if ( unintendedError ) throw unintendedError; if ( config.error || config.generateError ) return; let code = result.code; if ( config.buble ) { code = buble.transform( code, { transforms: { modules: false } }).code; } if ( config.code ) config.code( code ); const module = { exports: {} }; const context = extend({ require, module, assert, exports: module.exports }, config.context || {} ); const contextKeys = Object.keys( context ); const contextValues = key => context[ key ] ); try { const fn = new Function( contextKeys, code ); fn.apply( {}, contextValues ); if ( config.runtimeError ) { unintendedError = new Error( 'Expected an error while executing output' ); } else { if ( config.exports ) config.exports( module.exports ); if ( config.bundle ) config.bundle( bundle ); } } catch ( err ) { if ( config.runtimeError ) { config.runtimeError( err ); } else { unintendedError = err; } } if ( config.warnings ) { config.warnings( warnings ); } else if ( warnings.length ) { throw new Error( `Got unexpected warnings:\n${warnings.join('\n')}` ); } if ( || unintendedError ) { console.log( code + '\n\n\n' ); } if ( config.solo ) console.groupEnd(); if ( unintendedError ) throw unintendedError; }, err => { if ( config.error ) { config.error( err ); } else { throw err; } }); }); }); }); describe( 'form', () => { sander.readdirSync( FORM ).sort().forEach( dir => { if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return; // .DS_Store... const config = loadConfig( FORM + '/' + dir + '/_config.js' ); if ( config.skipIfWindows && process.platform === 'win32' ) return; if ( !config.options ) { config.options = {}; } if ( !( 'indent' in config.options ) ) { config.options.indent = true; } const options = extend( {}, { entry: FORM + '/' + dir + '/main.js', onwarn: msg => { if ( /No name was provided for/.test( msg ) ) return; if ( /as external dependency/.test( msg ) ) return; console.error( msg ); } }, config.options ); ( config.skip ? describe.skip : config.solo ? describe.only : describe)( dir, () => { PROFILES.forEach( profile => { it( 'generates ' + profile.format, () => { return rollup.rollup( options ).then( bundle => { const options = extend( {}, config.options, { dest: FORM + '/' + dir + '/_actual/' + profile.format + '.js', format: profile.format }); return bundle.write( options ).then( () => { const actualCode = normaliseOutput( sander.readFileSync( FORM, dir, '_actual', profile.format + '.js' ) ); let expectedCode; let actualMap; let expectedMap; try { expectedCode = normaliseOutput( sander.readFileSync( FORM, dir, '_expected', profile.format + '.js' ) ); } catch ( err ) { expectedCode = 'missing file'; } try { actualMap = JSON.parse( sander.readFileSync( FORM, dir, '_actual', profile.format + '' ).toString() ); actualMap.sourcesContent = normaliseOutput ); } catch ( err ) { assert.equal( err.code, 'ENOENT' ); } try { expectedMap = JSON.parse( sander.readFileSync( FORM, dir, '_expected', profile.format + '' ).toString() ); expectedMap.sourcesContent = normaliseOutput ); } catch ( err ) { assert.equal( err.code, 'ENOENT' ); } if ( ) { console.log( actualCode + '\n\n\n' ); } assert.equal( actualCode, expectedCode ); assert.deepEqual( actualMap, expectedMap ); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe( 'sourcemaps', () => { sander.readdirSync( SOURCEMAPS ).sort().forEach( dir => { if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return; // .DS_Store... describe( dir, () => { process.chdir( SOURCEMAPS + '/' + dir ); const config = loadConfig( SOURCEMAPS + '/' + dir + '/_config.js' ); const entry = path.resolve( SOURCEMAPS, dir, 'main.js' ); const dest = path.resolve( SOURCEMAPS, dir, '_actual/bundle' ); const options = extend( {}, config.options, { entry }); PROFILES.forEach( profile => { ( config.skip ? it.skip : config.solo ? it.only : it )( 'generates ' + profile.format, () => { process.chdir( SOURCEMAPS + '/' + dir ); return rollup.rollup( options ).then( bundle => { const options = extend( {}, { format: profile.format, sourceMap: true, dest: `${dest}.${profile.format}.js` }, config.options ); bundle.write( options ); if ( config.before ) config.before(); const result = bundle.generate( options ); config.test( result.code, ); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe( 'cli', () => { sander.readdirSync( CLI ).sort().forEach( dir => { if ( dir[0] === '.' ) return; // .DS_Store... describe( dir, () => { const config = loadConfig( CLI + '/' + dir + '/_config.js' ); ( config.skip ? it.skip : config.solo ? it.only : it )( dir, done => { process.chdir( config.cwd || path.resolve( CLI, dir ) ); const command = 'node ' + path.resolve( __dirname, '../bin' ) + path.sep + config.command; exec( command, {}, ( err, code, stderr ) => { if ( err ) { if ( config.error ) { config.error( err ); return done(); } else { throw err; } } if ( stderr ) console.error( stderr ); let unintendedError; if ( config.execute ) { try { if ( config.buble ) { code = buble.transform( code, { transforms: { modules: false } }).code; } const fn = new Function( 'require', 'module', 'exports', 'assert', code ); const module = { exports: {} }; fn( require, module, module.exports, assert ); if ( config.error ) { unintendedError = new Error( 'Expected an error while executing output' ); } if ( config.exports ) { config.exports( module.exports ); } } catch ( err ) { if ( config.error ) { config.error( err ); } else { unintendedError = err; } } if ( || unintendedError ) { console.log( code + '\n\n\n' ); } if ( config.solo ) console.groupEnd(); unintendedError ? done( unintendedError ) : done(); } else if ( config.result ) { try { config.result( code ); done(); } catch ( err ) { done( err ); } } else if ( sander.existsSync( '_expected' ) && sander.statSync( '_expected' ).isDirectory() ) { let error = null; sander.readdirSync( '_expected' ).forEach( child => { const expected = sander.readFileSync( path.join( '_expected', child ) ).toString(); const actual = sander.readFileSync( path.join( '_actual', child ) ).toString(); try { assert.equal( normaliseOutput( actual ), normaliseOutput( expected ) ); } catch ( err ) { error = err; } }); done( error ); } else { const expected = sander.readFileSync( '_expected.js' ).toString(); try { assert.equal( normaliseOutput( code ), normaliseOutput( expected ) ); done(); } catch ( err ) { done( err ); } } }); }); }); }); }); describe( 'incremental', () => { function executeBundle ( bundle ) { const cjs = bundle.generate({ format: 'cjs' }); const m = new Function( 'module', 'exports', cjs.code ); const module = { exports: {} }; m( module, module.exports ); return module.exports; } let resolveIdCalls; let transformCalls; let modules; const plugin = { resolveId: id => { resolveIdCalls += 1; return id; }, load: id => { return modules[ id ]; }, transform: code => { transformCalls += 1; return code; } }; beforeEach( () => { resolveIdCalls = 0; transformCalls = 0; modules = { entry: `import foo from 'foo'; export default foo;`, foo: `export default 42`, bar: `export default 21` }; }); it('does not resolves id and transforms in the second time', () => { return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ plugin ] }).then( bundle => { assert.equal( resolveIdCalls, 2 ); assert.equal( transformCalls, 2 ); return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ plugin ], cache: bundle }); }).then( bundle => { assert.equal( resolveIdCalls, 3 ); // +1 for entry point which is resolved every time assert.equal( transformCalls, 2 ); assert.equal( executeBundle( bundle ), 42 ); }); }); it('transforms modified sources', () => { let cache; return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ plugin ] }).then( bundle => { assert.equal( transformCalls, 2 ); assert.equal( executeBundle( bundle ), 42 ); = `export default 43`; cache = bundle; }).then( () => { return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ plugin ], cache }); }).then( bundle => { assert.equal( transformCalls, 3 ); assert.equal( executeBundle( bundle ), 43 ); }); }); it('resolves id of new imports', () => { let cache; return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ plugin ] }).then( bundle => { assert.equal( resolveIdCalls, 2 ); assert.equal( executeBundle( bundle ), 42 ); modules.entry = `import bar from 'bar'; export default bar;`; cache = bundle; }).then( () => { return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ plugin ], cache }); }).then( bundle => { assert.equal( resolveIdCalls, 4 ); assert.equal( executeBundle( bundle ), 21 ); }); }); }); describe( 'hooks', () => { it( 'passes bundle & output object to ongenerate & onwrite hooks', () => { const dest = path.join( __dirname, 'tmp/bundle.js' ); return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ loader({ entry: `alert('hello')` }), { ongenerate ( bundle, out ) { out.ongenerate = true; }, onwrite (bundle, out ) { assert.equal(out.ongenerate, true); } } ] }).then( bundle => { return bundle.write({ dest }); }).then( () => { return sander.unlink( dest ); }); }); it( 'calls ongenerate hooks in sequence', () => { const result = []; return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ loader({ entry: `alert('hello')` }), { ongenerate ( info ) { result.push({ a: info.format }); } }, { ongenerate ( info ) { result.push({ b: info.format }); } } ] }).then( bundle => { bundle.generate({ format: 'cjs' }); assert.deepEqual( result, [ { a: 'cjs' }, { b: 'cjs' } ]); }); }); it( 'calls onwrite hooks in sequence', () => { const result = []; const dest = path.join( __dirname, 'tmp/bundle.js' ); return rollup.rollup({ entry: 'entry', plugins: [ loader({ entry: `alert('hello')` }), { onwrite ( info ) { return new Promise( ( fulfil ) => { result.push({ a: info.dest, format: info.format }); fulfil(); }); } }, { onwrite ( info ) { result.push({ b: info.dest, format: info.format }); } } ] }).then( bundle => { return bundle.write({ dest, format: 'cjs' }); }).then( () => { assert.deepEqual( result, [ { a: dest, format: 'cjs' }, { b: dest, format: 'cjs' } ]); return sander.unlink( dest ); }); }); }); });