import { basename } from './utils/path.js'; import { writeFile } from './utils/fs.js'; import { keys } from './utils/object.js'; import validateKeys from './utils/validateKeys.js'; import SOURCEMAPPING_URL from './utils/sourceMappingURL.js'; import Bundle from './Bundle.js'; export const VERSION = '<@VERSION@>'; const ALLOWED_KEYS = [ 'acorn', 'banner', 'cache', 'dest', 'entry', 'exports', 'external', 'footer', 'format', 'globals', 'indent', 'intro', 'moduleId', 'moduleName', 'noConflict', 'onwarn', 'outro', 'plugins', 'preferConst', 'sourceMap', 'targets', 'treeshake', 'useStrict' ]; export function rollup ( options ) { if ( !options || !options.entry ) { return Promise.reject( new Error( 'You must supply options.entry to rollup' ) ); } if ( options.transform || options.load || options.resolveId || options.resolveExternal ) { return Promise.reject( new Error( 'The `transform`, `load`, `resolveId` and `resolveExternal` options are deprecated in favour of a unified plugin API. See for details' ) ); } const error = validateKeys( options, ALLOWED_KEYS ); if ( error ) { return Promise.reject( error ); } const bundle = new Bundle( options ); return () => { return { imports: module => ), exports: keys( bundle.entryModule.exports ), modules: module => module.toJSON() ), generate: options => bundle.render( options ), write: options => { if ( !options || !options.dest ) { throw new Error( 'You must supply options.dest to bundle.write' ); } const dest = options.dest; let { code, map } = bundle.render( options ); let promises = []; if ( options.sourceMap ) { let url; if ( options.sourceMap === 'inline' ) { url = map.toUrl(); } else { url = `${basename( dest )}.map`; promises.push( writeFile( dest + '.map', map.toString() ) ); } code += `\n//# ${SOURCEMAPPING_URL}=${url}`; } promises.push( writeFile( dest, code ) ); return Promise.all( promises ); } }; }); }