# rollup changelog ## 0.7.8 * Avoid using `path.parse` - unsupported in node 0.10 ## 0.7.7 * Promise `source-map-support` from `devDependencies` to `dependencies` ([#23](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/23)) ## 0.7.6 * Better placement of `export default` statements ([#21](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/21)) * Prevent function calls and property assignments from being treated as rebinding for sake of unbound default exports * Add `--external foo,bar,baz` option to CLI (equivalent to `external: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']`) * Add CLI tests ## 0.7.5 * Prevent accidental conflicts with the global namespace ([#20](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/20)) ## 0.7.4 * More precise statement re-ordering to satisfy `export default` constraint (fixes bug introduced in 0.7.3) ## 0.7.3 * Default exports are not bound. To enable this, statements within a module are sorted to retain their original order ([#15](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/15)) * Better positioning of comments ([#14](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/14)) * Various fixes to get Travis-CI rigged up ## 0.7.2 * Fix sourcemap paths on Windows ([#6](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/pull/6)) ## 0.7.1 * Named functions can be used as default exports from a bundle * Method calls are assumed to mutate the owner (i.e. `foo.bar()` mutates `foo`) ([#13](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/13)) * `options.indent` can be used to control indentation of resulting bundle. `options.true` (default) means 'auto', `options.false` means empty string. Alternatively specify whitespace e.g. `' '` or `'\t'` ([#5](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/5)) ## 0.7.0 * Ensure statements are always separated by a newline ([#9](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/pull/9)) * Use CommonJS `exports` correctly (UMD exports) * Throw error if `moduleName` is required but missing (UMD exports) * Attach IIFE global to `this` rather than `window` * Allow names inside bundle to the the names of `Object.prototype` properties ([#12](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/pull/12)) * Keep exports live ([#11](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/pull/11)) ## 0.6.5 * Add sourceMappingURL comment to code, as appropriate * Higher resolution sourcemaps ## 0.6.4 * Fix CJS bundling with default export ## 0.6.3 * Fix exports and external module imports with some output formats * Fix endless cycle bug on Windows ([#3](https://github.com/rollup/rollup/pull/3)) - thanks @Bobris ## 0.6.2 * Permit assignments to properties of imported bindings ## 0.6.1 * Support for basic transformers ## 0.6.0 * BREAKING - `rollup.rollup` and `bundle.write` both take a single options argument * BREAKING - external modules must be declared upfront with `options.external: [...]` * Non-relative module paths will be resolved by looking for `jsnext:main` fields in the appropriate `package.json` files. This behaviour can be overridden by passing an alternative `resolveExternal` function * Fix sourcemap options * Include CLI files in npm package (duh) ## 0.5.0 * Command line interface * Sourcemap generation * Correct behaviour with `export { x as y } from 'z'` ## 0.4.1 * More import name deconflicting ## 0.4.0 * Self-hosting! `rollup.rollup` now rolls up rollup * Fix bug with comments inside a statement later being appended to it * Prevent shadowing of external modules * Rewrite computed property identifiers where necessary * Preserve original statement order where possible * Internal refactoring ## 0.3.1 * Saner deconflicting * Rename namespace imports from external modules correctly ## 0.3.0 * Basic functionality present, mostly spec-compliant ## 0.2.1 * Include dist files in npm package (duh) ## 0.2.0 * First release capable of doing anything useful * Still lots of basic functionality missing ## 0.1.0 * Initial experiment