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669 lines
19 KiB
import { parse } from 'acorn';
import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import { walk } from 'estree-walker';
import Statement from './Statement';
import { blank, keys } from './utils/object';
import { basename, extname } from './utils/path';
import getLocation from './utils/getLocation';
import makeLegalIdentifier from './utils/makeLegalIdentifier';
import SOURCEMAPPING_URL from './utils/sourceMappingURL';
class SyntheticDefaultDeclaration {
constructor ( node, statement, name ) {
this.node = node;
this.statement = statement;
this.name = name;
this.original = null;
this.isExported = false;
this.aliases = [];
addAlias ( declaration ) {
this.aliases.push( declaration );
addReference ( reference ) {
reference.declaration = this;
this.name = reference.name;
bind ( declaration ) {
this.original = declaration;
render () {
return !this.original || this.original.isReassigned ?
this.name :
use () {
this.isUsed = true;
this.aliases.forEach( alias => alias.use() );
class SyntheticNamespaceDeclaration {
constructor ( module ) {
this.module = module;
this.name = null;
this.needsNamespaceBlock = false;
this.aliases = [];
this.originals = blank();
module.getExports().forEach( name => {
this.originals[ name ] = module.traceExport( name );
addAlias ( declaration ) {
this.aliases.push( declaration );
addReference ( reference ) {
// if we have e.g. `foo.bar`, we can optimise
// the reference by pointing directly to `bar`
if ( reference.parts.length ) {
reference.name = reference.parts.shift();
reference.end += reference.name.length + 1; // TODO this is brittle
const original = this.originals[ reference.name ];
original.addReference( reference );
// otherwise we're accessing the namespace directly,
// which means we need to mark all of this module's
// exports and render a namespace block in the bundle
if ( !this.needsNamespaceBlock ) {
this.needsNamespaceBlock = true;
this.module.bundle.internalNamespaces.push( this );
keys( this.originals ).forEach( name => {
const original = this.originals[ name ];
reference.declaration = this;
this.name = reference.name;
renderBlock ( indentString ) {
const members = keys( this.originals ).map( name => {
const original = this.originals[ name ];
if ( original.isReassigned ) {
return `${indentString}get ${name} () { return ${original.render()}; }`;
return `${indentString}${name}: ${original.render()}`;
return `var ${this.render()} = {\n${members.join( ',\n' )}\n};\n\n`;
render () {
return this.name;
use () {
// noop?
this.aliases.forEach( alias => alias.use() );
export default class Module {
constructor ({ id, source, ast, bundle }) {
this.source = source;
this.bundle = bundle;
this.id = id;
// all dependencies
this.dependencies = [];
this.resolvedIds = blank();
// imports and exports, indexed by local name
this.imports = blank();
this.exports = blank();
this.reexports = blank();
this.exportAllSources = [];
this.exportAllModules = null;
// By default, `id` is the filename. Custom resolvers and loaders
// can change that, but it makes sense to use it for the source filename
this.magicString = new MagicString( source, {
filename: id,
indentExclusionRanges: []
// remove existing sourceMappingURL comments
const pattern = new RegExp( `\\/\\/#\\s+${SOURCEMAPPING_URL}=.+\\n?`, 'g' );
let match;
while ( match = pattern.exec( source ) ) {
this.magicString.remove( match.index, match.index + match[0].length );
this.comments = [];
this.statements = this.parse( ast );
this.declarations = blank();
addExport ( statement ) {
const node = statement.node;
const source = node.source && node.source.value;
// export { name } from './other'
if ( source ) {
if ( !~this.dependencies.indexOf( source ) ) this.dependencies.push( source );
if ( node.type === 'ExportAllDeclaration' ) {
// Store `export * from '...'` statements in an array of delegates.
// When an unknown import is encountered, we see if one of them can satisfy it.
this.exportAllSources.push( source );
else {
node.specifiers.forEach( specifier => {
this.reexports[ specifier.exported.name ] = {
localName: specifier.local.name,
module: null // filled in later
// export default function foo () {}
// export default foo;
// export default 42;
else if ( node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' ) {
const identifier = ( node.declaration.id && node.declaration.id.name ) || node.declaration.name;
this.exports.default = {
localName: 'default',
// create a synthetic declaration
this.declarations.default = new SyntheticDefaultDeclaration( node, statement, identifier || this.basename() );
// export { foo, bar, baz }
// export var foo = 42;
// export function foo () {}
else if ( node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' ) {
if ( node.specifiers.length ) {
// export { foo, bar, baz }
node.specifiers.forEach( specifier => {
const localName = specifier.local.name;
const exportedName = specifier.exported.name;
this.exports[ exportedName ] = { localName };
else {
let declaration = node.declaration;
let name;
if ( declaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ) {
// export var foo = 42
name = declaration.declarations[0].id.name;
} else {
// export function foo () {}
name = declaration.id.name;
this.exports[ name ] = { localName: name };
addImport ( statement ) {
const node = statement.node;
const source = node.source.value;
if ( !~this.dependencies.indexOf( source ) ) this.dependencies.push( source );
node.specifiers.forEach( specifier => {
const localName = specifier.local.name;
if ( this.imports[ localName ] ) {
const err = new Error( `Duplicated import '${localName}'` );
err.file = this.id;
err.loc = getLocation( this.source, specifier.start );
throw err;
const isDefault = specifier.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier';
const isNamespace = specifier.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier';
const name = isDefault ? 'default' : isNamespace ? '*' : specifier.imported.name;
this.imports[ localName ] = { source, name, module: null };
analyse () {
// discover this module's imports and exports
this.statements.forEach( statement => {
if ( statement.isImportDeclaration ) this.addImport( statement );
else if ( statement.isExportDeclaration ) this.addExport( statement );
statement.scope.eachDeclaration( ( name, declaration ) => {
this.declarations[ name ] = declaration;
basename () {
return makeLegalIdentifier( basename( this.id ).slice( 0, -extname( this.id ).length ) );
bindAliases () {
keys( this.declarations ).forEach( name => {
const declaration = this.declarations[ name ];
const statement = declaration.statement;
if ( statement.node.type !== 'VariableDeclaration' ) return;
statement.references.forEach( reference => {
if ( reference.name === name || !reference.isImmediatelyUsed ) return;
const otherDeclaration = this.trace( reference.name );
if ( otherDeclaration ) otherDeclaration.addAlias( declaration );
bindImportSpecifiers () {
[ this.imports, this.reexports ].forEach( specifiers => {
keys( specifiers ).forEach( name => {
const specifier = specifiers[ name ];
const id = this.resolvedIds[ specifier.source ];
specifier.module = this.bundle.moduleById[ id ];
this.exportAllModules = this.exportAllSources.map( source => {
const id = this.resolvedIds[ source ];
return this.bundle.moduleById[ id ];
bindReferences () {
if ( this.declarations.default ) {
if ( this.exports.default.identifier ) {
const declaration = this.trace( this.exports.default.identifier );
if ( declaration ) this.declarations.default.bind( declaration );
this.statements.forEach( statement => {
// skip `export { foo, bar, baz }`...
if ( statement.node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && statement.node.specifiers.length ) {
// ...unless this is the entry module
if ( this !== this.bundle.entryModule ) return;
statement.references.forEach( reference => {
const declaration = reference.scope.findDeclaration( reference.name ) ||
this.trace( reference.name );
if ( declaration ) {
declaration.addReference( reference );
} else {
// TODO handle globals
this.bundle.assumedGlobals[ reference.name ] = true;
consolidateDependencies () {
let strongDependencies = blank();
let weakDependencies = blank();
// treat all imports as weak dependencies
this.dependencies.forEach( source => {
const id = this.resolvedIds[ source ];
const dependency = this.bundle.moduleById[ id ];
if ( !dependency.isExternal ) {
weakDependencies[ dependency.id ] = dependency;
// identify strong dependencies to break ties in case of cycles
this.statements.forEach( statement => {
statement.references.forEach( reference => {
const declaration = reference.declaration;
if ( declaration && declaration.statement ) {
const module = declaration.statement.module;
if ( module === this ) return;
// TODO disregard function declarations
if ( reference.isImmediatelyUsed ) {
strongDependencies[ module.id ] = module;
return { strongDependencies, weakDependencies };
getExports () {
let exports = blank();
keys( this.exports ).forEach( name => {
exports[ name ] = true;
keys( this.reexports ).forEach( name => {
exports[ name ] = true;
this.exportAllModules.forEach( module => {
module.getExports().forEach( name => {
if ( name !== 'default' ) exports[ name ] = true;
return keys( exports );
markAllSideEffects () {
let hasSideEffect = false;
this.statements.forEach( statement => {
if ( statement.markSideEffect() ) hasSideEffect = true;
return hasSideEffect;
namespace () {
if ( !this.declarations['*'] ) {
this.declarations['*'] = new SyntheticNamespaceDeclaration( this );
return this.declarations['*'];
parse ( ast ) {
// The ast can be supplied programmatically (but usually won't be)
if ( !ast ) {
// Try to extract a list of top-level statements/declarations. If
// the parse fails, attach file info and abort
try {
ast = parse( this.source, {
ecmaVersion: 6,
sourceType: 'module',
onComment: ( block, text, start, end ) => this.comments.push({ block, text, start, end }),
preserveParens: true
} catch ( err ) {
err.code = 'PARSE_ERROR';
err.file = this.id; // see above - not necessarily true, but true enough
err.message += ` in ${this.id}`;
throw err;
walk( ast, {
enter: node => {
this.magicString.addSourcemapLocation( node.start );
this.magicString.addSourcemapLocation( node.end );
let statements = [];
let lastChar = 0;
let commentIndex = 0;
ast.body.forEach( node => {
// special case - top-level var declarations with multiple declarators
// should be split up. Otherwise, we may end up including code we
// don't need, just because an unwanted declarator is included
if ( node.type === 'VariableDeclaration' && node.declarations.length > 1 ) {
// remove the leading var/let/const... UNLESS the previous node
// was also a synthetic node, in which case it'll get removed anyway
const lastStatement = statements[ statements.length - 1 ];
if ( !lastStatement || !lastStatement.node.isSynthetic ) {
this.magicString.remove( node.start, node.declarations[0].start );
node.declarations.forEach( declarator => {
const { start, end } = declarator;
const syntheticNode = {
type: 'VariableDeclaration',
kind: node.kind,
declarations: [ declarator ],
isSynthetic: true
const statement = new Statement( syntheticNode, this, start, end );
statements.push( statement );
lastChar = node.end; // TODO account for trailing line comment
else {
let comment;
do {
comment = this.comments[ commentIndex ];
if ( !comment ) break;
if ( comment.start > node.start ) break;
commentIndex += 1;
} while ( comment.end < lastChar );
const start = comment ? Math.min( comment.start, node.start ) : node.start;
const end = node.end; // TODO account for trailing line comment
const statement = new Statement( node, this, start, end );
statements.push( statement );
lastChar = end;
statements.forEach( ( statement, i ) => {
const nextStatement = statements[ i + 1 ];
statement.next = nextStatement ? nextStatement.start : statement.end;
return statements;
render ( es6 ) {
let magicString = this.magicString.clone();
this.statements.forEach( statement => {
if ( !statement.isIncluded ) {
magicString.remove( statement.start, statement.next );
statement.stringLiteralRanges.forEach( range => magicString.indentExclusionRanges.push( range ) );
// skip `export { foo, bar, baz }`
if ( statement.node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' ) {
// skip `export { foo, bar, baz }`
if ( statement.node.specifiers.length ) {
magicString.remove( statement.start, statement.next );
// split up/remove var declarations as necessary
if ( statement.node.isSynthetic ) {
// insert `var/let/const` if necessary
const declaration = this.declarations[ statement.node.declarations[0].id.name ];
if ( !( declaration.isExported && declaration.isReassigned ) ) { // TODO encapsulate this
magicString.insert( statement.start, `${statement.node.kind} ` );
magicString.overwrite( statement.end, statement.next, ';\n' ); // TODO account for trailing newlines
let toDeshadow = blank();
statement.references.forEach( reference => {
const declaration = reference.declaration;
if ( declaration ) {
const { start, end } = reference;
const name = declaration.render( es6 );
// the second part of this check is necessary because of
// namespace optimisation – name of `foo.bar` could be `bar`
if ( reference.name === name && name.length === reference.end - reference.start ) return;
reference.rewritten = true;
// prevent local variables from shadowing renamed references
const identifier = name.match( /[^\.]+/ )[0];
if ( reference.scope.contains( identifier ) ) {
toDeshadow[ identifier ] = `${identifier}$$`; // TODO more robust mechanism
if ( reference.isShorthandProperty ) {
magicString.insert( end, `: ${name}` );
} else {
magicString.overwrite( start, end, name, true );
if ( keys( toDeshadow ).length ) {
statement.references.forEach( reference => {
if ( !reference.rewritten && reference.name in toDeshadow ) {
magicString.overwrite( reference.start, reference.end, toDeshadow[ reference.name ], true );
// modify exports as necessary
if ( statement.isExportDeclaration ) {
// remove `export` from `export var foo = 42`
if ( statement.node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && statement.node.declaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ) {
const name = statement.node.declaration.declarations[0].id.name;
const declaration = this.declarations[ name ];
const end = declaration.isExported && declaration.isReassigned ?
statement.node.declaration.declarations[0].start :
magicString.remove( statement.node.start, end );
else if ( statement.node.type === 'ExportAllDeclaration' ) {
// TODO: remove once `export * from 'external'` is supported.
magicString.remove( statement.start, statement.next );
// remove `export` from `export class Foo {...}` or `export default Foo`
// TODO default exports need different treatment
else if ( statement.node.declaration.id ) {
magicString.remove( statement.node.start, statement.node.declaration.start );
else if ( statement.node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' ) {
const defaultDeclaration = this.declarations.default;
// prevent `var foo = foo`
if ( defaultDeclaration.original && !defaultDeclaration.original.isReassigned ) {
magicString.remove( statement.start, statement.next );
const defaultName = defaultDeclaration.render();
// prevent `var undefined = sideEffectyDefault(foo)`
if ( !defaultDeclaration.isExported && !defaultDeclaration.isUsed ) {
magicString.remove( statement.start, statement.node.declaration.start );
// anonymous functions should be converted into declarations
if ( statement.node.declaration.type === 'FunctionExpression' ) {
magicString.overwrite( statement.node.start, statement.node.declaration.start + 8, `function ${defaultName}` );
} else {
magicString.overwrite( statement.node.start, statement.node.declaration.start, `var ${defaultName} = ` );
else {
throw new Error( 'Unhandled export' );
// add namespace block if necessary
const namespace = this.declarations['*'];
if ( namespace && namespace.needsNamespaceBlock ) {
magicString.append( '\n\n' + namespace.renderBlock( magicString.getIndentString() ) );
return magicString.trim();
trace ( name ) {
if ( name in this.declarations ) return this.declarations[ name ];
if ( name in this.imports ) {
const importDeclaration = this.imports[ name ];
const otherModule = importDeclaration.module;
if ( importDeclaration.name === '*' && !otherModule.isExternal ) {
return otherModule.namespace();
return otherModule.traceExport( importDeclaration.name, this );
return null;
traceExport ( name, importer ) {
// export { foo } from './other'
const reexportDeclaration = this.reexports[ name ];
if ( reexportDeclaration ) {
return reexportDeclaration.module.traceExport( reexportDeclaration.localName, this );
const exportDeclaration = this.exports[ name ];
if ( exportDeclaration ) {
return this.trace( exportDeclaration.localName );
for ( let i = 0; i < this.exportAllModules.length; i += 1 ) {
const module = this.exportAllModules[i];
const declaration = module.traceExport( name, this );
if ( declaration ) return declaration;
let errorMessage = `Module ${this.id} does not export ${name}`;
if ( importer ) errorMessage += ` (imported by ${importer.id})`;
throw new Error( errorMessage );