mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/rollup.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
248 lines
5.7 KiB
248 lines
5.7 KiB
import { resolve } from 'path';
import relative from 'require-relative';
import handleError from './handleError';
import SOURCEMAPPING_URL from './sourceMappingUrl.js';
const rollup = require( '../dist/rollup.js' ); // TODO make this an import, somehow
import { install as installSourcemapSupport } from 'source-map-support';
// stderr to stderr to keep `rollup main.js > bundle.js` from breaking
const stderr = console.error.bind( console ); // eslint-disable-line no-console
export default function runRollup ( command ) {
if ( command._.length > 1 ) {
handleError({ code: 'ONE_AT_A_TIME' });
if ( command._.length === 1 ) {
if ( command.input ) {
handleError({ code: 'DUPLICATE_IMPORT_OPTIONS' });
command.input = command._[0];
if ( command.environment ) {
command.environment.split( ',' ).forEach( pair => {
const index = pair.indexOf( ':' );
if ( ~index ) {
process.env[ pair.slice( 0, index ) ] = pair.slice( index + 1 );
} else {
process.env[ pair ] = true;
let config = command.config === true ? 'rollup.config.js' : command.config;
if ( config ) {
if ( config.slice( 0, 5 ) === 'node:' ) {
const pkgName = config.slice( 5 );
try {
config = relative.resolve( `rollup-config-${pkgName}`, process.cwd() );
} catch ( err ) {
try {
config = relative.resolve( pkgName, process.cwd() );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ) {
handleError({ code: 'MISSING_EXTERNAL_CONFIG', config });
throw err;
} else {
config = resolve( config );
entry: config,
onwarn: message => {
if ( /Treating .+ as external dependency/.test( message ) ) return;
stderr( message );
}).then( bundle => {
const { code } = bundle.generate({
format: 'cjs'
// temporarily override require
var defaultLoader = require.extensions[ '.js' ];
require.extensions[ '.js' ] = ( m, filename ) => {
if ( filename === config ) {
m._compile( code, filename );
} else {
defaultLoader( m, filename );
try {
const options = require( resolve( config ) );
if ( Object.keys( options ).length === 0 ) {
handleError({ code: 'MISSING_CONFIG' });
execute( options, command );
require.extensions[ '.js' ] = defaultLoader;
} catch ( err ) {
handleError( err );
.catch( stderr );
} else {
execute( {}, command );
const equivalents = {
banner: 'banner',
footer: 'footer',
format: 'format',
globals: 'globals',
id: 'moduleId',
indent: 'indent',
input: 'entry',
intro: 'intro',
name: 'moduleName',
output: 'dest',
outro: 'outro',
sourcemap: 'sourceMap',
treeshake: 'treeshake'
function execute ( options, command ) {
let external;
const commandExternal = ( command.external || '' ).split( ',' );
const optionsExternal = options.external;
if ( command.globals ) {
let globals = Object.create( null );
command.globals.split( ',' ).forEach( str => {
const names = str.split( ':' );
globals[ names[0] ] = names[1];
// Add missing Module IDs to external.
if ( commandExternal.indexOf( names[0] ) === -1 ) {
commandExternal.push( names[0] );
command.globals = globals;
if ( typeof optionsExternal === 'function' ) {
external = id => {
return optionsExternal( id ) || ~commandExternal.indexOf( id );
} else {
external = ( optionsExternal || [] ).concat( commandExternal );
options.onwarn = options.onwarn || stderr;
options.external = external;
options.noConflict = command.conflict === false;
delete command.conflict;
// Use any options passed through the CLI as overrides.
Object.keys( equivalents ).forEach( cliOption => {
if ( command.hasOwnProperty( cliOption ) ) {
options[ equivalents[ cliOption ] ] = command[ cliOption ];
try {
if ( command.watch ) {
if ( !options.entry || ( !options.dest && !options.targets ) ) {
handleError({ code: 'WATCHER_MISSING_INPUT_OR_OUTPUT' });
try {
const watch = relative( 'rollup-watch', process.cwd() );
const watcher = watch( rollup, options );
watcher.on( 'event', event => {
switch ( event.code ) {
case 'STARTING':
stderr( 'checking rollup-watch version...' );
stderr( 'bundling...' );
case 'BUILD_END':
stderr( 'bundled in ' + event.duration + 'ms. Watching for changes...' );
case 'ERROR':
handleError( event.error, true );
stderr( 'unknown event', event );
} catch ( err ) {
if ( err.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' ) {
handleError( err );
} else {
bundle( options ).catch( handleError );
} catch ( err ) {
handleError( err );
function clone ( object ) {
return assign( {}, object );
function assign ( target, source ) {
Object.keys( source ).forEach( key => {
target[ key ] = source[ key ];
return target;
function bundle ( options ) {
if ( !options.entry ) {
handleError({ code: 'MISSING_INPUT_OPTION' });
return rollup.rollup( options ).then( bundle => {
if ( options.dest ) {
return bundle.write( options );
if ( options.targets ) {
let result = null;
options.targets.forEach( target => {
result = bundle.write( assign( clone( options ), target ) );
return result;
if ( options.sourceMap && options.sourceMap !== 'inline' ) {
handleError({ code: 'MISSING_OUTPUT_OPTION' });
let { code, map } = bundle.generate( options );
if ( options.sourceMap === 'inline' ) {
code += `\n//# ${SOURCEMAPPING_URL}=${map.toUrl()}`;
process.stdout.write( code );