mirror of https://github.com/lukechilds/rollup.git
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
444 lines
13 KiB
444 lines
13 KiB
import { Promise } from 'sander';
import { parse } from 'acorn';
import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import Statement from './Statement';
import walk from './ast/walk';
import analyse from './ast/analyse';
import { blank, keys } from './utils/object';
import { sequence } from './utils/promise';
import { isImportDeclaration, isExportDeclaration } from './utils/map-helpers';
import getLocation from './utils/getLocation';
import makeLegalIdentifier from './utils/makeLegalIdentifier';
const emptyArrayPromise = Promise.resolve([]);
export default class Module {
constructor ({ path, source, bundle }) {
this.source = source;
this.bundle = bundle;
this.path = path;
this.magicString = new MagicString( source, {
filename: path
this.suggestedNames = blank();
this.comments = [];
// Try to extract a list of top-level statements/declarations. If
// the parse fails, attach file info and abort
try {
const ast = parse( source, {
ecmaVersion: 6,
sourceType: 'module',
onComment: ( block, text, start, end ) => this.comments.push({ block, text, start, end })
walk( ast, {
enter: node => {
this.magicString.addSourcemapLocation( node.start );
this.magicString.addSourcemapLocation( node.end );
this.statements = ast.body.map( ( node, i ) => {
const magicString = this.magicString.snip( node.start, node.end ).trim();
return new Statement( node, magicString, this, i );
} catch ( err ) {
err.code = 'PARSE_ERROR';
err.file = path;
throw err;
this.importDeclarations = this.statements.filter( isImportDeclaration );
this.exportDeclarations = this.statements.filter( isExportDeclaration );
analyse () {
// imports and exports, indexed by ID
this.imports = blank();
this.exports = blank();
this.importDeclarations.forEach( statement => {
const node = statement.node;
const source = node.source.value;
node.specifiers.forEach( specifier => {
const isDefault = specifier.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier';
const isNamespace = specifier.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier';
const localName = specifier.local.name;
const name = isDefault ? 'default' : isNamespace ? '*' : specifier.imported.name;
if ( this.imports[ localName ] ) {
const err = new Error( `Duplicated import '${localName}'` );
err.file = this.path;
err.loc = getLocation( this.source, specifier.start );
throw err;
this.imports[ localName ] = {
this.exportDeclarations.forEach( statement => {
const node = statement.node;
const source = node.source && node.source.value;
// export default function foo () {}
// export default foo;
// export default 42;
if ( node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' ) {
const isDeclaration = /Declaration$/.test( node.declaration.type );
const declaredName = isDeclaration && node.declaration.id.name;
const identifier = node.declaration.type === 'Identifier' && node.declaration.name;
this.exports.default = {
name: 'default',
localName: declaredName || 'default',
isModified: false // in case of `export default foo; foo = somethingElse`
// export { foo, bar, baz }
// export var foo = 42;
// export function foo () {}
else if ( node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' ) {
if ( node.specifiers.length ) {
// export { foo, bar, baz }
node.specifiers.forEach( specifier => {
const localName = specifier.local.name;
const exportedName = specifier.exported.name;
this.exports[ exportedName ] = {
// export { foo } from './foo';
if ( source ) {
this.imports[ localName ] = {
name: localName
else {
let declaration = node.declaration;
let name;
if ( declaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ) {
// export var foo = 42
name = declaration.declarations[0].id.name;
} else {
// export function foo () {}
name = declaration.id.name;
this.exports[ name ] = {
localName: name,
expression: declaration
analyse( this.magicString, this );
this.canonicalNames = blank();
this.definitions = blank();
this.definitionPromises = blank();
this.modifications = blank();
this.statements.forEach( statement => {
keys( statement.defines ).forEach( name => {
this.definitions[ name ] = statement;
keys( statement.modifies ).forEach( name => {
if ( !this.modifications[ name ] ) {
this.modifications[ name ] = [];
this.modifications[ name ].push( statement );
this.statements.forEach( statement => {
keys( statement.dependsOn ).forEach( name => {
if ( !this.definitions[ name ] && !this.imports[ name ] ) {
this.bundle.assumedGlobals[ name ] = true;
findDeclaration ( localName ) {
const importDeclaration = this.imports[ localName ];
// name was defined by another module
if ( importDeclaration ) {
const module = importDeclaration.module;
if ( module.isExternal ) return null;
const exportDeclaration = module.exports[ importDeclaration.name ];
return module.findDeclaration( exportDeclaration.localName );
// name was defined by this module, if any
let i = this.statements.length;
while ( i-- ) {
const statement = this.statements[i];
const declaration = this.statements[i].scope.declarations[ localName ];
if ( declaration ) {
return declaration;
return null;
getCanonicalName ( localName ) {
// Special case
if ( localName === 'default' && this.exports.default && this.exports.default.isModified ) {
let canonicalName = makeLegalIdentifier( this.path.replace( this.bundle.base + '/', '' ).replace( /\.js$/, '' ) );
while ( this.definitions[ canonicalName ] ) {
canonicalName = `_${canonicalName}`;
return canonicalName;
if ( this.suggestedNames[ localName ] ) {
localName = this.suggestedNames[ localName ];
if ( !this.canonicalNames[ localName ] ) {
let canonicalName;
if ( this.imports[ localName ] ) {
const importDeclaration = this.imports[ localName ];
const module = importDeclaration.module;
if ( importDeclaration.name === '*' ) {
canonicalName = module.suggestedNames[ '*' ];
} else {
let exporterLocalName;
if ( module.isExternal ) {
exporterLocalName = importDeclaration.name;
} else {
const exportDeclaration = module.exports[ importDeclaration.name ];
exporterLocalName = exportDeclaration.localName;
canonicalName = module.getCanonicalName( exporterLocalName );
else {
canonicalName = localName;
this.canonicalNames[ localName ] = canonicalName;
return this.canonicalNames[ localName ];
define ( name ) {
// shortcut cycles. TODO this won't work everywhere...
if ( this.definitionPromises[ name ] ) {
return emptyArrayPromise;
let promise;
// The definition for this name is in a different module
if ( this.imports[ name ] ) {
const importDeclaration = this.imports[ name ];
promise = this.bundle.fetchModule( importDeclaration.source, this.path )
.then( module => {
importDeclaration.module = module;
// suggest names. TODO should this apply to non default/* imports?
if ( importDeclaration.name === 'default' ) {
// TODO this seems ropey
const localName = importDeclaration.localName;
let suggestion = this.suggestedNames[ localName ] || localName;
// special case - the module has its own import by this name
while ( !module.isExternal && module.imports[ suggestion ] ) {
suggestion = `_${suggestion}`;
module.suggestName( 'default', suggestion );
} else if ( importDeclaration.name === '*' ) {
const localName = importDeclaration.localName;
const suggestion = this.suggestedNames[ localName ] || localName;
module.suggestName( '*', suggestion );
module.suggestName( 'default', `${suggestion}__default` );
if ( module.isExternal ) {
if ( importDeclaration.name === 'default' ) {
module.needsDefault = true;
} else {
module.needsNamed = true;
module.importedByBundle.push( importDeclaration );
return emptyArrayPromise;
if ( importDeclaration.name === '*' ) {
// we need to create an internal namespace
if ( !~this.bundle.internalNamespaceModules.indexOf( module ) ) {
this.bundle.internalNamespaceModules.push( module );
return module.expandAllStatements();
const exportDeclaration = module.exports[ importDeclaration.name ];
if ( !exportDeclaration ) {
throw new Error( `Module ${module.path} does not export ${importDeclaration.name} (imported by ${this.path})` );
return module.define( exportDeclaration.localName );
// The definition is in this module
else if ( name === 'default' && this.exports.default.isDeclaration ) {
// We have something like `export default foo` - so we just start again,
// searching for `foo` instead of default
promise = this.define( this.exports.default.name );
else {
let statement;
statement = name === 'default' ? this.exports.default.statement : this.definitions[ name ];
promise = statement && !statement.isIncluded ? statement.expand() : emptyArrayPromise;
// Special case - `export default foo; foo += 1` - need to be
// vigilant about maintaining the correct order of the export
// declaration. Otherwise, the export declaration will always
// go at the end of the expansion, because the expansion of
// `foo` will include statements *after* the declaration
if ( name === 'default' && this.exports.default.identifier && this.exports.default.isModified ) {
const defaultExportStatement = this.exports.default.statement;
promise = promise.then( statements => {
// remove the default export statement...
// TODO could this be statements.pop()?
statements.splice( statements.indexOf( defaultExportStatement ), 1 );
let i = statements.length;
let inserted = false;
while ( i-- ) {
if ( statements[i].module === this && statements[i].index < defaultExportStatement.index ) {
statements.splice( i + 1, 0, defaultExportStatement );
inserted = true;
if ( !inserted ) statements.push( statement );
return statements;
this.definitionPromises[ name ] = promise || emptyArrayPromise;
return this.definitionPromises[ name ];
expandAllStatements ( isEntryModule ) {
let allStatements = [];
return sequence( this.statements, statement => {
// A statement may have already been included, in which case we need to
// curb rollup's enthusiasm and move it down here. It remains to be seen
// if this approach is bulletproof
if ( statement.isIncluded ) {
const index = allStatements.indexOf( statement );
if ( ~index ) {
allStatements.splice( index, 1 );
allStatements.push( statement );
// skip import declarations...
if ( statement.isImportDeclaration ) {
// ...unless they're empty, in which case assume we're importing them for the side-effects
// THIS IS NOT FOOLPROOF. Probably need /*rollup: include */ or similar
if ( !statement.node.specifiers.length ) {
return this.bundle.fetchModule( statement.node.source.value, this.path )
.then( module => {
statement.module = module;
return module.expandAllStatements();
.then( statements => {
allStatements.push.apply( allStatements, statements );
// skip `export { foo, bar, baz }`...
if ( statement.node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' && statement.node.specifiers.length ) {
// ...but ensure they are defined, if this is the entry module
if ( isEntryModule ) {
return statement.expand().then( statements => {
allStatements.push.apply( allStatements, statements );
// include everything else
return statement.expand().then( statements => {
allStatements.push.apply( allStatements, statements );
}).then( () => {
return allStatements;
rename ( name, replacement ) {
this.canonicalNames[ name ] = replacement;
suggestName ( exportName, suggestion ) {
if ( !this.suggestedNames[ exportName ] ) {
this.suggestedNames[ exportName ] = makeLegalIdentifier( suggestion );