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298 lines
7.9 KiB

import { dirname, relative, resolve } from 'path';
import { Promise } from 'sander';
import { parse } from 'acorn';
import MagicString from 'magic-string';
import analyse from './ast/analyse';
import { has } from './utils/object';
import { sequence } from './utils/promise';
const emptyArrayPromise = Promise.resolve([]);
export default class Module {
constructor ({ path, code, bundle }) {
this.path = path;
this.relativePath = relative( bundle.base, path ).slice( 0, -3 ); // remove .js
this.code = new MagicString( code );
this.bundle = bundle;
this.ast = parse( code, {
ecmaVersion: 6,
sourceType: 'module'
analyse () {
analyse( this.ast, this.code, this );
this.definedNames = this.ast._scope.names.slice();
this.canonicalNames = {};
this.definitions = {};
this.definitionPromises = {};
this.modifications = {};
this.ast.body.forEach( statement => {
Object.keys( statement._defines ).forEach( name => {
this.definitions[ name ] = statement;
Object.keys( statement._modifies ).forEach( name => {
if ( !has( this.modifications, name ) ) {
this.modifications[ name ] = [];
this.modifications[ name ].push( statement );
// imports and exports, indexed by ID
this.imports = {};
this.exports = {};
// an array of export statements, used for the entry module
this.exportStatements = [];
this.ast.body.forEach( node => {
// import foo from './foo';
// import { bar } from './bar';
if ( node.type === 'ImportDeclaration' ) {
const source = node.source.value;
node.specifiers.forEach( specifier => {
const isDefault = specifier.type === 'ImportDefaultSpecifier';
const isNamespace = specifier.type === 'ImportNamespaceSpecifier';
const localName =;
const name = isDefault ? 'default' : isNamespace ? '*' :;
this.imports[ localName ] = {
else if ( /^Export/.test( node.type ) ) {
this.exportStatements.push( node );
// export default function foo () {}
// export default foo;
// export default 42;
if ( node.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' ) {
const isDeclaration = /Declaration$/.test( node.declaration.type );
this.exports.default = {
name: 'default',
localName: isDeclaration ? : 'default',
// export { foo, bar, baz }
// export var foo = 42;
// export function foo () {}
else if ( node.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' ) {
if ( node.specifiers.length ) {
// export { foo, bar, baz }
node.specifiers.forEach( specifier => {
const localName =;
const exportedName =;
this.exports[ exportedName ] = {
else {
let declaration = node.declaration;
let name;
if ( declaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration' ) {
// export var foo = 42
name = declaration.declarations[0];
} else {
// export function foo () {}
name =;
this.exports[ name ] = {
localName: name,
expression: declaration
getCanonicalName ( name ) {
if ( has( this.imports, name ) ) {
const importDeclaration = this.imports[ name ];
const module = importDeclaration.module;
let exporterLocalName;
if ( module.isExternal ) {
exporterLocalName = name;
} else {
const exportDeclaration = module.exports[ ];
exporterLocalName = exportDeclaration.localName;
return module.getCanonicalName( exporterLocalName );
if ( name === 'default' ) {
name = this.defaultExportName;
return has( this.canonicalNames, name ) ? this.canonicalNames[ name ] : name;
define ( name ) {
// shortcut cycles. TODO this won't work everywhere...
if ( has( this.definitionPromises, name ) ) {
return emptyArrayPromise;
let promise;
// The definition for this name is in a different module
if ( has( this.imports, name ) ) {
const importDeclaration = this.imports[ name ];
const path = resolve( dirname( this.path ), importDeclaration.source ) + '.js';
promise = this.bundle.fetchModule( path, importDeclaration.source )
.then( module => {
importDeclaration.module = module;
if ( === 'default' ) {
module.suggestDefaultName( importDeclaration.localName );
if ( module.isExternal ) {
module.importedByBundle.push( importDeclaration );
return emptyArrayPromise;
const exportDeclaration = module.exports[ ];
if ( !exportDeclaration ) {
throw new Error( `Module ${module.path} does not export ${} (imported by ${this.path})` );
return module.define( exportDeclaration.localName );
// The definition is in this module
else if ( name === 'default' && this.exports.default.isDeclaration ) {
// We have something like `export default foo` - so we just start again,
// searching for `foo` instead of default
promise = this.define( );
else {
let statement;
if ( name === 'default' ) {
// We have an expression, e.g. `export default 42`. We have
// to assign that expression to a variable
const replacement = this.defaultExportName;
statement = this.exports.default.node;
if ( !statement._included ) {
// if we have `export default foo`, we don't want to turn it into `var foo = foo`
// - we want to remove it altogether (but keep the statement, so we can include
// its dependencies). TODO is there an easier way to do this?
const shouldRemove = statement.declaration.type === 'Identifier' && === replacement;
if ( shouldRemove ) {
statement._source.remove( statement.start, statement.end );
} else {
statement._source.overwrite( statement.start, statement.declaration.start, `var ${replacement} = ` );
else {
statement = this.definitions[ name ];
if ( statement && /^Export/.test( statement.type ) ) {
statement._source.remove( statement.start, statement.declaration.start );
if ( statement && !statement._included ) {
const result = [];
const include = statement => {
if ( statement._included ) return emptyArrayPromise;
statement._included = true;
// We have a statement, and it hasn't been included yet. First, include
// the statements it depends on
const dependencies = Object.keys( statement._dependsOn );
return sequence( dependencies, name => {
return this.define( name ).then( definition => {
result.push.apply( result, definition );
// then include the statement itself
.then( () => {
result.push( statement );
// then include any statements that could modify the
// thing(s) this statement defines
.then( () => {
const modifications = has( this.modifications, name ) && this.modifications[ name ];
if ( modifications ) {
return sequence( modifications, statement => {
if ( !statement._included ) {
return include( statement );
// the `result` is an array of statements needed to define `name`
.then( () => {
return result;
promise = !statement._included ? include( statement ) : emptyArrayPromise;
this.definitionPromises[ name ] = promise || emptyArrayPromise;
return this.definitionPromises[ name ];
rename ( name, replacement ) {
this.canonicalNames[ name ] = replacement;
suggestDefaultName ( name ) {
if ( !this.defaultExportName ) {
this.defaultExportName = name;