# Get Transaction Request details about a single Bitcoin transaction. Pass `?fees=1` to scan the previous outputs and compute the fees paid in this transaction. ``` GET /tx/:txid GET /tx/:txid?fees=1 ``` ## Parameters * **txid** - `string` - The transaction ID * **fees** - `string` - (optional) Scan previous outputs to compute fees * **at** - `string` (optional) - Access Token (json web token). Required if authentication is activated. Alternatively, the access token can be passed through the `Authorization` HTTP header (with the `Bearer` scheme). ### Examples ``` GET /tx/abcdef GET /tx/abcdef?fees=1 ``` #### Success Status code 200 with JSON response: ```json { "txid": "abcdef", "size": 250, "vsize": 125, "version": 1, "locktime": 0, "block": { "height": 100000, "hash": "abcdef", "time": 1400000000 }, "inputs": [ { "n": 0, "outpoint": { "txid": "abcdef", "vout": 2 }, "sig": "0a1b2c3d4e5f", "seq": 4294967295 }, { "n": 1, "outpoint": { "txid": "abcdef", "vout": 3 }, "sig": "", "seq": 4294967295, "witness": [ "aabbccddeeff", "00112233" ] } ], "outputs": [ { "n": 0, "value": 10000, "scriptpubkey": "0a1b2c3d4e5f", "type": "pubkeyhash", "address": "1xAddress" }, { "n": 1, "value": 0, "scriptpubkey": "0a1b2c3d4e5f", "type": "nulldata" }, { "n": 2, "value": 10000, "scriptpubkey": "0a1b2c3d4e5f", "type": "multisig", "addresses": [ "1xAddress", "1yAddress" ] }, { "n": 3, "value": 10000, "scriptpubkey": "000a1b2c3d4e5f", "type": "witness_v0_scripthash" }, { "n": 4, "value": 10000, "scriptpubkey": "000b1b2c3d4e5f", "type": "witness_v0_keyhash" } ] } ``` Additional fields with `?fees=1`: ```json { "fees": 10000, "feerate": 50, "vfeerate": 75, "inputs": [ { "outpoint": { "value": 20000, "scriptpubkey": "0a1b2c3d4e5f" } } ], "outputs": ["..."] } ``` **Notes** * `block` details will be missing for unconfirmed transactions * Input `sig` is the raw hex, not ASM of script signature * `feerate` has units of Satoshi/byte * `vsize` and `vfeerate` are the virtual size and virtual fee rate and are different than `size` and `feerate` for SegWit transactions #### Failure Status code 400 with JSON response: ```json { "status": "error", "error": "" } ```