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# Sparrow Bitcoin Wallet
5 years ago
Sparrow is a modern desktop Bitcoin wallet application supporting most hardware wallets and built on common standards such as PSBT, with an emphasis on transparency and usability.
More information (and release binaries) can be found at https://sparrowwallet.com. Release binaries are also available directly from [Github](https://github.com/sparrowwallet/sparrow/releases).
5 years ago
![Sparrow Wallet](https://sparrowwallet.com/assets/images/control-your-sends.png)
5 years ago
## Building
To clone this project, use
`git clone --recursive git@github.com:sparrowwallet/sparrow.git`
or for those without SSH credentials:
`git clone --recursive https://github.com/sparrowwallet/sparrow.git`
In order to build, Sparrow requires Java 16 to be installed.
The release binaries are built with [AdoptOpenJdk 16.0.1+9 Hotspot](https://adoptopenjdk.net/archive.html?variant=openjdk16&jvmVariant=hotspot).
These binaries can be built from source using
`./gradlew jpackage`
When updating to the latest HEAD
`git pull --recurse-submodules`
The release binaries are reproducible from v1.5.0 onwards (pre codesigning and installer packaging). More detailed [instructions on reproducing the binaries](docs/reproducible.md) are provided.
## Running
If you prefer to run Sparrow directly from source, it can be launched with
Java 16 or higher must be installed.
## Configuration
Sparrow has a number of command line options, for example to change its home folder or use testnet:
./sparrow -h
Usage: sparrow [options]
--dir, -d
Path to Sparrow home folder
--help, -h
Show usage
--level, -l
Set log level
Possible Values: [ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE]
--network, -n
Network to use
Possible Values: [mainnet, testnet, regtest, signet]
As a fallback, the network (mainnet, testnet, regtest or signet) can also be set using an environment variable `SPARROW_NETWORK`. For example:
`export SPARROW_NETWORK=testnet`
A final fallback which can be useful when running the Sparrow binary is to create a file called ``network-testnet`` in the Sparrow home folder (see below) to configure the testnet network.
Note that if you are connecting to an Electrum server when using testnet, that server will need to be running on testnet configuration as well.
When not explicitly configured using the command line argument above, Sparrow stores its mainnet config file, log file and wallets in a home folder location appropriate to the operating system:
Platform | Location
-------- | --------
OSX | ~/.sparrow
Linux | ~/.sparrow
Windows | %APPDATA%/Sparrow
Testnet, regtest and signet configurations (along with their wallets) are stored in subfolders to allow easy switching between networks.
## Reporting Issues
5 years ago
Please use the [Issues](https://github.com/sparrowwallet/sparrow/issues) tab above to report an issue. If possible, look in the sparrow.log file in the configuration directory for information helpful in debugging.
## License
Sparrow is licensed under the Apache 2 software licence.
## Credit
Sparrow Wallet uses the [Yourkit Java Profiler](https://www.yourkit.com/java/profiler/) to profile and improve performance.
YourKit supports open source projects with useful tools for monitoring and profiling Java and .NET applications.