@ -8,10 +8,12 @@ import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.uri.BitcoinURI;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.* ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.AppServices ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.EventManager ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.Theme ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.event.ExcludeUtxoEvent ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.event.ReplaceChangeAddressEvent ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.event.SorobanInitiatedEvent ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.glyphfont.FontAwesome5 ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.io.Config ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.soroban.SorobanServices ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.wallet.OptimizationStrategy ;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty ;
@ -67,15 +69,17 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
public void handle ( MouseEvent event ) {
if ( ! event . isConsumed ( ) ) {
Stage stage = new Stage ( ) ;
Stage stage = new Stage ( StageStyle . UNDECORATED ) ;
stage . setTitle ( walletTx . getPayments ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) . getLabel ( ) ) ;
stage . initStyle ( StageStyle . UNDECORATED ) ;
stage . initOwner ( TransactionDiagram . this . getScene ( ) . getWindow ( ) ) ;
stage . initModality ( Modality . WINDOW_MODAL ) ;
stage . setResizable ( false ) ;
VBox vBox = new VBox ( 20 ) ;
vBox . getStylesheets ( ) . add ( AppServices . class . getResource ( "general.css" ) . toExternalForm ( ) ) ;
if ( Config . get ( ) . getTheme ( ) = = Theme . DARK ) {
vBox . getStylesheets ( ) . add ( AppServices . class . getResource ( "darktheme.css" ) . toExternalForm ( ) ) ;
vBox . getStylesheets ( ) . add ( AppServices . class . getResource ( "wallet/wallet.css" ) . toExternalForm ( ) ) ;
vBox . getStylesheets ( ) . add ( AppServices . class . getResource ( "wallet/send.css" ) . toExternalForm ( ) ) ;
vBox . setPadding ( new Insets ( 20 , 40 , 20 , 50 ) ) ;
@ -411,8 +415,9 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
} else if ( input instanceof AdditionalBlockTransactionHashIndex additionalReference ) {
inputValue = input . getValue ( ) ;
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner ( "\n" ) ;
joiner . add ( "Spending " + getSatsValue ( inputValue ) + " sats from" + ( isExpanded ( ) ? ":" : " (click to expand):" ) ) ;
for ( BlockTransactionHashIndex additionalInput : additionalReference . getAdditionalInputs ( ) ) {
joiner . add ( getInputDescription ( additionalInput ) ) ;
joiner . add ( additionalInput . getHashAsString ( ) + ":" + additionalInput . getIndex ( ) ) ;
tooltip . setText ( joiner . toString ( ) ) ;
} else if ( input instanceof InvisibleBlockTransactionHashIndex ) {
@ -464,8 +469,8 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
} else if ( label . getText ( ) . trim ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ) {
amountLabel . setText ( "" ) ;
amountLabel . setMinWidth ( TextUtils . computeTextWidth ( amountLabel . getFont ( ) , amountLabel . getText ( ) , 0 . 0D ) + 7 ) ;
amountLabel . setPadding ( new Insets ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 5 ) ) ;
amountLabel . setMinWidth ( TextUtils . computeTextWidth ( amountLabel . getFont ( ) , amountLabel . getText ( ) , 0 . 0D ) + 12 ) ;
amountLabel . setPadding ( new Insets ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 10 ) ) ;
inputBox . getChildren ( ) . addAll ( region , amountLabel ) ;
@ -637,7 +642,7 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
WalletNode toNode = walletTx . getWallet ( ) ! = null ? walletTx . getWallet ( ) . getWalletAddresses ( ) . get ( payment . getAddress ( ) ) : null ;
Tooltip recipientTooltip = new Tooltip ( ( toWallet = = null ? ( toNode ! = null ? "Consolidate " : "Pay " ) : "Receive " )
+ getSatsValue ( payment . getAmount ( ) ) + " sats to "
+ ( payment instanceof AdditionalPayment ? "\n" + payment : ( toWallet = = null ? ( payment . getLabel ( ) = = null ? ( toNode ! = null ? toNode : "external address" ) : payment . getLabel ( ) ) : toWallet . getFullDisplayName ( ) ) + "\n" + payment . getAddress ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ;
+ ( payment instanceof AdditionalPayment ? ( isExpanded ( ) ? "\n" : "(click to expand)\n" ) + payment : ( toWallet = = null ? ( payment . getLabel ( ) = = null ? ( toNode ! = null ? toNode : "external address" ) : payment . getLabel ( ) ) : toWallet . getFullDisplayName ( ) ) + "\n" + payment . getAddress ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ;
recipientTooltip . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "recipient-label" ) ;
recipientTooltip . setShowDelay ( new Duration ( TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY ) ) ;
recipientTooltip . setShowDuration ( Duration . INDEFINITE ) ;