@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException ;
import java.util.Objects ;
import java.util.stream.Collectors ;
public class WhirlpoolServices {
@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ public class WhirlpoolServices {
public Whirlpool getWhirlpool ( String walletId ) {
Whirlpool whirlpool = whirlpoolMap . get ( walletId ) ;
if ( whirlpool = = null ) {
HostAndPort torProxy = AppServices . isTorRunning ( ) ? HostAndPort . fromParts ( "localhost" , TorService . PROXY_PORT ) : ( Config . get ( ) . getProxyServer ( ) = = null | | Config . get ( ) . getProxyServer ( ) . isEmpty ( ) | | ! Config . get ( ) . isUseProxy ( ) ? null : HostAndPort . fromString ( Config . get ( ) . getProxyServer ( ) ) ) ;
HostAndPort torProxy = getTorProxy ( ) ;
whirlpool = new Whirlpool ( Network . get ( ) , torProxy ) ;
whirlpoolMap . put ( walletId , whirlpool ) ;
@ -47,21 +48,34 @@ public class WhirlpoolServices {
return whirlpool ;
private HostAndPort getTorProxy ( ) {
return AppServices . isTorRunning ( ) ?
HostAndPort . fromParts ( "localhost" , TorService . PROXY_PORT ) :
( Config . get ( ) . getProxyServer ( ) = = null | | Config . get ( ) . getProxyServer ( ) . isEmpty ( ) | | ! Config . get ( ) . isUseProxy ( ) ? null : HostAndPort . fromString ( Config . get ( ) . getProxyServer ( ) ) ) ;
private void startAllWhirlpool ( ) {
for ( Map . Entry < String , Whirlpool > entry : whirlpoolMap . entrySet ( ) . stream ( ) . filter ( entry - > entry . getValue ( ) . hasWallet ( ) & & ! entry . getValue ( ) . isStarted ( ) ) . collect ( Collectors . toList ( ) ) ) {
Wallet wallet = AppServices . get ( ) . getWallet ( entry . getKey ( ) ) ;
Whirlpool whirlpool = entry . getValue ( ) ;
startWhirlpool ( wallet , whirlpool ) ;
startWhirlpool ( wallet , whirlpool , false ) ;
private void startWhirlpool ( Wallet wallet , Whirlpool whirlpool ) {
public void startWhirlpool ( Wallet wallet , Whirlpool whirlpool , boolean notifyIfMixToMissing ) {
if ( wallet . getMasterMixConfig ( ) . getMixOnStartup ( ) ! = Boolean . FALSE ) {
HostAndPort torProxy = getTorProxy ( ) ;
if ( ! Objects . equals ( whirlpool . getTorProxy ( ) , torProxy ) ) {
whirlpool . setTorProxy ( getTorProxy ( ) ) ;
try {
String mixToWalletId = getWhirlpoolMixToWalletId ( wallet . getMasterMixConfig ( ) ) ;
whirlpool . setMixToWallet ( mixToWalletId , wallet . getMasterMixConfig ( ) . getMinMixes ( ) ) ;
} catch ( NoSuchElementException e ) {
AppServices . showWarningDialog ( "Mix to wallet not open" , wallet . getName ( ) + " is configured to mix to " + wallet . getMasterMixConfig ( ) . getMixToWalletName ( ) + ", but this wallet is not open. Mix to wallets are required to be open to avoid address reuse." ) ;
if ( notifyIfMixToMissing ) {
AppServices . showWarningDialog ( "Mix to wallet not open" , wallet . getMasterName ( ) + " is configured to mix to " + wallet . getMasterMixConfig ( ) . getMixToWalletName ( ) + ", but this wallet is not open. Mix to wallets are required to be open to avoid address reuse." ) ;
Whirlpool . StartupService startupService = new Whirlpool . StartupService ( whirlpool ) ;
@ -72,16 +86,23 @@ public class WhirlpoolServices {
private void shutdown AllWhirlpool ( ) {
private void stop AllWhirlpool ( ) {
for ( Whirlpool whirlpool : whirlpoolMap . values ( ) . stream ( ) . filter ( Whirlpool : : isStarted ) . collect ( Collectors . toList ( ) ) ) {
Whirlpool . ShutdownService shutdownService = new Whirlpool . ShutdownService ( whirlpool ) ;
shutdownService . setOnFailed ( workerStateEvent - > {
log . error ( "Failed to shutdown whirlpool" , workerStateEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
shutdownService . start ( ) ;
stopWhirlpool ( whirlpool , false ) ;
public void stopWhirlpool ( Whirlpool whirlpool , boolean notifyOnFailure ) {
Whirlpool . ShutdownService shutdownService = new Whirlpool . ShutdownService ( whirlpool ) ;
shutdownService . setOnFailed ( workerStateEvent - > {
log . error ( "Failed to stop whirlpool" , workerStateEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) ) ;
if ( notifyOnFailure ) {
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Failed to stop whirlpool" , workerStateEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
shutdownService . start ( ) ;
public String getWhirlpoolMixToWalletId ( MixConfig mixConfig ) {
if ( mixConfig = = null | | mixConfig . getMixToWalletFile ( ) = = null | | mixConfig . getMixToWalletName ( ) = = null ) {
return null ;
@ -104,7 +125,7 @@ public class WhirlpoolServices {
public void disconnection ( DisconnectionEvent event ) {
shutdown AllWhirlpool ( ) ;
stop AllWhirlpool ( ) ;
@ -112,11 +133,14 @@ public class WhirlpoolServices {
String walletId = event . getStorage ( ) . getWalletId ( event . getWallet ( ) ) ;
Whirlpool whirlpool = whirlpoolMap . get ( walletId ) ;
if ( whirlpool ! = null & & ! whirlpool . isStarted ( ) & & AppServices . isConnected ( ) ) {
startWhirlpool ( event . getWallet ( ) , whirlpool ) ;
startWhirlpool ( event . getWallet ( ) , whirlpool , true ) ;
Whirlpool mixFromWhirlpool = whirlpoolMap . entrySet ( ) . stream ( )
. filter ( entry - > event . getStorage ( ) . getWalletFile ( ) . equals ( AppServices . get ( ) . getWallet ( entry . getKey ( ) ) . getMasterMixConfig ( ) . getMixToWalletFile ( ) ) )
. filter ( entry - > {
MixConfig mixConfig = AppServices . get ( ) . getWallet ( entry . getKey ( ) ) . getMasterMixConfig ( ) ;
return event . getStorage ( ) . getWalletFile ( ) . equals ( mixConfig . getMixToWalletFile ( ) ) & & event . getWallet ( ) . getName ( ) . equals ( mixConfig . getMixToWalletName ( ) ) ;
} )
. map ( Map . Entry : : getValue ) . findFirst ( ) . orElse ( null ) ;
if ( mixFromWhirlpool ! = null ) {