dialog.getDialogPane().setHeaderText("The wallet configuration is specified in the output descriptor.\nChanges to the output descriptor will modify the wallet configuration.");
dialog.getDialogPane().setHeaderText("The wallet configuration is specified in the output descriptor.\nChanges to the output descriptor will modify the wallet configuration."+
(walletForm.getWallet().getPolicyType()==PolicyType.MULTI?"\nKey expressions are shown in canonical order.":""));
dialog.getDialogPane().setHeaderText("The wallet configuration is specified in the output descriptor.\nThis wallet is no longer editable - create a new wallet to change the descriptor.");
dialog.getDialogPane().setHeaderText("The wallet configuration is specified in the output descriptor.\nThis wallet is no longer editable - create a new wallet to change the descriptor."+
(walletForm.getWallet().getPolicyType()==PolicyType.MULTI?"\nKey expressions are shown in canonical order.":""));