@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
package com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.soroban ;
import com.google.common.eventbus.Subscribe ;
import com.samourai.wallet.bip47.rpc.PaymentCode ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.SecureString ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.bip47.SecretPoint ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.crypto.ECKey ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.crypto.EncryptionType ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.crypto.InvalidPasswordException ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.crypto.Key ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.Wallet ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.protocol.* ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.psbt.PSBT ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.* ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.AppServices ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.EventManager ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.control.* ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.event.StorageEvent ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.event.TimedEvent ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.event.* ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.io.Config ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.io.Storage ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.net.ElectrumServer ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.wallet.Entry ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.wallet.TransactionEntry ;
import javafx.application.Platform ;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty ;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty ;
@ -24,13 +30,13 @@ import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent ;
import javafx.fxml.FXML ;
import javafx.scene.control.* ;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode ;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent ;
import javafx.util.Duration ;
import org.slf4j.Logger ;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.Optional ;
import java.util.* ;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator ;
import static com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.AppServices.showErrorDialog ;
@ -38,7 +44,10 @@ import static com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.AppServices.showErrorDialog;
public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory . getLogger ( PayNymController . class ) ;
private static final long MINIMUM_P2PKH_OUTPUT_SATS = 546L ;
private String walletId ;
private boolean selectLinkedOnly ;
private PayNym walletPayNym ;
@ -72,8 +81,11 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
private final StringProperty findNymProperty = new SimpleStringProperty ( ) ;
public void initializeView ( String walletId ) {
private final Map < Sha256Hash , PayNym > notificationTransactions = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
public void initializeView ( String walletId , boolean selectLinkedOnly ) {
this . walletId = walletId ;
this . selectLinkedOnly = selectLinkedOnly ;
payNymName . managedProperty ( ) . bind ( payNymName . visibleProperty ( ) ) ;
payNymRetrieve . managedProperty ( ) . bind ( payNymRetrieve . visibleProperty ( ) ) ;
@ -83,9 +95,9 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
retrievePayNymProgress . maxHeightProperty ( ) . bind ( payNymName . heightProperty ( ) ) ;
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( false ) ;
Soroban soroban = AppServices . getSorobanServices ( ) . getSoroban ( walletId ) ;
if ( soroban . get PaymentCode( ) ! = null ) {
paymentCode . setPaymentCode ( soroban . getPaymentCode ( ) ) ;
Wallet masterWallet = getMasterWallet ( ) ;
if ( masterWallet . has PaymentCode( ) ) {
paymentCode . setPaymentCode ( new PaymentCode ( masterWallet . getPaymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ;
findNymProperty . addListener ( ( observable , oldValue , nymIdentifier ) - > {
@ -121,6 +133,12 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
return change ;
} ;
searchPayNyms . setTextFormatter ( new TextFormatter < > ( paymentCodeFilter ) ) ;
searchPayNyms . addEventFilter ( KeyEvent . ANY , event - > {
if ( event . getCode ( ) = = KeyCode . ENTER ) {
findNymProperty . set ( searchPayNyms . getText ( ) ) ;
event . consume ( ) ;
} ) ;
findPayNym . managedProperty ( ) . bind ( findPayNym . visibleProperty ( ) ) ;
findPayNym . maxHeightProperty ( ) . bind ( searchPayNyms . heightProperty ( ) ) ;
findPayNym . setVisible ( false ) ;
@ -140,7 +158,7 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
followersList . setSelectionModel ( new NoSelectionModel < > ( ) ) ;
followersList . setFocusTraversable ( false ) ;
if ( Config . get ( ) . isUsePayNym ( ) & & soroban . get PaymentCode( ) ! = null ) {
if ( Config . get ( ) . isUsePayNym ( ) & & masterWallet . has PaymentCode( ) ) {
refresh ( ) ;
} else {
payNymName . setVisible ( false ) ;
@ -149,12 +167,12 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
private void refresh ( ) {
Soroban soroban = AppServices . getSorobanServices ( ) . getSoroban ( walletId ) ;
if ( soroban . getPaymentCode ( ) = = null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "Payment code has not been se t" ) ;
if ( ! getMasterWallet ( ) . hasPaymentCode ( ) ) {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "Payment code is not presen t" ) ;
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( true ) ;
soroban . getPayNym ( soroban . getPaymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) . subscribe ( payNym - > {
soroban . getPayNym ( getMasterWallet ( ) . getPaymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) . subscribe ( payNym - > {
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( false ) ;
walletPayNym = payNym ;
payNymName . setText ( payNym . nymName ( ) ) ;
@ -165,6 +183,7 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
followingList . setItems ( FXCollections . observableList ( payNym . following ( ) ) ) ;
followersList . setPlaceholder ( new Label ( "No followers" ) ) ;
followersList . setItems ( FXCollections . observableList ( payNym . followers ( ) ) ) ;
Platform . runLater ( ( ) - > addWalletIfNotificationTransactionPresent ( payNym . following ( ) ) ) ;
} , error - > {
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( false ) ;
if ( error . getMessage ( ) . endsWith ( "404" ) ) {
@ -215,7 +234,7 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
public void showQR ( ActionEvent event ) {
Soroban soroban = AppServices . getSorobanServices ( ) . getSoroban ( walletId ) ;
QRDisplayDialog qrDisplayDialog = new QRDisplayDialog ( soroban . getPaymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
QRDisplayDialog qrDisplayDialog = new QRDisplayDialog ( getMasterWallet ( ) . getPaymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
qrDisplayDialog . showAndWait ( ) ;
@ -244,7 +263,7 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
private void makeAuthenticatedCall ( PaymentCode contact ) {
Soroban soroban = AppServices . getSorobanServices ( ) . getSoroban ( walletId ) ;
if ( soroban . getHdWallet ( ) = = null ) {
Wallet wallet = AppServices . get ( ) . getWallet ( walletId ) ;
Wallet wallet = getMasterWallet ( ) ;
if ( wallet . isEncrypted ( ) ) {
Wallet copy = wallet . copy ( ) ;
WalletPasswordDialog dlg = new WalletPasswordDialog ( copy . getMasterName ( ) , WalletPasswordDialog . PasswordRequirement . LOAD ) ;
@ -301,10 +320,10 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
private void retrievePayNym ( Soroban soroban ) {
soroban . createPayNym ( ) . subscribe ( createMap - > {
payNymName . setText ( ( String ) createMap . get ( "nymName" ) ) ;
payNymAvatar . setPaymentCode ( soroban . getPaymentCode ( ) ) ;
payNymAvatar . setPaymentCode ( new PaymentCode ( getMasterWallet ( ) . getPaymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ;
payNymName . setVisible ( true ) ;
claimPayNym ( soroban , createMap ) ;
claimPayNym ( soroban , createMap , getMasterWallet ( ) . getScriptType ( ) ! = ScriptType . P2PKH ) ;
refresh ( ) ;
} , error - > {
log . error ( "Error retrieving PayNym" , error ) ;
@ -340,6 +359,248 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
} ) ;
public boolean isLinked ( PayNym payNym ) {
com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode externalPaymentCode = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . fromString ( payNym . paymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
return getMasterWallet ( ) . getChildWallet ( externalPaymentCode , payNym . segwit ( ) ? ScriptType . P2WPKH : ScriptType . P2PKH ) ! = null ;
private void addWalletIfNotificationTransactionPresent ( List < PayNym > following ) {
Map < BlockTransaction , PayNym > unlinkedPayNyms = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
Map < BlockTransaction , WalletNode > unlinkedNotifications = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
for ( PayNym payNym : following ) {
if ( ! isLinked ( payNym ) ) {
com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode externalPaymentCode = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . fromString ( payNym . paymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
Map < BlockTransaction , WalletNode > unlinkedNotification = getMasterWallet ( ) . getNotificationTransaction ( externalPaymentCode ) ;
if ( ! unlinkedNotification . isEmpty ( ) ) {
unlinkedNotifications . putAll ( unlinkedNotification ) ;
unlinkedPayNyms . put ( unlinkedNotification . keySet ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) , payNym ) ;
Wallet wallet = getMasterWallet ( ) ;
if ( ! unlinkedNotifications . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( wallet . isEncrypted ( ) ) {
Storage storage = AppServices . get ( ) . getOpenWallets ( ) . get ( wallet ) ;
Optional < ButtonType > optButtonType = AppServices . showAlertDialog ( "Link contacts?" , "Some contacts were found that may be already linked. Link these contacts? Your password is required to check." , Alert . AlertType . CONFIRMATION , ButtonType . NO , ButtonType . YES ) ;
if ( optButtonType . isPresent ( ) & & optButtonType . get ( ) = = ButtonType . YES ) {
WalletPasswordDialog dlg = new WalletPasswordDialog ( wallet . getMasterName ( ) , WalletPasswordDialog . PasswordRequirement . LOAD ) ;
Optional < SecureString > password = dlg . showAndWait ( ) ;
if ( password . isPresent ( ) ) {
Storage . DecryptWalletService decryptWalletService = new Storage . DecryptWalletService ( wallet . copy ( ) , password . get ( ) ) ;
decryptWalletService . setOnSucceeded ( workerStateEvent - > {
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . END , "Done" ) ) ;
Wallet decryptedWallet = decryptWalletService . getValue ( ) ;
addWalletIfNotificationTransactionPresent ( decryptedWallet , unlinkedPayNyms , unlinkedNotifications ) ;
decryptedWallet . clearPrivate ( ) ;
} ) ;
decryptWalletService . setOnFailed ( workerStateEvent - > {
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . END , "Failed" ) ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Incorrect Password" , decryptWalletService . getException ( ) . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . START , "Decrypting wallet..." ) ) ;
decryptWalletService . start ( ) ;
} else {
addWalletIfNotificationTransactionPresent ( wallet , unlinkedPayNyms , unlinkedNotifications ) ;
private void addWalletIfNotificationTransactionPresent ( Wallet decryptedWallet , Map < BlockTransaction , PayNym > unlinkedPayNyms , Map < BlockTransaction , WalletNode > unlinkedNotifications ) {
for ( BlockTransaction blockTransaction : unlinkedNotifications . keySet ( ) ) {
try {
PayNym payNym = unlinkedPayNyms . get ( blockTransaction ) ;
com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode externalPaymentCode = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . fromString ( payNym . paymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
ECKey input0Key = decryptedWallet . getKeystores ( ) . get ( 0 ) . getKey ( unlinkedNotifications . get ( blockTransaction ) ) ;
TransactionOutPoint input0Outpoint = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . getDesignatedInput ( blockTransaction . getTransaction ( ) ) . getOutpoint ( ) ;
SecretPoint secretPoint = new SecretPoint ( input0Key . getPrivKeyBytes ( ) , externalPaymentCode . getNotificationKey ( ) . getPubKey ( ) ) ;
byte [ ] blindingMask = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . getMask ( secretPoint . ECDHSecretAsBytes ( ) , input0Outpoint . bitcoinSerialize ( ) ) ;
byte [ ] blindedPaymentCode = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . blind ( getMasterWallet ( ) . getPaymentCode ( ) . getPayload ( ) , blindingMask ) ;
byte [ ] opReturnData = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . getOpReturnData ( blockTransaction . getTransaction ( ) ) ;
if ( Arrays . equals ( opReturnData , blindedPaymentCode ) ) {
addChildWallet ( payNym , externalPaymentCode ) ;
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log . error ( "Error adding linked contact from notification transaction" , e ) ;
public void addChildWallet ( PayNym payNym , com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode externalPaymentCode ) {
Wallet masterWallet = getMasterWallet ( ) ;
Storage storage = AppServices . get ( ) . getOpenWallets ( ) . get ( masterWallet ) ;
List < ScriptType > scriptTypes = masterWallet . getScriptType ( ) ! = ScriptType . P2PKH ? PayNym . getSegwitScriptTypes ( ) : payNym . getScriptTypes ( ) ;
for ( ScriptType childScriptType : scriptTypes ) {
Wallet addedWallet = masterWallet . addChildWallet ( externalPaymentCode , childScriptType ) ;
addedWallet . setLabel ( payNym . nymName ( ) + " " + childScriptType . getName ( ) ) ;
if ( ! storage . isPersisted ( addedWallet ) ) {
try {
storage . saveWallet ( addedWallet ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log . error ( "Error saving wallet" , e ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Error saving wallet " + addedWallet . getName ( ) , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new ChildWalletAddedEvent ( storage , masterWallet , addedWallet ) ) ;
public void linkPayNym ( PayNym payNym ) {
Optional < ButtonType > optButtonType = AppServices . showAlertDialog ( "Link PayNym?" ,
"Linking to this contact will allow you to send to it non-collaboratively through unique private addresses you can generate independently.\n\n" +
"It will cost " + MINIMUM_P2PKH_OUTPUT_SATS + " sats to create the link, plus the mining fee. Send transaction?" , Alert . AlertType . CONFIRMATION , ButtonType . NO , ButtonType . YES ) ;
if ( optButtonType . isPresent ( ) & & optButtonType . get ( ) = = ButtonType . YES ) {
broadcastNotificationTransaction ( payNym ) ;
} else {
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
public void broadcastNotificationTransaction ( PayNym payNym ) {
Wallet masterWallet = getMasterWallet ( ) ;
WalletTransaction walletTransaction ;
try {
walletTransaction = getWalletTransaction ( masterWallet , payNym , new byte [ 80 ] , null ) ;
} catch ( InsufficientFundsException e ) {
try {
Wallet wallet = AppServices . get ( ) . getWallet ( walletId ) ;
walletTransaction = getWalletTransaction ( wallet , payNym , new byte [ 80 ] , null ) ;
} catch ( InsufficientFundsException e2 ) {
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Insufficient Funds" , "There are not enough funds in this wallet to broadcast the notification transaction." ) ;
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
return ;
final WalletTransaction walletTx = walletTransaction ;
final com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode paymentCode = masterWallet . getPaymentCode ( ) ;
Wallet wallet = walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) ;
Storage storage = AppServices . get ( ) . getOpenWallets ( ) . get ( wallet ) ;
if ( wallet . isEncrypted ( ) ) {
WalletPasswordDialog dlg = new WalletPasswordDialog ( wallet . getMasterName ( ) , WalletPasswordDialog . PasswordRequirement . LOAD ) ;
Optional < SecureString > password = dlg . showAndWait ( ) ;
if ( password . isPresent ( ) ) {
Storage . DecryptWalletService decryptWalletService = new Storage . DecryptWalletService ( wallet . copy ( ) , password . get ( ) ) ;
decryptWalletService . setOnSucceeded ( workerStateEvent - > {
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . END , "Done" ) ) ;
Wallet decryptedWallet = decryptWalletService . getValue ( ) ;
broadcastNotificationTransaction ( decryptedWallet , walletTx , paymentCode , payNym ) ;
decryptedWallet . clearPrivate ( ) ;
} ) ;
decryptWalletService . setOnFailed ( workerStateEvent - > {
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . END , "Failed" ) ) ;
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Incorrect Password" , decryptWalletService . getException ( ) . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new StorageEvent ( storage . getWalletId ( wallet ) , TimedEvent . Action . START , "Decrypting wallet..." ) ) ;
decryptWalletService . start ( ) ;
} else {
broadcastNotificationTransaction ( wallet , walletTx , paymentCode , payNym ) ;
private void broadcastNotificationTransaction ( Wallet decryptedWallet , WalletTransaction walletTransaction , com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode paymentCode , PayNym payNym ) {
try {
com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode externalPaymentCode = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . fromString ( payNym . paymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
WalletNode input0Node = walletTransaction . getSelectedUtxos ( ) . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) . getValue ( ) ;
ECKey input0Key = decryptedWallet . getKeystores ( ) . get ( 0 ) . getKey ( input0Node ) ;
TransactionOutPoint input0Outpoint = walletTransaction . getTransaction ( ) . getInputs ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) . getOutpoint ( ) ;
SecretPoint secretPoint = new SecretPoint ( input0Key . getPrivKeyBytes ( ) , externalPaymentCode . getNotificationKey ( ) . getPubKey ( ) ) ;
byte [ ] blindingMask = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . getMask ( secretPoint . ECDHSecretAsBytes ( ) , input0Outpoint . bitcoinSerialize ( ) ) ;
byte [ ] blindedPaymentCode = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . blind ( paymentCode . getPayload ( ) , blindingMask ) ;
WalletTransaction finalWalletTx = getWalletTransaction ( decryptedWallet , payNym , blindedPaymentCode , walletTransaction . getSelectedUtxos ( ) . keySet ( ) ) ;
PSBT psbt = finalWalletTx . createPSBT ( ) ;
decryptedWallet . sign ( psbt ) ;
decryptedWallet . finalise ( psbt ) ;
Transaction transaction = psbt . extractTransaction ( ) ;
ElectrumServer . BroadcastTransactionService broadcastTransactionService = new ElectrumServer . BroadcastTransactionService ( transaction ) ;
broadcastTransactionService . setOnSucceeded ( successEvent - > {
ElectrumServer . TransactionMempoolService transactionMempoolService = new ElectrumServer . TransactionMempoolService ( walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) , transaction . getTxId ( ) , new HashSet < > ( walletTransaction . getSelectedUtxos ( ) . values ( ) ) ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setDelay ( Duration . seconds ( 2 ) ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setPeriod ( Duration . seconds ( 5 ) ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setRestartOnFailure ( false ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setOnSucceeded ( mempoolWorkerStateEvent - > {
Set < String > scriptHashes = transactionMempoolService . getValue ( ) ;
if ( ! scriptHashes . isEmpty ( ) ) {
transactionMempoolService . cancel ( ) ;
addChildWallet ( payNym , externalPaymentCode ) ;
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( false ) ;
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
BlockTransaction blockTransaction = walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) . getTransactions ( ) . get ( transaction . getTxId ( ) ) ;
if ( blockTransaction ! = null & & blockTransaction . getLabel ( ) = = null ) {
blockTransaction . setLabel ( "Link " + payNym . nymName ( ) ) ;
TransactionEntry transactionEntry = new TransactionEntry ( walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) , blockTransaction , Collections . emptyMap ( ) , Collections . emptyMap ( ) ) ;
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new WalletEntryLabelsChangedEvent ( walletTransaction . getWallet ( ) , List . of ( transactionEntry ) ) ) ;
if ( transactionMempoolService . getIterationCount ( ) > 5 & & transactionMempoolService . isRunning ( ) ) {
transactionMempoolService . cancel ( ) ;
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( false ) ;
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
log . error ( "Timeout searching for broadcasted notification transaction" ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Timeout searching for broadcasted transaction" , "The transaction was broadcast but the server did not register it in the mempool. It is safe to try linking again." ) ;
} ) ;
transactionMempoolService . setOnFailed ( mempoolWorkerStateEvent - > {
transactionMempoolService . cancel ( ) ;
log . error ( "Error searching for broadcasted notification transaction" , mempoolWorkerStateEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) ) ;
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( false ) ;
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Timeout searching for broadcasted transaction" , "The transaction was broadcast but the server did not register it in the mempool. It is safe to try linking again." ) ;
} ) ;
transactionMempoolService . start ( ) ;
} ) ;
broadcastTransactionService . setOnFailed ( failedEvent - > {
log . error ( "Error broadcasting notification transaction" , failedEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) ) ;
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( false ) ;
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Error broadcasting notification transaction" , failedEvent . getSource ( ) . getException ( ) . getMessage ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( true ) ;
notificationTransactions . put ( transaction . getTxId ( ) , payNym ) ;
broadcastTransactionService . start ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
log . error ( "Error creating notification transaction" , e ) ;
retrievePayNymProgress . setVisible ( false ) ;
followingList . refresh ( ) ;
AppServices . showErrorDialog ( "Error creating notification transaction" , e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
private WalletTransaction getWalletTransaction ( Wallet wallet , PayNym payNym , byte [ ] blindedPaymentCode , Collection < BlockTransactionHashIndex > utxos ) throws InsufficientFundsException {
com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode externalPaymentCode = com . sparrowwallet . drongo . bip47 . PaymentCode . fromString ( payNym . paymentCode ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
Payment payment = new Payment ( externalPaymentCode . getNotificationAddress ( ) , "Link " + payNym . nymName ( ) , MINIMUM_P2PKH_OUTPUT_SATS , false ) ;
List < Payment > payments = List . of ( payment ) ;
List < byte [ ] > opReturns = List . of ( blindedPaymentCode ) ;
Double feeRate = AppServices . getDefaultFeeRate ( ) ;
Double minimumFeeRate = AppServices . getMinimumFeeRate ( ) ;
boolean groupByAddress = Config . get ( ) . isGroupByAddress ( ) ;
boolean includeMempoolOutputs = Config . get ( ) . isIncludeMempoolOutputs ( ) ;
long noInputsFee = getMasterWallet ( ) . getNoInputsFee ( payments , feeRate ) ;
List < UtxoSelector > utxoSelectors = List . of ( utxos = = null ? new KnapsackUtxoSelector ( noInputsFee ) : new PresetUtxoSelector ( utxos , true ) ) ;
List < UtxoFilter > utxoFilters = List . of ( new FrozenUtxoFilter ( ) , new CoinbaseUtxoFilter ( wallet ) ) ;
return wallet . createWalletTransaction ( utxoSelectors , utxoFilters , payments , opReturns , Collections . emptySet ( ) , feeRate , minimumFeeRate , null , AppServices . getCurrentBlockHeight ( ) , groupByAddress , includeMempoolOutputs , false ) ;
private Wallet getMasterWallet ( ) {
Wallet wallet = AppServices . get ( ) . getWallet ( walletId ) ;
return wallet . isMasterWallet ( ) ? wallet : wallet . getMasterWallet ( ) ;
public boolean isSelectLinkedOnly ( ) {
return selectLinkedOnly ;
public PayNym getPayNym ( ) {
return payNymProperty . get ( ) ;
@ -348,6 +609,22 @@ public class PayNymController extends SorobanController {
return payNymProperty ;
public void walletHistoryChanged ( WalletHistoryChangedEvent event ) {
List < Entry > changedLabelEntries = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < Sha256Hash , PayNym > notificationTx : notificationTransactions . entrySet ( ) ) {
BlockTransaction blockTransaction = event . getWallet ( ) . getTransactions ( ) . get ( notificationTx . getKey ( ) ) ;
if ( blockTransaction ! = null & & blockTransaction . getLabel ( ) = = null ) {
blockTransaction . setLabel ( "Link " + notificationTx . getValue ( ) . nymName ( ) ) ;
changedLabelEntries . add ( new TransactionEntry ( event . getWallet ( ) , blockTransaction , Collections . emptyMap ( ) , Collections . emptyMap ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! changedLabelEntries . isEmpty ( ) ) {
Platform . runLater ( ( ) - > EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new WalletEntryLabelsChangedEvent ( event . getWallet ( ) , changedLabelEntries ) ) ) ;
public static class NoSelectionModel < T > extends MultipleSelectionModel < T > {