@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ package com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.control;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.KeyPurpose ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.address.Address ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.protocol.Sha256Hash ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.protocol.TransactionOutput ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.uri.BitcoinURI ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.BlockTransactionHashIndex ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.Payment ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.WalletNode ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.WalletTransaction ;
import com.sparrowwallet.drongo.wallet.* ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.AppServices ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.EventManager ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.event.ExcludeUtxoEvent ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.event.ReplaceChangeAddressEvent ;
import com.sparrowwallet.sparrow.glyphfont.FontAwesome5 ;
import javafx.beans.property.BooleanProperty ;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleBooleanProperty ;
import javafx.geometry.Insets ;
import javafx.geometry.Pos ;
import javafx.scene.Group ;
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
private static final int TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY = 50 ;
private WalletTransaction walletTx ;
private final BooleanProperty finalProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty ( false ) ;
public void update ( WalletTransaction walletTx ) {
setMinHeight ( getDiagramHeight ( ) ) ;
@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
private Map < BlockTransactionHashIndex , WalletNode > getDisplayedUtxos ( ) {
Map < BlockTransactionHashIndex , WalletNode > selectedUtxos = walletTx . getSelectedUtxos ( ) ;
if ( getPayjoinURI ( ) ! = null ) {
if ( getPayjoinURI ( ) ! = null & & ! selectedUtxos . containsValue ( null ) ) {
selectedUtxos = new LinkedHashMap < > ( selectedUtxos ) ;
selectedUtxos . put ( new PayjoinBlockTransactionHashIndex ( ) , null ) ;
@ -228,18 +229,29 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
label . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "input-label" ) ;
label . setGraphic ( excludeUtxoButton ) ;
label . setContentDisplay ( ContentDisplay . LEFT ) ;
if ( ! isFinal ( ) ) {
label . setGraphic ( excludeUtxoButton ) ;
label . setContentDisplay ( ContentDisplay . LEFT ) ;
} else {
if ( input instanceof PayjoinBlockTransactionHashIndex ) {
tooltip . setText ( "Added once transaction is signed and sent to the payjoin server" ) ;
} else {
AdditionalBlockTransactionHashIndex additionalReference = ( AdditionalBlockTransactionHashIndex ) input ;
} else if ( input instanceof AdditionalBlockTransactionHashIndex additionalReference ) {
StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner ( "\n" ) ;
for ( BlockTransactionHashIndex additionalInput : additionalReference . getAdditionalInputs ( ) ) {
joiner . add ( getInputDescription ( additionalInput ) ) ;
tooltip . setText ( joiner . toString ( ) ) ;
} else {
if ( walletTx . getInputTransactions ( ) ! = null & & walletTx . getInputTransactions ( ) . get ( input . getHash ( ) ) ! = null ) {
BlockTransaction blockTransaction = walletTx . getInputTransactions ( ) . get ( input . getHash ( ) ) ;
TransactionOutput txOutput = blockTransaction . getTransaction ( ) . getOutputs ( ) . get ( ( int ) input . getIndex ( ) ) ;
Address fromAddress = txOutput . getScript ( ) . getToAddress ( ) ;
tooltip . setText ( "Input of " + getSatsValue ( txOutput . getValue ( ) ) + " sats\n" + input . getHashAsString ( ) + ":" + input . getIndex ( ) + ( fromAddress ! = null ? "\n" + fromAddress : "" ) ) ;
} else {
tooltip . setText ( input . getHashAsString ( ) + ":" + input . getIndex ( ) ) ;
label . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "input-label" ) ;
tooltip . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "input-label" ) ;
@ -376,19 +388,22 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
outputsBox . setAlignment ( Pos . CENTER_LEFT ) ;
outputsBox . getChildren ( ) . add ( createSpacer ( ) ) ;
List < OutputNode > outputNodes = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( Payment payment : displayedPayments ) {
Glyph outputGlyph = getOutputGlyph ( payment ) ;
boolean labelledPayment = outputGlyph . getStyleClass ( ) . stream ( ) . anyMatch ( style - > List . of ( "premix-icon" , "badbank-icon" , "whirlpoolfee-icon" ) . contains ( style ) ) | | payment instanceof AdditionalPayment ;
String recipientDesc = labelledPayment ? payment . getLabel ( ) : payment . getAddress ( ) . toString ( ) . substring ( 0 , 8 ) + "..." ;
Label recipientLabel = new Label ( recipientDesc , outputGlyph ) ;
payment . setLabel ( getOutputLabel ( payment ) ) ;
Label recipientLabel = new Label ( payment . getLabel ( ) = = null | | payment . getType ( ) = = Payment . Type . FAKE_MIX ? payment . getAddress ( ) . toString ( ) . substring ( 0 , 8 ) + "..." : payment . getLabel ( ) , outputGlyph ) ;
recipientLabel . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "output-label" ) ;
recipientLabel . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( labelledPayment ? "payment-label" : "recipient-label" ) ;
Tooltip recipientTooltip = new Tooltip ( ( walletTx . isConsolidationSend ( payment ) ? "Consolidate " : "Pay " ) + getSatsValue ( payment . getAmount ( ) ) + " sats to " + ( payment instanceof AdditionalPayment ? "\n" + payment : payment . getLabel ( ) + "\n" + payment . getAddress ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ;
Wallet toWallet = getToWallet ( payment ) ;
Tooltip recipientTooltip = new Tooltip ( ( toWallet = = null ? ( walletTx . isConsolidationSend ( payment ) ? "Consolidate " : "Pay " ) : "Receive " )
+ getSatsValue ( payment . getAmount ( ) ) + " sats to "
+ ( payment instanceof AdditionalPayment ? "\n" + payment : ( toWallet = = null ? ( payment . getLabel ( ) = = null ? "external address" : payment . getLabel ( ) ) : toWallet . getName ( ) ) + "\n" + payment . getAddress ( ) . toString ( ) ) ) ;
recipientTooltip . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "recipient-label" ) ;
recipientTooltip . setShowDelay ( new Duration ( TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY ) ) ;
recipientLabel . setTooltip ( recipientTooltip ) ;
outputsBox . getChildren ( ) . add ( recipientLabel ) ;
outputsBox . getChildren ( ) . add ( createSpacer ( ) ) ;
outputNodes . add ( new OutputNode ( recipientLabel , payment . getAddress ( ) ) ) ;
for ( Map . Entry < WalletNode , Long > changeEntry : walletTx . getChangeMap ( ) . entrySet ( ) ) {
@ -397,29 +412,41 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
boolean overGapLimit = ( changeNode . getIndex ( ) - defaultChangeNode . getIndex ( ) ) > walletTx . getWallet ( ) . getGapLimit ( ) ;
HBox actionBox = new HBox ( ) ;
String changeDesc = walletTx . getChangeAddress ( changeNode ) . toString ( ) . substring ( 0 , 8 ) + "..." ;
Address changeAddress = walletTx . getChangeAddress ( changeNode ) ;
String changeDesc = changeAddress . toString ( ) . substring ( 0 , 8 ) + "..." ;
Label changeLabel = new Label ( changeDesc , overGapLimit ? getChangeWarningGlyph ( ) : getChangeGlyph ( ) ) ;
changeLabel . getStyleClass ( ) . addAll ( "output-label" , "change-label" ) ;
Tooltip changeTooltip = new Tooltip ( "Change of " + getSatsValue ( changeEntry . getValue ( ) ) + " sats to " + changeNode . getDerivationPath ( ) . replace ( "m" , ".." ) + "\n" + walletTx . getChangeAddress ( changeNode ) . toString ( ) + ( overGapLimit ? "\nAddress is beyond the gap limit!" : "" ) ) ;
changeTooltip . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "change-label" ) ;
changeTooltip . setShowDelay ( new Duration ( TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY ) ) ;
changeLabel . setTooltip ( changeTooltip ) ;
actionBox . getChildren ( ) . add ( changeLabel ) ;
if ( ! isFinal ( ) ) {
Button nextChangeAddressButton = new Button ( "" ) ;
nextChangeAddressButton . setGraphic ( getChangeReplaceGlyph ( ) ) ;
nextChangeAddressButton . setOnAction ( event - > {
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new ReplaceChangeAddressEvent ( walletTx ) ) ;
} ) ;
Tooltip replaceChangeTooltip = new Tooltip ( "Use next change address" ) ;
nextChangeAddressButton . setTooltip ( replaceChangeTooltip ) ;
Label replaceChangeLabel = new Label ( "" , nextChangeAddressButton ) ;
replaceChangeLabel . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "replace-change-label" ) ;
replaceChangeLabel . setVisible ( false ) ;
actionBox . setOnMouseEntered ( event - > replaceChangeLabel . setVisible ( true ) ) ;
actionBox . setOnMouseExited ( event - > replaceChangeLabel . setVisible ( false ) ) ;
actionBox . getChildren ( ) . add ( replaceChangeLabel ) ;
Button nextChangeAddressButton = new Button ( "" ) ;
nextChangeAddressButton . setGraphic ( getChangeReplaceGlyph ( ) ) ;
nextChangeAddressButton . setOnAction ( event - > {
EventManager . get ( ) . post ( new ReplaceChangeAddressEvent ( walletTx ) ) ;
} ) ;
Tooltip replaceChangeTooltip = new Tooltip ( "Use next change address" ) ;
nextChangeAddressButton . setTooltip ( replaceChangeTooltip ) ;
Label replaceChangeLabel = new Label ( "" , nextChangeAddressButton ) ;
replaceChangeLabel . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "replace-change-label" ) ;
replaceChangeLabel . setVisible ( false ) ;
actionBox . setOnMouseEntered ( event - > replaceChangeLabel . setVisible ( true ) ) ;
actionBox . setOnMouseExited ( event - > replaceChangeLabel . setVisible ( false ) ) ;
actionBox . getChildren ( ) . addAll ( changeLabel , replaceChangeLabel ) ;
outputsBox . getChildren ( ) . add ( actionBox ) ;
outputNodes . add ( new OutputNode ( actionBox , changeAddress ) ) ;
if ( isFinal ( ) ) {
Collections . sort ( outputNodes ) ;
for ( OutputNode outputNode : outputNodes ) {
outputsBox . getChildren ( ) . add ( outputNode . outputLabel ) ;
outputsBox . getChildren ( ) . add ( createSpacer ( ) ) ;
@ -427,7 +454,7 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
Label feeLabel = highFee ? new Label ( "High Fee" , getWarningGlyph ( ) ) : new Label ( "Fee" , getFeeGlyph ( ) ) ;
feeLabel . getStyleClass ( ) . addAll ( "output-label" , "fee-label" ) ;
String percentage = String . format ( "%.2f" , walletTx . getFeePercentage ( ) * 100 . 0 ) ;
Tooltip feeTooltip = new Tooltip ( "Fee of " + getSatsValue ( walletTx . getFee ( ) ) + " sats (" + percentage + "%)" ) ;
Tooltip feeTooltip = new Tooltip ( walletTx . getFee ( ) < 0 ? "Unknown fee" : "Fee of " + getSatsValue ( walletTx . getFee ( ) ) + " sats (" + percentage + "%)" ) ;
feeTooltip . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "fee-tooltip" ) ;
feeTooltip . setShowDelay ( new Duration ( TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY ) ) ;
feeLabel . setTooltip ( feeTooltip ) ;
@ -445,7 +472,10 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
String txDesc = "Transaction" ;
Label txLabel = new Label ( txDesc ) ;
Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip ( walletTx . getTransaction ( ) . getLength ( ) + " bytes\n" + String . format ( "%.2f" , walletTx . getTransaction ( ) . getVirtualSize ( ) ) + " vBytes" ) ;
boolean isFinalized = walletTx . getTransaction ( ) . hasScriptSigs ( ) | | walletTx . getTransaction ( ) . hasWitnesses ( ) ;
Tooltip tooltip = new Tooltip ( walletTx . getTransaction ( ) . getLength ( ) + " bytes\n"
+ String . format ( "%.2f" , walletTx . getTransaction ( ) . getVirtualSize ( ) ) + " vBytes"
+ ( walletTx . getFee ( ) < 0 ? "" : "\n" + String . format ( "%.2f" , walletTx . getFee ( ) / walletTx . getTransaction ( ) . getVirtualSize ( ) ) + " sats/vB" + ( isFinalized ? "" : " (non-final)" ) ) ) ;
tooltip . setShowDelay ( new Duration ( TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY ) ) ;
tooltip . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "transaction-tooltip" ) ;
txLabel . setTooltip ( tooltip ) ;
@ -469,6 +499,37 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
return spacer ;
private String getOutputLabel ( Payment payment ) {
if ( payment . getLabel ( ) ! = null ) {
return payment . getLabel ( ) ;
if ( payment . getType ( ) = = Payment . Type . WHIRLPOOL_FEE ) {
return "Whirlpool Fee" ;
} else if ( walletTx . isPremixSend ( payment ) ) {
int premixIndex = getOutputIndex ( payment . getAddress ( ) ) - 2 ;
return "Premix #" + premixIndex ;
} else if ( walletTx . isBadbankSend ( payment ) ) {
return "Badbank Change" ;
return null ;
private int getOutputIndex ( Address address ) {
return walletTx . getTransaction ( ) . getOutputs ( ) . stream ( ) . filter ( txOutput - > address . equals ( txOutput . getScript ( ) . getToAddress ( ) ) ) . mapToInt ( TransactionOutput : : getIndex ) . findFirst ( ) . orElseThrow ( ) ;
private Wallet getToWallet ( Payment payment ) {
for ( Wallet openWallet : AppServices . get ( ) . getOpenWallets ( ) . keySet ( ) ) {
if ( openWallet ! = walletTx . getWallet ( ) & & openWallet . isWalletAddress ( payment . getAddress ( ) ) ) {
return openWallet ;
return null ;
public Glyph getOutputGlyph ( Payment payment ) {
if ( payment . getType ( ) . equals ( Payment . Type . FAKE_MIX ) ) {
return getFakeMixGlyph ( ) ;
@ -482,6 +543,8 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
return getWhirlpoolFeeGlyph ( ) ;
} else if ( payment instanceof AdditionalPayment ) {
return ( ( AdditionalPayment ) payment ) . getOutputGlyph ( this ) ;
} else if ( getToWallet ( payment ) ! = null ) {
return getDepositGlyph ( ) ;
return getPaymentGlyph ( ) ;
@ -508,6 +571,13 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
return consolidationGlyph ;
public static Glyph getDepositGlyph ( ) {
Glyph depositGlyph = new Glyph ( FontAwesome5 . FONT_NAME , FontAwesome5 . Glyph . ARROW_DOWN ) ;
depositGlyph . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "deposit-icon" ) ;
depositGlyph . setFontSize ( 12 ) ;
return depositGlyph ;
public static Glyph getPremixGlyph ( ) {
Glyph premixGlyph = new Glyph ( FontAwesome5 . FONT_NAME , FontAwesome5 . Glyph . RANDOM ) ;
premixGlyph . getStyleClass ( ) . add ( "premix-icon" ) ;
@ -589,6 +659,18 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
return lockGlyph ;
public boolean isFinal ( ) {
return finalProperty . get ( ) ;
public BooleanProperty finalProperty ( ) {
return finalProperty ;
public void setFinal ( boolean isFinal ) {
this . finalProperty . set ( isFinal ) ;
private static class PayjoinBlockTransactionHashIndex extends BlockTransactionHashIndex {
public PayjoinBlockTransactionHashIndex ( ) {
super ( Sha256Hash . ZERO_HASH , 0 , new Date ( ) , 0L , 0 , 0 ) ;
@ -644,4 +726,23 @@ public class TransactionDiagram extends GridPane {
return additionalPayments . stream ( ) . map ( payment - > payment . getAddress ( ) . toString ( ) ) . collect ( Collectors . joining ( "\n" ) ) ;
private class OutputNode implements Comparable < OutputNode > {
public Node outputLabel ;
public Address address ;
public OutputNode ( Node outputLabel , Address address ) {
this . outputLabel = outputLabel ;
this . address = address ;
public int compareTo ( TransactionDiagram . OutputNode o ) {
try {
return getOutputIndex ( address ) - getOutputIndex ( o . address ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
return 0 ;