528 lines
15 KiB

5 years ago
import { models } from '../models'
import * as jsonUtils from '../utils/json'
import { success, failure } from '../utils/res'
import * as helpers from '../helpers'
import * as network from '../network'
5 years ago
import * as socket from '../utils/socket'
import { sendNotification } from '../hub'
import * as md5 from 'md5'
import * as path from 'path'
import * as rsa from '../crypto/rsa'
import * as tribes from '../utils/tribes'
5 years ago
const constants = require(path.join(__dirname,'../../config/constants.json'))
5 years ago
async function getChats(req, res) {
const chats = await models.Chat.findAll({ where:{deleted:false}, raw: true })
const c = chats.map(chat => jsonUtils.chatToJson(chat));
success(res, c)
async function mute(req, res) {
const chatId = req.params['chat_id']
const mute = req.params['mute_unmute']
if (!["mute", "unmute"].includes(mute)) {
return failure(res, "invalid option for mute")
const chat = await models.Chat.findOne({ where: { id: chatId } })
if (!chat) {
return failure(res, 'chat not found')
chat.update({ isMuted: (mute == "mute") })
success(res, jsonUtils.chatToJson(chat))
// just add self here if tribes
// or can u add contacts as members?
5 years ago
async function createGroupChat(req, res) {
const {
5 years ago
5 years ago
} = req.body
const contact_ids = req.body.contact_ids||[]
5 years ago
const members: { [k: string]: {[k:string]:string} } = {} //{pubkey:{key,alias}, ...}
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } })
members[owner.publicKey] = {
key:owner.contactKey, alias:owner.alias
await asyncForEach(contact_ids, async cid => {
const contact = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { id: cid } })
members[contact.publicKey] = {
key: contact.contactKey,
alias: contact.alias||''
let chatParams:any = null
chatParams = await createTribeChatParams(owner, contact_ids, name, img, price_per_message, price_to_join)
// publish to tribe server
pricePerMessage: price_per_message,
5 years ago
priceToJoin: price_to_join,
description, tags, img,
// make me owner when i create
members[owner.publicKey].role = constants.chat_roles.owner
} else {
chatParams = createGroupChatParams(owner, contact_ids, members, name)
5 years ago
5 years ago
chat: { ...chatParams, members },
sender: owner,
type: constants.message_types.group_create,
message: {},
failure: function (e) {
failure(res, e)
success: async function () {
const chat = await models.Chat.create(chatParams)
if(chat.type===constants.chat_types.tribe){ // save me as owner when i create
await models.ChatMember.create({
contactId: owner.id,
chatId: chat.id,
role: constants.chat_roles.owner,
5 years ago
success(res, jsonUtils.chatToJson(chat))
5 years ago
// only owner can do for tribe?
5 years ago
async function addGroupMembers(req, res) {
const {
} = req.body
const { id } = req.params
const members: { [k: string]: {[k:string]:string} } = {} //{pubkey:{key,alias}, ...}
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } })
let chat = await models.Chat.findOne({ where: { id } })
const contactIds = JSON.parse(chat.contactIds || '[]')
// for all members (existing and new)
members[owner.publicKey] = {key:owner.contactKey, alias:owner.alias}
const me = await models.ChatMember.findOne({where:{contactId: owner.id, chatId: chat.id}})
if(me) members[owner.publicKey].role = me.role
5 years ago
const allContactIds = contactIds.concat(contact_ids)
await asyncForEach(allContactIds, async cid => {
const contact = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { id: cid } })
if(contact) {
members[contact.publicKey] = {
key: contact.contactKey,
alias: contact.alias
const member = await models.ChatMember.findOne({where:{contactId: owner.id, chatId: chat.id}})
if(member) members[contact.publicKey].role = member.role
5 years ago
success(res, jsonUtils.chatToJson(chat))
network.sendMessage({ // send ONLY to new members
5 years ago
chat: { ...chat.dataValues, contactIds:contact_ids, members },
sender: owner,
type: constants.message_types.group_invite,
message: {}
const deleteChat = async (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.params
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } })
const chat = await models.Chat.findOne({ where: { id } })
5 years ago
sender: owner,
message: {},
type: constants.message_types.group_leave,
await chat.update({
deleted: true,
await models.Message.destroy({ where: { chatId: id } })
success(res, { chat_id: id })
async function joinTribe(req, res){
console.log('=> joinTribe')
const { uuid, group_key, name, host } = req.body
const existing = await models.Chat.findOne({where:{uuid}})
if(existing) {
console.log('[tribes] u are already in this group')
const ownerPubKey = await tribes.verifySignedTimestamp(uuid)
const tribeOwner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: ownerPubKey } })
let theTribeOwner
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } })
const contactIds = [owner.id]
if (tribeOwner) {
theTribeOwner = tribeOwner // might already include??
if(!contactIds.includes(tribeOwner.id)) contactIds.push(tribeOwner.id)
} else {
const createdContact = await models.Contact.create({
publicKey: ownerPubKey,
contactKey: '',
alias: 'Unknown',
status: 1
theTribeOwner = createdContact
let date = new Date()
const chat = await models.Chat.create({
uuid: uuid,
contactIds: JSON.stringify(contactIds),
createdAt: date,
updatedAt: date,
name: name,
type: constants.chat_types.tribe,
host: host || tribes.getHost(),
groupKey: group_key,
contactId: theTribeOwner.id,
chatId: chat.id,
role: constants.chat_roles.owner,
lastActive: date,
network.sendMessage({ // send my data to tribe owner
chat: {
...chat.dataValues, members: {
[owner.publicKey]: {
key: owner.contactKey,
alias: owner.alias||''
sender: owner,
message: {},
type: constants.message_types.group_join,
failure: function (e) {
failure(res, e)
success: async function () {
success(res, jsonUtils.chatToJson(chat))
5 years ago
async function receiveGroupLeave(payload) {
console.log('=> receiveGroupLeave')
const { sender_pub_key, chat_uuid, chat_type, sender_alias, isTribeOwner } = await helpers.parseReceiveParams(payload)
5 years ago
const chat = await models.Chat.findOne({ where: { uuid: chat_uuid } })
if (!chat) return
const isTribe = chat_type===constants.chat_types.tribe
let sender
if(!isTribe || isTribeOwner) {
sender = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: sender_pub_key } })
if (!sender) return
5 years ago
const oldContactIds = JSON.parse(chat.contactIds || '[]')
const contactIds = oldContactIds.filter(cid => cid !== sender.id)
await chat.update({ contactIds: JSON.stringify(contactIds) })
5 years ago
if(isTribeOwner) {
await models.ChatMember.destroy({where:{chatId: chat.id, contactId: sender.id}})
5 years ago
var date = new Date();
const msg = {
chatId: chat.id,
type: constants.message_types.group_leave,
sender: (sender && sender.id) || 0,
5 years ago
date: date,
messageContent: `${sender_alias} has left the group`,
5 years ago
remoteMessageContent: '',
status: constants.statuses.confirmed,
createdAt: date,
updatedAt: date
const message = await models.Message.create(msg)
type: 'group_leave',
response: {
contact: jsonUtils.contactToJson(sender),
chat: jsonUtils.chatToJson(chat),
message: jsonUtils.messageToJson(message, null)
async function receiveGroupJoin(payload) {
console.log('=> receiveGroupJoin')
const { sender_pub_key, chat_uuid, chat_members, chat_type, isTribeOwner } = await helpers.parseReceiveParams(payload)
5 years ago
const chat = await models.Chat.findOne({ where: { uuid: chat_uuid } })
if (!chat) return
const isTribe = chat_type===constants.chat_types.tribe
var date = new Date()
5 years ago
let theSender: any = null
const member = chat_members[sender_pub_key]
const senderAlias = (member && member.alias) || 'Unknown'
if(!isTribe || isTribeOwner) { // dont need to create contacts for these
const sender = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: sender_pub_key } })
const contactIds = JSON.parse(chat.contactIds || '[]')
if (sender) {
theSender = sender // might already include??
if(!contactIds.includes(sender.id)) contactIds.push(sender.id)
} else {
if(member && member.key) {
const createdContact = await models.Contact.create({
publicKey: sender_pub_key,
contactKey: member.key,
alias: senderAlias,
status: 1
theSender = createdContact
5 years ago
if(!theSender) return // fail (no contact key?)
await chat.update({ contactIds: JSON.stringify(contactIds) })
if(isTribeOwner){ // IF TRIBE, ADD TO XREF
contactId: theSender.id,
chatId: chat.id,
role: constants.chat_roles.reader,
lastActive: date,
5 years ago
const msg = {
chatId: chat.id,
type: constants.message_types.group_join,
sender: (theSender && theSender.id) || 0,
5 years ago
date: date,
messageContent: `${senderAlias} has joined the group`,
5 years ago
remoteMessageContent: '',
status: constants.statuses.confirmed,
createdAt: date,
updatedAt: date
const message = await models.Message.create(msg)
type: 'group_join',
response: {
contact: jsonUtils.contactToJson(theSender||{}),
5 years ago
chat: jsonUtils.chatToJson(chat),
message: jsonUtils.messageToJson(message, null)
async function validateTribeOwner(chat_uuid: string, pubkey: string){
const verifiedOwnerPubkey = await tribes.verifySignedTimestamp(chat_uuid)
return true
return false
5 years ago
async function receiveGroupCreateOrInvite(payload) {
const { sender_pub_key, chat_members, chat_name, chat_uuid, chat_type, chat_host, chat_key } = await helpers.parseReceiveParams(payload)
// maybe this just needs to move to adding tribe owner ChatMember?
const isTribe = chat_type===constants.chat_types.tribe
if(isTribe){ // must be sent by tribe owner?????
const validOwner = await validateTribeOwner(chat_uuid, sender_pub_key)
if(!validOwner) return console.log('[tribes] invalid uuid signature!')
5 years ago
const contacts: any[] = []
5 years ago
const newContacts: any[] = []
for (let [pubkey, member] of Object.entries(chat_members)) {
const contact = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: pubkey } })
let addContact = false
if (chat_type===constants.chat_types.group && member && member.key) {
addContact = true
} else if(isTribe && member && member.role) {
if (member.role===constants.chat_roles.owner || member.role===constants.chat_roles.admin || member.role===constants.chat_roles.mod){
addContact = true
5 years ago
if (!contact) {
const createdContact = await models.Contact.create({
publicKey: pubkey,
contactKey: member.key,
alias: member.alias||'Unknown',
status: 1
5 years ago
} else {
5 years ago
5 years ago
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } })
const contactIds = contacts.map(c=>c.id)
5 years ago
if(!contactIds.includes(owner.id)) contactIds.push(owner.id)
// make chat
let date = new Date()
5 years ago
const chat = await models.Chat.create({
uuid: chat_uuid,
contactIds: JSON.stringify(contactIds),
createdAt: date,
updatedAt: date,
name: chat_name,
type: chat_type || constants.chat_types.group,
...chat_host && { host: chat_host },
...chat_key && { groupKey: chat_key },
5 years ago
if(isTribe){ // IF TRIBE, ADD TO XREF
contactId: c.id,
chatId: chat.id,
role: c.role||constants.chat_roles.reader,
lastActive: date,
5 years ago
type: 'group_create',
response: jsonUtils.messageToJson({ newContacts }, chat)
sendNotification(chat, chat_name, 'group')
if (payload.type === constants.message_types.group_invite) {
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } })
5 years ago
chat: {
...chat.dataValues, members: {
[owner.publicKey]: {
key: owner.contactKey,
alias: owner.alias||''
sender: owner,
message: {},
type: constants.message_types.group_join,
function createGroupChatParams(owner, contactIds, members, name) {
5 years ago
let date = new Date()
5 years ago
if (!(owner && members && contactIds && Array.isArray(contactIds))) {
const pubkeys: string[] = []
for (let pubkey of Object.keys(members)) { // just the key
if (!(pubkeys && pubkeys.length)) return
const allkeys = pubkeys.includes(owner.publicKey) ? pubkeys : [owner.publicKey].concat(pubkeys)
const hash = md5(allkeys.sort().join("-"))
const theContactIds = contactIds.includes(owner.id) ? contactIds : [owner.id].concat(contactIds)
return {
uuid: `${new Date().valueOf()}-${hash}`,
contactIds: JSON.stringify(theContactIds),
createdAt: date,
updatedAt: date,
name: name,
type: constants.chat_types.group
async function createTribeChatParams(owner, contactIds, name, img, price_per_message, price_to_join) {
let date = new Date()
if (!(owner && contactIds && Array.isArray(contactIds))) {
// make ts sig here w LNd pubkey - that is UUID
const keys:{[k:string]:string} = await rsa.genKeys()
const groupUUID = await tribes.genSignedTimestamp()
const theContactIds = contactIds.includes(owner.id) ? contactIds : [owner.id].concat(contactIds)
return {
uuid: groupUUID,
contactIds: JSON.stringify(theContactIds),
photoUrl: img||'',
createdAt: date,
updatedAt: date,
name: name,
type: constants.chat_types.tribe,
groupKey: keys.public,
groupPrivateKey: keys.private,
host: tribes.getHost(),
pricePerMessage: price_per_message||0,
priceToJoin: price_to_join||0,
5 years ago
export {
getChats, mute, addGroupMembers,
receiveGroupCreateOrInvite, createGroupChat,
deleteChat, receiveGroupLeave, receiveGroupJoin,
5 years ago
async function asyncForEach(array, callback) {
for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) {
await callback(array[index], index, array);
5 years ago