import {models} from '../models'
import * as crypto from 'crypto'
import * as socket from '../utils/socket'
import * as helpers from '../helpers'
import * as jsonUtils from '../utils/json'
import {success, failure} from '../utils/res'
import password from '../utils/password'
import * as path from 'path'
import { Op } from 'sequelize'
const constants = require(path.join(__dirname,'../../config/constants.json'))
export const getContacts = async (req, res) => {
const contacts = await models.Contact.findAll({ where:{deleted:false}, raw: true })
const invites = await models.Invite.findAll({ raw: true })
const chats = await models.Chat.findAll({ where:{deleted:false}, raw: true })
const subscriptions = await models.Subscription.findAll({ raw: true })
const pendingMembers = await models.ChatMember.findAll({where:{
status: constants.chat_statuses.pending
const contactsResponse = contacts.map(contact => {
let contactJson = jsonUtils.contactToJson(contact)
let invite = invites.find(invite => invite.contactId == contact.id)
if (invite) {
contactJson.invite = jsonUtils.inviteToJson(invite)
return contactJson
const subsResponse = subscriptions.map(s=> jsonUtils.subscriptionToJson(s,null))
const chatsResponse = chats.map(chat=> {
const theChat = chat.dataValues||chat
if(!pendingMembers) return jsonUtils.chatToJson(theChat)
const membs = pendingMembers.filter(m=>m.chatId===chat.id) || []
theChat.pendingContactIds = membs.map(m=>m.contactId)
return jsonUtils.chatToJson(theChat)
success(res, {
contacts: contactsResponse,
chats: chatsResponse,
subscriptions: subsResponse
export const generateToken = async (req, res) => {
console.log('=> generateToken called', { body: req.body, params: req.params, query: req.query })
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true, authToken: null }})
const pwd = password
if(pwd!==req.query.pwd) {
failure(res, 'Wrong Password')
} else {
console.log("PASSWORD ACCEPTED!")
if (owner) {
const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(req.body['token']).digest('base64');
console.log("req.params['token']", req.params['token']);
console.log("hash", hash);
owner.update({ authToken: hash })
} else {
export const updateContact = async (req, res) => {
console.log('=> updateContact called', { body: req.body, params: req.params, query: req.query })
let attrs = extractAttrs(req.body)
const contact = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { id: req.params.id }})
if(!contact) {
return failure(res, 'no contact found')
// update self
const owner = await contact.update(jsonUtils.jsonToContact(attrs))
success(res, jsonUtils.contactToJson(owner))
if (!contact.isOwner) return
if (!(attrs['contact_key'] || attrs['alias'] || attrs['photo_url'])) {
return // skip if not at least one of these
// send updated owner info to others!
const contactIds = await models.Contact.findAll({where:{deleted:false}})
.filter(c=> c.id!==1 && c.publicKey).map(c=> c.id)
if (contactIds.length == 0) return
console.log("=> send contact_key to", contactIds)
contactIds: contactIds,
sender: owner,
type: constants.message_types.contact_key,
export const exchangeKeys = async (req, res) => {
console.log('=> exchangeKeys called', { body: req.body, params: req.params, query: req.query })
const contact = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { id: req.params.id }})
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true }})
success(res, jsonUtils.contactToJson(contact))
contactIds: [contact.id],
sender: owner,
type: constants.message_types.contact_key,
export const createContact = async (req, res) => {
console.log('=> createContact called', { body: req.body, params: req.params, query: req.query })
let attrs = extractAttrs(req.body)
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true }})
const existing = attrs['public_key'] && await models.Contact.findOne({where:{publicKey:attrs['public_key']}})
if(existing) {
const updateObj:{[k:string]:any} = {fromGroup:false}
if(attrs['alias']) updateObj.alias = attrs['alias']
await existing.update(updateObj)
return success(res, jsonUtils.contactToJson(existing))
if(attrs['public_key'].length>66) attrs['public_key'] = attrs['public_key'].substring(0,66)
const createdContact = await models.Contact.create(attrs)
const contact = await createdContact.update(jsonUtils.jsonToContact(attrs))
success(res, jsonUtils.contactToJson(contact))
contactIds: [contact.id],
sender: owner,
type: constants.message_types.contact_key,
export const deleteContact = async (req, res) => {
const id = parseInt(req.params.id||'0')
if(!id || id===1) {
failure(res, 'Cannot delete self')
const contact = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { id } })
if(!contact) return
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true }})
const tribesImAdminOf = await models.Chat.findAll({where:{ownerPubkey:owner.publicKey}})
const tribesIdArray = tribesImAdminOf && tribesImAdminOf.length && tribesImAdminOf.map(t=>t.id)
let okToDelete = true
if(tribesIdArray && tribesIdArray.length) {
const thisContactMembers = await models.ChatMember.findAll({where:{contactId:id,chatId:{[Op.in]:tribesIdArray}}})
// IS A MEMBER! dont delete, instead just set from_group=true
await contact.update({fromGroup:true})
await contact.update({
// find and destroy chat & messages
const chats = await models.Chat.findAll({where:{deleted:false}})
chats.map(async chat => {
if (chat.type === constants.chat_types.conversation) {
const contactIds = JSON.parse(chat.contactIds)
if (contactIds.includes(id)) {
await chat.update({
deleted: true,
await models.Message.destroy({ where: { chatId: chat.id } })
await models.Invite.destroy({ where: { contactId: id } })
await models.Subscription.destroy({ where: { contactId: id } })
success(res, {})
export const receiveContactKey = async (payload) => {
console.log('=> received contact key', JSON.stringify(payload))
const dat = payload.content || payload
const sender_pub_key = dat.sender.pub_key
const sender_contact_key = dat.sender.contact_key
const sender_alias = dat.sender.alias || 'Unknown'
const sender_photo_url = dat.sender.photo_url
if(!sender_pub_key) {
return console.log("no pubkey!")
const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true }})
const sender = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: sender_pub_key, status: constants.contact_statuses.confirmed }})
if (sender_contact_key && sender) {
const objToUpdate:{[k:string]:any} = {contactKey: sender_contact_key}
if(sender_alias) objToUpdate.alias = sender_alias
if(sender_photo_url) objToUpdate.photoUrl = sender_photo_url
await sender.update(objToUpdate)
type: 'contact',
response: jsonUtils.contactToJson(sender)
} else {
console.log("DID NOT FIND SENDER")
contactPubKey: sender_pub_key,
sender: owner,
type: constants.message_types.contact_key_confirmation,
export const receiveConfirmContactKey = async (payload) => {
console.log(`=> confirm contact key for ${payload.sender&&payload.sender.pub_key}`, JSON.stringify(payload))
const dat = payload.content || payload
const sender_pub_key = dat.sender.pub_key
const sender_contact_key = dat.sender.contact_key
const sender_alias = dat.sender.alias || 'Unknown'
const sender_photo_url = dat.sender.photo_url
if(!sender_pub_key) {
return console.log("no pubkey!")
const sender = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { publicKey: sender_pub_key, status: constants.contact_statuses.confirmed }})
if (sender_contact_key && sender) {
const objToUpdate:{[k:string]:any} = {contactKey: sender_contact_key}
if(sender_alias) objToUpdate.alias = sender_alias
if(sender_photo_url) objToUpdate.photoUrl = sender_photo_url
await sender.update(objToUpdate)
type: 'contact',
response: jsonUtils.contactToJson(sender)
const extractAttrs = body => {
let fields_to_update = ["public_key", "node_alias", "alias", "photo_url", "device_id", "status", "contact_key", "from_group", "private_photo", "notification_sound"]
let attrs = {}
Object.keys(body).forEach(key => {
if (fields_to_update.includes(key)) {
attrs[key] = body[key]
return attrs