@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const FormData = require("form-data"); |
const models_1 = require("../models"); |
const RNCryptor = require("jscryptor"); |
const send_1 = require("./send"); |
const sequelize_1 = require("sequelize"); |
// import { Op } from 'sequelize'
const constants = require(path.join(__dirname, '../../config/constants.json')); |
const msgtypes = constants.message_types; |
function modifyPayloadAndSaveMediaKey(payload, chat, sender) { |
@ -119,17 +119,25 @@ function sendFinalMemeIfFirstPurchaser(payload, chat, sender) { |
const existingMediaKey = yield models_1.models.MediaKey.findOne({ where: { muid } }); |
if (existingMediaKey) |
return; // no need, its already been sent
const host = mt.split('.')[0]; |
const ogPurchaseMessage = yield models_1.models.Message.findOne({ where: { |
mediaToken: { [sequelize_1.Op.like]: `${host}.${muid}%` }, |
type: msgtypes.purchase, |
// const host = mt.split('.')[0]
const terms = ldat_1.parseLDAT(mt); |
const ogPurchaser = yield models_1.models.Concat.findOne({ where: { |
publicKey: terms.pubkey |
} }); |
const termsAndKey = yield downloadAndUploadAndSaveReturningTermsAndKey(payload, chat, sender, ogPurchaseMessage.amount); |
console.log("OG PURCHASER", ogPurchaser.dataValues); |
if (!ogPurchaser) |
return; |
const amt = (terms.meta && terms.meta.amt) || 0; |
// const ogPurchaseMessage = await models.Message.findOne({where:{
// mediaToken: {[Op.like]: `${host}.${muid}%`},
// type: msgtypes.purchase,
// }})
const termsAndKey = yield downloadAndUploadAndSaveReturningTermsAndKey(payload, chat, sender, amt); |
// send it to the purchaser
const owner = yield models_1.models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true } }); |
send_1.sendMessage({ |
sender: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, owner.dataValues), sender && sender.alias && { alias: sender.alias }), |
chat: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, chat.dataValues), { contactIds: [ogPurchaseMessage.sender] }), |
chat: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, chat.dataValues), { contactIds: [ogPurchaser.id] }), |
type: msgtypes.purchase_accept, |
message: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, termsAndKey), { mediaType: typ, originalMuid: muid }), |
success: () => { }, |