import {models} from '../models' import * as socket from '../utils/socket' import * as jsonUtils from '../utils/json' import * as resUtils from '../utils/res' import * as helpers from '../helpers' import { sendNotification } from '../hub' import { signBuffer, verifyMessage } from '../utils/lightning' import * as rp from 'request-promise' import { loadLightning } from '../utils/lightning' import {parseLDAT, tokenFromTerms, urlBase64FromBytes, testLDAT} from '../utils/ldat' import {CronJob} from 'cron' import * as zbase32 from '../utils/zbase32' import * as schemas from './schemas' import {sendConfirmation} from './confirmations' import * as path from 'path' import * as network from '../network' import * as meme from '../utils/meme' import * as short from 'short-uuid' const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'; const config = require(path.join(__dirname,'../../config/app.json'))[env] const constants = require(path.join(__dirname,'../../config/constants.json')) /* TODO line 233: parse that from token itself, dont use getMediaInfo at all "attachment": sends a message to a chat with a signed receipt for a file, which can be accessed from sphinx-meme server If the attachment has a price, then the media must be purchased to get the receipt "purchase" sends sats. if the amount matches the price, the media owner will respond ("purchase_accept" or "purchase_deny" type) with the signed token, which can only be used by the buyer purchase_accept should update the original attachment message with the terms and receipt (both Relay and client need to do this) or make new??? purchase_deny returns the sats */ const sendAttachmentMessage = async (req, res) => { // try { // schemas.attachment.validateSync(req.body) // } catch(e) { // return resUtils.failure(res, e.message) // } const { chat_id, contact_id, muid, text, remote_text, remote_text_map, media_key_map, media_type, file_name, ttl, price, // IF AMOUNT>0 THEN do NOT sign or send receipt } = req.body console.log('[send attachment]', req.body) const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true }}) const chat = await helpers.findOrCreateChat({ chat_id, owner_id:, recipient_id: contact_id }) let TTL = ttl if(ttl) { TTL = parseInt(ttl) } if(!TTL) TTL = 31536000 // default year const amt = price||0 // generate media token for self! const myMediaToken = await tokenFromTerms({ muid, ttl:TTL, host:'', pubkey: owner.publicKey, meta:{...amt && {amt}, ttl} }) const date = new Date(); date.setMilliseconds(0) const myMediaKey = (media_key_map && media_key_map[]) || '' const mediaType = media_type || '' const remoteMessageContent = remote_text_map?JSON.stringify(remote_text_map) : remote_text const uuid = short.generate() const message = await models.Message.create({ chatId:, uuid: uuid, sender:, type: constants.message_types.attachment, status: constants.statuses.pending, messageContent: text||file_name||'', remoteMessageContent, mediaToken: myMediaToken, mediaKey: myMediaKey, mediaType: mediaType, date, createdAt: date, updatedAt: date }) saveMediaKeys(muid, media_key_map,,, mediaType) const mediaTerms: {[k:string]:any} = { muid, ttl:TTL, meta:{...amt && {amt}}, skipSigning: amt ? true : false // only sign if its free } const msg: {[k:string]:any} = { mediaTerms, // this gets converted to mediaToken id:, uuid: uuid, content: remote_text_map||remote_text||text||file_name||'', mediaKey: media_key_map, mediaType: mediaType, } network.sendMessage({ chat: chat, sender: owner, type: constants.message_types.attachment, message: msg, success: async (data) => { console.log('attachment sent', { data }) resUtils.success(res, jsonUtils.messageToJson(message, chat)) }, failure: error=> resUtils.failure(res, error.message), }) } function saveMediaKeys(muid, mediaKeyMap, chatId, messageId, mediaType){ if (typeof mediaKeyMap!=='object'){ console.log('wrong type for mediaKeyMap') return } var date = new Date(); date.setMilliseconds(0) for (let [contactId, key] of Object.entries(mediaKeyMap)) { if(parseInt(contactId)!==1) { const receiverID = parseInt(contactId) || 0 // 0 is for a tribe models.MediaKey.create({ muid, chatId, key, messageId, receiver: receiverID, createdAt: date, mediaType }) } } } const purchase = async (req, res) => { const { chat_id, contact_id, amount, media_token, } = req.body var date = new Date(); date.setMilliseconds(0) try { schemas.purchase.validateSync(req.body) } catch(e) { return resUtils.failure(res, e.message) } console.log('purchase!') const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({ where: { isOwner: true }}) const chat = await helpers.findOrCreateChat({ chat_id, owner_id:, recipient_id: contact_id }) const message = await models.Message.create({ chatId:, uuid: short.generate(), sender:, type: constants.message_types.purchase, amount: amount||0, mediaToken: media_token, date: date, createdAt: date, updatedAt: date }) const msg={ amount, mediaToken:media_token,, uuid:message.uuid, } network.sendMessage({ chat: {, contactIds:[contact_id]}, sender: owner, type: constants.message_types.purchase, message: msg, amount: amount, success: async (data) => { console.log('purchase sent!') resUtils.success(res, jsonUtils.messageToJson(message, chat)) }, failure: error=> resUtils.failure(res, error.message), }) } /* RECEIVERS */ const receivePurchase = async (payload) => { console.log('=> received purchase', { payload }) var date = new Date(); date.setMilliseconds(0) const {owner, sender, chat, amount, mediaToken, msg_uuid, chat_type} = await helpers.parseReceiveParams(payload) if(!owner || !sender || !chat) { return console.log('=> group chat not found!') } const message = await models.Message.create({ chatId:, uuid: msg_uuid, sender:, type: constants.message_types.purchase, amount: amount||0, mediaToken: mediaToken, date: date, createdAt: date, updatedAt: date }) socket.sendJson({ type: 'purchase', response: jsonUtils.messageToJson(message, chat, sender) }) const muid = mediaToken && mediaToken.split('.').length && mediaToken.split('.')[1] if(!muid){ return console.log('no muid') } const ogMessage = await models.Message.findOne({ where:{mediaToken} }) if (!ogMessage){ return console.log('no original message') } const isTribe = chat_type===constants.chat_types.tribe // find mediaKey for who sent const mediaKey = await models.MediaKey.findOne({where:{ muid, receiver: isTribe?, }}) // console.log('mediaKey found!',mediaKey.dataValues) if(!mediaKey) return // this is from another person (admin is forwarding) const terms = parseLDAT(mediaToken) // get info let TTL = terms.meta && terms.meta.ttl let price = terms.meta && terms.meta.amt if(!TTL || !price){ const media = await getMediaInfo(muid) console.log("GOT MEDIA", media) if(media) { TTL = media.ttl && parseInt(media.ttl) price = media.price } if(!TTL) TTL = 31536000 if(!price) price = 0 } if (amount < price) { // didnt pay enough return network.sendMessage({ // "purchase_deny" chat: {, contactIds:[]}, // only send back to sender sender: owner, amount: amount, type: constants.message_types.purchase_deny, message: {amount,content:'Payment Denied',mediaToken}, success: async (data) => { console.log('purchase_deny sent') const denyMsg = await models.Message.create({ chatId:, sender:, type: constants.message_types.purchase_deny, mediaToken: mediaToken, date: date, createdAt: date, updatedAt: date }) socket.sendJson({ type: 'purchase_deny', response: jsonUtils.messageToJson(denyMsg, chat, sender) }) }, failure: error=> console.log('=> couldnt send purcahse deny', error), }) } const theMediaToken = await tokenFromTerms({ muid, ttl: TTL, host:'', meta: {amt:amount}, pubkey: sender.publicKey, }) network.sendMessage({ chat: {, contactIds:[]}, // only to sender sender: owner, type: constants.message_types.purchase_accept, message: { mediaToken: theMediaToken, mediaKey: mediaKey.key, mediaType: ogMessage.mediaType, }, success: async (data) => { console.log('purchase_accept sent!') const acceptMsg = await models.Message.create({ chatId:, sender:, type: constants.message_types.purchase_accept, mediaToken: theMediaToken, date: date, createdAt: date, updatedAt: date }) socket.sendJson({ type: 'purchase_accept', response: jsonUtils.messageToJson(acceptMsg, chat, sender) }) }, failure: error=> console.log('=> couldnt send purchase accept', error), }) } const receivePurchaseAccept = async (payload) => { console.log('=> receivePurchaseAccept') var date = new Date(); date.setMilliseconds(0) const {owner, sender, chat, mediaToken, mediaKey, mediaType, originalMuid} = await helpers.parseReceiveParams(payload) if(!owner || !sender || !chat) { return console.log('=> no group chat!') } const termsArray = mediaToken.split('.') // const host = termsArray[0] const muid = termsArray[1] if(!muid){ return console.log('wtf no muid') } // const attachmentMessage = await models.Message.findOne({where:{ // mediaToken: {$like: `${host}.${muid}%`} // }}) // if(attachmentMessage){ // console.log('=> updated msg!') // attachmentMessage.update({ // mediaToken, mediaKey // }) // } const msg = await models.Message.create({ chatId:, sender:, type: constants.message_types.purchase_accept, status: constants.statuses.received, mediaToken, mediaKey, mediaType, originalMuid:originalMuid||'', date: date, createdAt: date, updatedAt: date }) socket.sendJson({ type: 'purchase_accept', response: jsonUtils.messageToJson(msg, chat, sender) }) } const receivePurchaseDeny = async (payload) => { console.log('=> receivePurchaseDeny') var date = new Date(); date.setMilliseconds(0) const {owner, sender, chat, amount, mediaToken} = await helpers.parseReceiveParams(payload) if(!owner || !sender || !chat) { return console.log('=> no group chat!') } const msg = await models.Message.create({ chatId:, sender:, type: constants.message_types.purchase_deny, status: constants.statuses.received, messageContent:'Purchase has been denied and sats returned to you', amount: amount, amountMsat: parseFloat(amount) * 1000, mediaToken, date: date, createdAt: date, updatedAt: date }) socket.sendJson({ type: 'purchase_deny', response: jsonUtils.messageToJson(msg, chat, sender) }) } const receiveAttachment = async (payload) => { // console.log('received attachment', { payload }) var date = new Date(); date.setMilliseconds(0) const {owner, sender, chat, mediaToken, mediaKey, mediaType, content, msg_id, chat_type, sender_alias, msg_uuid} = await helpers.parseReceiveParams(payload) if(!owner || !sender || !chat) { return console.log('=> no group chat!') } const msg: {[k:string]:any} = { chatId:, uuid: msg_uuid, type: constants.message_types.attachment, sender:, date: date, createdAt: date, updatedAt: date } if(content) msg.messageContent = content if(mediaToken) msg.mediaToken = mediaToken if(mediaKey) msg.mediaKey = mediaKey if(mediaType) msg.mediaType = mediaType const isTribe = chat_type===constants.chat_types.tribe if(isTribe) { msg.senderAlias = sender_alias } const message = await models.Message.create(msg) // console.log('saved attachment', message.dataValues) socket.sendJson({ type: 'attachment', response: jsonUtils.messageToJson(message, chat, sender) }) sendNotification(chat, msg.senderAlias||sender.alias, 'message') const theChat = {, contactIds:[]} sendConfirmation({ chat:theChat, sender: owner, msg_id }) } async function signer(req, res) { if(!req.params.challenge) return resUtils.failure(res, "no challenge") try { const sig = await signBuffer( Buffer.from(req.params.challenge, 'base64') ) const sigBytes = zbase32.decode(sig) const sigBase64 = urlBase64FromBytes(sigBytes) resUtils.success(res, { sig: sigBase64 }) } catch(e) { resUtils.failure(res, e) } } async function verifier(msg, sig) { try { const res = await verifyMessage(msg, sig) return res } catch(e) { console.log(e) } } async function getMyPubKey(){ return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{ const lightning = loadLightning() var request = {} lightning.getInfo(request, function(err, response) { if(err) reject(err) if(!response.identity_pubkey) reject('no pub key') else resolve(response.identity_pubkey) }); }) } async function cycleMediaToken() { try{ if (process.env.TEST_LDAT) testLDAT() const mt = await getMediaToken(null) if(mt) { console.log('=> [meme] authed!') meme.setMediaToken(mt) } new CronJob('1 * * * *', function() { // every hour getMediaToken(true) }) } catch(e) { console.log(e.message) } } const mediaURL = 'http://' + config.media_host + '/' async function getMediaToken(force) { if(!force && meme.mediaToken) return meme.mediaToken await helpers.sleep(3000) try { const res = await rp.get(mediaURL+'ask') const r = JSON.parse(res) if (!(r && r.challenge && { throw new Error('no challenge') } const sig = await signBuffer( Buffer.from(r.challenge, 'base64') ) if(!sig) throw new Error('no signature') const pubkey = await getMyPubKey() if(!pubkey){ throw new Error('no pub key!') } const sigBytes = zbase32.decode(sig) const sigBase64 = urlBase64FromBytes(sigBytes) const bod = await'verify', { form:{id:, sig:sigBase64, pubkey} }) const body = JSON.parse(bod) if(!(body && body.token)){ throw new Error('no token') } meme.setMediaToken(body.token) return body.token } catch(e) { throw e } } async function getMediaInfo(muid) { try { const token = await getMediaToken(null) const res = await rp.get(mediaURL+'mymedia/'+muid,{ headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, json:true }) return res } catch(e) { return null } } export { sendAttachmentMessage, receiveAttachment, receivePurchase, receivePurchaseAccept, receivePurchaseDeny, purchase, signer, verifier, getMediaToken, cycleMediaToken }