import * as path from 'path' import * as lndService from '../grpc' import {getInfo} from '../utils/lightning' import {controllers} from '../controllers' import * as tribes from '../utils/tribes' import {SPHINX_CUSTOM_RECORD_KEY, verifyAscii} from '../utils/lightning' import { models } from '../models' import {sendMessage} from './send' const constants = require(path.join(__dirname,'../../config/constants.json')) const types = constants.message_types const typesToForward=[ types.message, types.attachment, types.group_join, types.group_leave ] async function onReceive(payload){ // if tribe, owner must forward to MQTT const isTribe = if(isTribe && typesToForward.includes(payload.type)){ const tribeOwnerPubKey = await tribes.verifySignedTimestamp( const owner = await models.Contact.findOne({where: {isOwner:true}}) if(owner.publicKey===tribeOwnerPubKey){ forwardMessageToTribe(payload) } } if(ACTIONS[payload.type]) { ACTIONS[payload.type](payload) } else { console.log('Incorrect payload type:', payload.type) } } function forwardMessageToTribe(payload){ const chat = models.Chat.findOne({where:{}}) const sender = models.Contact.findOne({where:{publicKey:payload.sender.pub_key}}) const type = payload.type const message = payload.message sendMessage({ chat, sender, type, message, success: ()=>{}, receive: ()=>{} }) } const ACTIONS = { [types.contact_key]: controllers.contacts.receiveContactKey, [types.contact_key_confirmation]: controllers.contacts.receiveConfirmContactKey, [types.message]: controllers.messages.receiveMessage, [types.invoice]: controllers.invoices.receiveInvoice, [types.direct_payment]: controllers.payments.receivePayment, [types.confirmation]: controllers.confirmations.receiveConfirmation, [types.attachment]:, [types.purchase]:, [types.purchase_accept]:, [types.purchase_deny]:, [types.group_create]: controllers.chats.receiveGroupCreateOrInvite, [types.group_invite]: controllers.chats.receiveGroupCreateOrInvite, [types.group_join]: controllers.chats.receiveGroupJoin, [types.group_leave]: controllers.chats.receiveGroupLeave, } export async function initGrpcSubscriptions() { try{ await getInfo() await lndService.subscribeInvoices(parseKeysendInvoice) } catch(e) { throw e } } export async function initTribesSubscriptions(){ tribes.connect(async(topic, message)=>{ // onMessage callback try{ const msg = message.toString() console.log("=====> msg received! TOPIC", topic, "MESSAGE", msg) // check topic is signed by sender? const payload = await parseAndVerifyPayload(msg) onReceive(payload) } catch(e){} }) } // VERIFY PUBKEY OF SENDER from sig async function parseAndVerifyPayload(data){ let payload const li = data.lastIndexOf('}') const msg = data.substring(0,li+1) const sig = data.substring(li+1) try { payload = JSON.parse(msg) if(payload) { const v = await verifyAscii(msg, sig) if(v && v.valid && v.pubkey) { payload.sender = payload.sender||{} payload.sender.pub_key=v.pubkey return payload } } } catch(e) { return null } } export async function parseKeysendInvoice(i){ const recs = i.htlcs && i.htlcs[0] && i.htlcs[0].custom_records const buf = recs && recs[SPHINX_CUSTOM_RECORD_KEY] const data = buf && buf.toString() const value = i && i.value && parseInt(i.value) if(!data) return let payload if(data[0]==='{'){ try { payload = await parseAndVerifyPayload(data) } catch(e){} } else { const threads = weave(data) if(threads) payload = await parseAndVerifyPayload(threads) } if(payload){ const dat = payload if(value && dat && dat.message){ dat.message.amount = value // ADD IN TRUE VALUE } onReceive(dat) } } const chunks = {} function weave(p){ const pa = p.split('_') if(pa.length<4) return const ts = pa[0] const i = pa[1] const n = pa[2] const m = pa.filter((u,i)=>i>2).join('_') chunks[ts] = chunks[ts] ? [...chunks[ts], {i,n,m}] : [{i,n,m}] if(chunks[ts].length===parseInt(n)){ // got em all! const all = chunks[ts] let payload = '' all.slice().sort((a,b)=>a.i-b.i).forEach(obj=>{ payload += obj.m }) delete chunks[ts] return payload } }