import { Msg } from './interfaces' import { models } from '../models' import { builtinBotEmit } from '../builtin' import { keysendBotCmd, postToBotServer } from '../controllers/bots' import * as path from 'path' import * as SphinxBot from 'sphinx-bot' const constants = require(path.join(__dirname, '../../config/constants.json')) /* default show or not restrictions (be able to toggle, or dont show chat) */ // return bool whether to skip forwarding to tribe export async function isBotMsg(msg: Msg, sentByMe: boolean): Promise { const txt = msg.message && msg.message.content const msgType = msg.type if (msgType === constants.message_types.bot_res) { return false // bot res msg type not for processing } const chat = await models.Chat.findOne({ where: { uuid: } }) if (!chat) return false let didEmit = false if (txt && txt.startsWith('/bot ')) { builtinBotEmit(msg) didEmit = true } if (didEmit) return didEmit const botsInTribe = await models.ChatBot.findAll({ where: { chatId: } }) // console.log('=> botsInTribe', botsInTribe) if (!(botsInTribe && botsInTribe.length)) return false await asyncForEach(botsInTribe, async botInTribe => { if (botInTribe.msgTypes) { // console.log('=> botInTribe.msgTypes', botInTribe) try { const msgTypes = JSON.parse(botInTribe.msgTypes) if (msgTypes.includes(msgType)) { const isMsgAndHasText = msgType === constants.message_types.message && txt && txt.startsWith(`${botInTribe.botPrefix} `) const isNotMsg = msgType !== constants.message_types.message if (isMsgAndHasText || isNotMsg) { didEmit = await emitMessageToBot(msg, botInTribe.dataValues) } } } catch (e) { } } else { // no message types defined, do all? if (txt && txt.startsWith(`${botInTribe.botPrefix} `)) { // console.log('=> botInTribe.msgTypes else', botInTribe.dataValues) didEmit = await emitMessageToBot(msg, botInTribe.dataValues) } } }) return didEmit } async function emitMessageToBot(msg, botInTribe): Promise { console.log('=> emitMessageToBot',JSON.stringify(msg,null,2)) switch (botInTribe.botType) { case constants.bot_types.builtin: builtinBotEmit(msg) return true case constants.bot_types.local: const bot = await models.Bot.findOne({ where: { uuid: botInTribe.botUuid } }) return postToBotServer(msg, bot, SphinxBot.MSG_TYPE.MESSAGE) case constants.bot_types.remote: return keysendBotCmd(msg, botInTribe) default: return false } } async function asyncForEach(array, callback) { for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) { await callback(array[index], index, array); } }