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Deployment to myNode

This guide is focused on installing Sphinx-relay on top of myNode. Information about myNode can be found at:


  • Be able to connect with your node through SSH.
  • Connect to myNode as admin:
$ ssh admin@mynode.local

Use password bolt unless you have already changed it.

Install dependencies

sqlite3: $ sudo apt install sqlite3

python2 (if not present): $ sudo apt install python2

Open port 3001 on myNode

note: This port can be whatever number you want. Just add PORT to your environment like export PORT=5005.

Open up a console window with SSH. And login as root

$ sudo su

Open up port 3001 on your machine and make sure it has been added to the list.

# ufw allow 3001 comment 'allow Sphinx-Chat'
# ufw status

> Status: active
> To                         Action      From
> --                         ------      ----
> 3001 (v6)                  ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)              # Sphinx-Chat


login as user bitcoin.

$ sudo su bitcoin
$ cd

Clone the repository from Github and install the package.

$ git clone
$ cd sphinx-relay
$ npm install


Edit the "production" section of config/app.json.

$ cd
$ cd sphinx-relay/config/
$ nano app.json

Change the following 4 lines:

"macaroon_location": "/home/bitcoin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon",
"tls_location": "/mnt/hdd/mynode/lnd/tls.cert",
"lnd_log_location": "/home/bitcoin/.lnd/logs/bitcoin/mainnet/lnd.log",

Save and exit: Ctrl + X



Edit the "production" section of config/config.json

$ nano config.json

Change the following line to:

"storage": "/home/bitcoin/sphinx.db"

Save and exit: Ctrl + X



If you want to use your Sphinx client within the same local network

$ cd
$ cd sphinx-relay/config/
$ export NODE_IP=x.x.x.x:3001

where x.x.x.x is the local IP address of the machine running your Sphinx-Relay on your local network.

If you want to connect to your Sphinx-Relay from outside of your local network

$ cd
$ cd sphinx-relay/config/
$ export NODE_IP=x.x.x.x:3001

where x.x.x.x is the permanent public IP address of your router.

Make sure that port 3001 forwarding is properly set up.

For extra security:

$ export USE_PASSWORD=true

Activate keysend

We need LND to run with keysend activated. First, we check if it is already enabled on your node.

Go to http://mynode.local/lnd/config and check if the line accept-keysend=True (or accept-keysend=1) is included somewhere in the text.

If accept-keysend=True is already included you can continue without changing anything. If accept-keysend=True is not included, add it to a new line and click the Save button. This will restart your device. (Restarting could take up to several minutes but also hours, so be patient.)


Now it's time to run the software.

$ cd
$ cd sphinx-relay/config/
$ npm run prod

When Relay starts up, it will print a QR in the terminal. You can scan this in your app (Android or iOS) to connect!

To make Relay run continuously (also after a restart).

Before you start this part, make sure your app is connected and that you are able to send & receive messages.

Login as admin.

$ sudo su admin

Create a file named sphinx-relay.service

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/sphinx-relay.service

Copy and paste the following text to add it to the file:

Description=Sphinx Relay Service

ExecStart=npm run prod


Save and exit: Ctrl + X



Let's run!

$ sudo systemctl enable sphinx-relay
$ sudo systemctl start sphinx-relay

Check if Relay successfully started.

$ sudo systemctl status sphinx-relay

To stop the program

$ sudo systemctl stop sphinx-relay

To update Sphinx-Relay

fast method:

You can pull directly from git to update your relay. If you have only changed your config files, the following should work:

  • systemctl stop sphinx-relay
  • cd into your sphinx-relay directory (cd sphinx-relay)
  • git stash && git checkout master && git pull && git stash pop
  • systemctl start sphinx-relay

full reset method:

This probably is not the most efficient way to update. But it works, so we got that going, which is nice. Feel free to optimize the process and contribute. :)

Login as admin and stop the program.

$ sudo systemctl stop sphinx-relay

login as user bitcoin.

$ sudo su bitcoin
$ cd

Remove the old version

$ rm -rf sphinx-relay

Download the new version

Clone the repository from Github and install the package.

$ git clone
$ cd sphinx-relay
$ npm install


Edit the "production" section of config/app.json.

$ cd
$ cd sphinx-relay/config/
$ nano app.json

Change the following 4 lines:

"macaroon_location": "/home/bitcoin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon",
"tls_location": "/mnt/hdd/mynode/lnd/tls.cert",
"lnd_log_location": "/home/bitcoin/.lnd/logs/bitcoin/mainnet/lnd.log",
"lncli_location": "/home/bitcoin/go/bin",

Save and exit: Ctrl + X



Edit the "production" section of config/config.json

$ nano config.json

Change the following line to:

"storage": "/home/bitcoin/sphinx.db"

Save and exit: Ctrl + X



If you want to use your Sphinx client within the same local network

$ cd
$ cd sphinx-relay/config/
$ export NODE_IP=x.x.x.x:3001

where x.x.x.x is the local IP address of the machine running your Sphinx-Relay on your local network.

If you want to connect to your Sphinx-Relay from outside of your local network

$ cd
$ cd sphinx-relay/config/
$ export NODE_IP=x.x.x.x:3001

where x.x.x.x is the permanent public IP address of your router.

Make sure that port 3001 forwarding is properly set up.

For extra security:

$ export USE_PASSWORD=true

Turn on the service.

Login as admin.

$ su admin


$ exit

Turn the service on and check the status.

$ sudo systemctl enable sphinx-relay
$ sudo systemctl start sphinx-relay

tail logs

journalctl -u sphinx-relay -f

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