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Using Docker on Raspberry Pi

Install docker-compose:

Clone this repo.

git clone

Copy your id_rsa to clone the private lnd-lean repo.

cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa .

Build it.

docker-compose build

Edit your docker-compose.yml file replacing NODE_IP and NODE_ALIAS.

Relay will run on port 3000 local. You would need to point your router's port forwarding from 80 to 3000 to your docker machine.

Start up LND separately first.

docker-compose up lnd
  • In another terminal, go to the project folder and run.
docker-compose exec lnd bash

Once you're given a bash, run ping lnd and take note of the IP, this is because we need to tell Relay where lnd is via the IP, this is a temporary measure due to the limitation of the grpc connection can only be done via IP and not domain name.

Edit your app.json file inside config and on the production key replace node_ip with the one from the ping.

Run Relay.

docker-compose up node_server

Create / Unlock your wallet

docker-compose exec lnd lncli create

docker-compose exec lnd lncli unlock

NOTE: All lncli commands need to be prepended with docker-compose exec lnd, this tells docker to execute something on the lnd container.


Make sure your LND is running with the --accept-keysend flag! If you are using lnd.conf file, add accept-keysend=1, if necessary

Edit the "production" section of config/app.json:

  • Change macaroon_location to the location of your LND admin macaroon
  • Change tls_location to the location of your LND cert

Edit the "production" section of config/config.json

  • Update "storage" to point to where you want your DB file to live

To connect to your app

  • export NODE_IP=x.x.x.x (you can use a domain name instead if you have that set up)
  • For extra security, export USE_PASSWORD=true


npm run prod

When Relay starts up, it will print a QR in the terminal. You can scan this in your app (Android & iOS) to connect!