# Termux packages
This project contains scripts and patches to build packages for the [Termux]
Android application.
The packages available here are only from main set. We have some additional
- https://github.com/termux/game-packages
Game packages, e.g. `angband` or `moon-buggy` .
- https://github.com/termux/science-packages
Science-related packages like `gap` and `gnucap` .
- https://github.com/termux/termux-root-packages
Packages which can be used only on rooted devices. Some stuff available
here requires custom kernel (like `aircrack-ng` or `lxc` ).
- https://github.com/termux/unstable-packages
Staging repository. Packages that are not stable are only available here.Most likely, new packages will also be placed here.
- https://github.com/termux/x11-packages
Packages that require X11 Windows System.
Termux package management quick how-to available on https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Package_Management.
To learn about using our build environment, read the [Developer's Wiki].
## Project structure
- [disabled-packages ](disabled-packages/ ):
Packages that cannot be published due to serious issues.
- [ndk-patches ](ndk-patches/ ):
Our changes to Android NDK headers.
- [packages ](packages/ ):
Main set of packages.
- [sample ](sample/ ):
Sample structure for creating new packages.
- [scripts ](scripts/ ):
Set of utilities and build system scripts.
## Contributing
## Contacts
- General Mailing List: https://groups.io/g/termux
- Developer Mailing List: https://groups.io/g/termux-dev
- Developer Chat: https://gitter.im/termux/dev or #termux/development on IRC/freenode.
If you are interested in our weekly development sessions, please check the
https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Dev:Development_Sessions. Also, you may want to
check the https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Development.
[Bintray]: < https: / / bintray . com / termux / termux-packages-24 >
[Developer's Wiki]: < https: / / github . com / termux / termux-packages / wiki >
[Termux]: < https: / / github . com / termux / termux-app >
[android-5]: < https: / / github . com / termux / termux-packages / tree / android-5 >
[master]: < https: / / github . com / termux / termux-packages / tree / master >