50 lines
2.3 KiB

diff -u -r ../radare2-3.3.0/libr/core/cconfig.c ./libr/core/cconfig.c
--- ../radare2-3.3.0/libr/core/cconfig.c 2019-02-19 12:35:24.000000000 +0000
+++ ./libr/core/cconfig.c 2019-03-01 23:31:17.730684566 +0000
@@ -2961,14 +2961,10 @@
free (path);
SETCB ("dir.source", "", &cb_dirsrc, "Path to find source files");
- SETPREF ("dir.types", "/usr/include", "Default path to look for cparse type files");
+ SETPREF ("dir.types", "@TERMUX_PREFIX@/usr/include", "Default path to look for cparse type files");
SETCB ("dir.home", r_sys_getenv (R_SYS_HOME), &cb_dirhome, "Path for the home directory");
SETCB ("dir.tmp", r_sys_getenv (R_SYS_TMP), &cb_dirtmp, "Path of the tmp directory");
-#if __ANDROID__
- SETPREF ("dir.projects", "/data/data/org.radare.radare2installer/radare2/projects", "Default path for projects");
SETPREF ("dir.projects", R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("~", R2_HOME_PROJECTS), "Default path for projects");
SETCB ("dir.zigns", R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("~", R2_HOME_ZIGNS), &cb_dirzigns, "Default path for zignatures (see zo command)");
SETPREF ("stack.reg", "SP", "Which register to use as stack pointer in the visual debug");
SETPREF ("stack.bytes", "true", "Show bytes instead of words in stack");
@@ -3099,6 +3095,9 @@
#if __WINDOWS__
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "start");
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+ r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "xdg-open");
if (r_file_exists ("/usr/bin/openURL")) { // iOS ericautils
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "/usr/bin/openURL");
} else if (r_file_exists ("/system/bin/toolbox")) {
@@ -3111,16 +3110,13 @@
} else {
r_config_set (cfg, "http.browser", "firefox");
r_config_desc (cfg, "http.browser", "Command to open HTTP URLs");
SETI ("http.maxsize", 0, "Maximum file size for upload");
SETPREF ("http.bind", "localhost", "Server address");
SETPREF ("http.homeroot", R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("~", R2_HOME_WWWROOT), "http home root directory");
-#if __ANDROID__
- SETPREF ("http.root", "/data/data/org.radare.radare2installer/www", "http root directory");
SETPREF ("http.root", R2_WWWROOT, "http root directory");
SETPREF ("http.port", "9090", "HTTP server port");
SETPREF ("http.maxport", "9999", "Last HTTP server port");
SETPREF ("http.ui", "m", "Default webui (enyo, m, p, t)");
Only in ./libr/core: cconfig.c.orig
Only in ./libr/core: cconfig.c.rej