diff -u -r ../postgresql-10.1/src/timezone/zic.c ./src/timezone/zic.c
--- ../postgresql-10.1/src/timezone/zic.c	2017-11-07 01:46:52.000000000 +0100
+++ ./src/timezone/zic.c	2017-11-11 19:32:52.836782026 +0100
@@ -17,6 +17,12 @@
 #include "private.h"
 #include "tzfile.h"
+ * Avoid the qsort->pg_qsort define to more easily build
+ * a native patched zic tool.
+ */
+#undef qsort
 #define	ZIC_VERSION_PRE_2013 '2'
 #define	ZIC_VERSION	'3'
@@ -889,8 +895,16 @@
 				progname, directory, fromfield, strerror(EPERM));
+#if 1
+	/*
+	 * Android does not support hard links starting from 6.0
+	 * so always use symlinks.
+	 */
+	staysymlink = true;
 	if (staysymlink)
 		staysymlink = itssymlink(tofield);
 	if (remove(tofield) == 0)
 		todirs_made = true;
 	else if (errno != ENOENT)