set -e -u

show_help() {
	echo 'Usage: pkg command [arguments]'
	echo ''
	echo 'A tool for managing packages. Commands:'
	echo ''
	echo '  files <packages>'
	echo '  install <packages>'
	echo '  list-all'
	echo '  list-installed'
	echo '  reinstall <packages>'
	echo '  search <query>'
	echo '  show <packages>'
	echo '  uninstall <packages>'
	echo '  upgrade'
	exit 1

assert_not_root() {
  if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]
    echo "This must NOT be run as root as it will break your environment (root will be required for nearly everything due to changed file permissions)"
    exit 1

if [ $# = 0 ]; then show_help; fi
shift 1

case "$CMD" in
	f*) dpkg -L $@;;
	h*) show_help;;
	add|i*) assert_not_root; apt update; apt install $@;;
	list-a*) apt list $@;;
	list-i*) apt list --installed $@;;
	rei*) assert_not_root; apt install --reinstall $@;;
	se*) assert_not_root; apt update; apt search $@;;
	sh*) apt show $@;;
	un*|rem*|rm|del*) assert_not_root; apt remove $@;;
	up*) assert_not_root; apt update; apt full-upgrade;;
	*) echo "Unknown command: '$CMD' (run 'pkg help' for usage information)";;