diff --git a/src/rt/sections_android.d b/src/rt/sections_android.d
index cd8d5535..6a7fcd11 100644
--- a/src/rt/sections_android.d
+++ b/runtime/druntime/src/rt/sections_android.d
@@ -76,7 +76,11 @@ void initSections() nothrow @nogc
     _sections.moduleGroup = ModuleGroup(mbeg[0 .. mend - mbeg]);
     auto pbeg = cast(void*)&_tlsend;
-    auto pend = cast(void*)&__bss_end__;
+    version(X86) auto pend = cast(void*)&_end;
+    else version(X86_64) auto pend = cast(void*)& _end;
+    else version(ARM) auto pend = cast(void*)& __bss_end__;
+    else version(AArch64) auto pend = cast(void*)& __bss_end__;
+    else static assert( false, "Android architecture not supported." );
     // _tlsend is a 32-bit int and may not be 64-bit void*-aligned, so align pbeg.
     version(D_LP64) pbeg = cast(void*)(cast(size_t)(pbeg + 7) & ~cast(size_t)7);
     _sections._gcRanges[0] = pbeg[0 .. pend - pbeg];
@@ -209,7 +184,11 @@ extern(C)
             void* __stop_minfo;
-        size_t __bss_end__;
+        version(X86) size_t _end;
+        else version(X86_64) size_t _end;
+        else version(ARM) size_t __bss_end__;
+        else version(AArch64) size_t __bss_end__;
+        else static assert( false, "Android architecture not supported." );
         int _tlsstart;
         int _tlsend;