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manifestVersion: 1
id: portainer
category: developer
name: Portainer
version: "2.19.1"
tagline: Run custom Docker containers on your Umbrel
description: >-
⚠️ Make sure to only use named Docker volumes for your stacks and containers. Data in bind-mounted volumes
will be lost when the Portainer app is restarted or updated.
⚠️ Watch out for port conflicts between your custom Docker containers and your umbrelOS apps.
Portainer is the ultimate Docker management solution that simplifies running Docker containers and Docker Compose
setups on your Umbrel, putting comprehensive control at your fingertips.
Portainer provides seamless container management, allowing you to efficiently monitor, start, stop, and
modify containers, networks, volumes, and images. You can also deploy multi-container applications using Docker Compose
with ease.
🛠️ Portainer on Umbrel is for power users, follow these best practices to avoid issues:
1. Data persistence: Make sure to only used named Docker volumes for your stacks and containers. Data in bind-mounted
volumes will be lost when the Portainer app is restarted or updated.
2. Port management: Watch out for potential port conflicts between your custom containers and umbrelOS' service containers,
apps you have installed from the Umbrel App Store or Community App Stores, and any apps you go to install in the future.
3. Container restart policy: Set your containers to "unless-stopped" or "always" restart policies. This will allow your containers
to restart automatically when the Portainer app is restarted or updated.
4. Web access to containers: Access your custom containers in your browser at umbrel.local:<mapped-port>. For example, for a container
with a web UI running on port 4545, navigate to umbrel.local:4545 to access it.
website: https://portainer.io
dependencies: []
repo: https://github.com/portainer/portainer
support: https://github.com/portainer/portainer/issues
port: 9000
- 1.jpg
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path: ""
defaultUsername: "admin"
defaultPassword: "changeme"
releaseNotes: >-
This update of Portainer from 2.19.0 to 2.19.1 includes various bug fixes, improvements, and new features, including the following highlights.
👉 Breaking changes:
- Changes to API format and checking of some requests - See rest API changes below for more details.
👉 Portainer:
- Fixed an issue where backup files were missing the Chisel private key. This could have disrupted communication between the Portainer server and agent after a restoration from backup.
- Improved the upgrade process for the Portainer server, upgrade process now halts on database migration errors, preventing database version mismatches for a more stable environment.
- Fixed an issue where toggles could be activated outside of their intended component area, potentially leading to inadvertent toggling.
👉 RestAPI:
- Fixed an issue introduced in 2.19.0 when Kubernetes environment metrics API features were enabled, where these features would return an ‘Unable to reach metrics API’ error.
- Introduced new format around the change of a user’s password via API.
- Updated the checking around change of a user via API.
- Fixed API endpoints that were broken in the 2.19.0 release, ensuring that they retain their previous functionality.
View full release notes here: https://github.com/portainer/portainer/releases/tag/2.19.1
developer: Portainer
submitter: Umbrel
submission: https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-apps/pull/774