manifestVersion: 1
id: audiobookshelf
name: Audiobookshelf
tagline: Audiobook and podcast server
category: media
version: "2.16.2"
port: 13378
description: >-
- Fully open-source, including the android & iOS app (in beta)
- Stream all audio formats on the fly
- Search and add podcasts to download episodes w/ auto-download
- Multi-user support w/ custom permissions
- Keeps progress per user and syncs across devices
- Auto-detects library updates, no need to re-scan
- Upload books and podcasts w/ bulk upload drag and drop folders
- Backup your metadata + automated daily backups
- Progressive Web App (PWA)
- Chromecast support on the web app and android app
- Fetch metadata and cover art from several sources
- Chapter editor and chapter lookup (using Audnexus API)
- Merge your audio files into a single m4b
- Embed metadata and cover image into your audio files (using Tone)
- Basic ebook support and e-reader (experimental)
Android App (beta)
- Try it out on the Google Play Store
iOS App (early beta)
- Available using Test Flight: https://testflight.apple.com/join/wiic7QIW
developer: advplyr
website: https://audiobookshelf.org
repo: https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf
support: https://discord.gg/pJsjuNCKRq
- 1.jpg
- 2.jpg
- 3.jpg
dependencies: []
path: ""
defaultUsername: ""
defaultPassword: ""
releaseNotes: >-
New features:
- Library setting to control when to mark items as finished (time remaining or percentage)
- User permission to allow users to create ereaders
- Incorrect version shown as latest version when update is available
- Server crash when downloading files
- Incorrect time remaining for podcast episodes
- Server crash when streaming download
- Improved performance with database migration for indexes
- Enhanced embed metadata tool functionality
- Improved localization for missing strings
- More strings translated in various languages including Croatian, Czech, Dutch, German, Polish, and Simplified Chinese
Full release notes can be found at https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf/releases
submitter: Jasper
submission: https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-apps/pull/302