Oak Node gives you Scheduled Sends. Use it to schedule recurring tips to LNURL or Lightning Addresses.
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For Nostriches out there, the included Nostr bot gives you control over your sats from any Nostr client.
The Nostr bot now has a Shadowy LN Tips feature. Once it's set up, you can use any Nostr client to trigger an LN tip to anyone by just liking one of their notes.
This update also brings NIP-65 support for more reliable pairing, auto-reconnects to relays when necessary, npub support and more.
Ever wanted a fancier Nostr pubkey, but didn't want to mine it yourself?
Oak now has a PowPub Client, which lets you buy the mining of vanity pubkeys from mining providers.
It uses a split-key approach, so the keys are known only to you.