tagline:Looks and smells like Sonarr but made for music
Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users.
It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new albums from your favorite artists and will interface with clients and indexers to grab, sort, and rename them.
It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of existing files in the library when a better quality format becomes available.
Lidarr on umbrelOS will automatically connect to download clients installed from the Umbrel App Store. Choose from Transmission, qBittorerent, and SABnzbd. Simply install your preferred client(s).
All you need to do from there is add an indexer so Lidarr can search for music. You can add indexers directly within Lidarr, or install Prowlarr from the Umbrel App Store for easier management of indexers across multiple apps.
Add your indexers to Prowlarr and they will be automatically available in Lidarr.
@ -28,9 +34,15 @@ defaultUsername: ""
This update takes Lidarr from 1.4.5 to 2.1.7.
Lidarr on umbrelOS now offers automatic configuration for qBittorrent and SABnzbd! If you currently have qBittorrent or SABnzbd installed, please update to the latest versions to take advantage of this feature.
- Simply install your preferred download client from the Umbrel App Store, and Lidarr will handle the rest. No manual configuration required!
- Already configured? If you have previously set up Lidarr with qBittorrent or SABnzbd, this update will not affect your existing settings.
For full Lidarr release notes:https://github.com/Lidarr/Lidarr/releases
Full release notes for Lidarr are available at https://github.com/Lidarr/Lidarr/releases
Prowlarr is an indexer manager/proxy built on the popular *arr .net/reactjs base stack to integrate with your various PVR apps. Prowlarr supports management of both Torrent Trackers and Usenet Indexers. It integrates seamlessly with Lidarr, Mylar3, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr offering complete management of your indexers with no per app Indexer setup required (we do it all).
Prowlarr is an indexer manager/proxy built on the popular *arr .net/reactjs base stack to integrate with your various PVR apps.
Prowlarr supports management of both Torrent Trackers and Usenet Indexers. It integrates seamlessly with Lidarr, Mylar3, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr offering complete management of your indexers with no per app Indexer setup required (we do it all).
Prowlarr on umbrelOS will automatically:
1. Connect to Other Servarr Apps and Download Clients:
Prowlarr will seamlessly integrate with other Servarr apps (e.g., Radarr, Sonarr, etc.) and download clients (e.g., Transmission, qBittorrent, etc.) installed from the Umbrel App Store. Simply install your preferred apps, and Prowlarr will handle the connections for you.
2. Set up Flaresolverr:
Prowlarr comes pre-configured with FlareSolverr. To use it, simply add the “flaresolverr” tag to any indexers that require it.
@ -21,9 +37,14 @@ path: ""
This update takes Prowlarr from 1.12.2 to 1.18.0.
Prowlarr on umbrelOS now:
- Automatically connects to more download clients (qBittorrent and SABnzbd) installed from the Umbrel App Store. Simply install your preferred download client from the Umbrel App Store, and Prowlarr will handle the rest. No manual configuration required! If you currently have qBittorrent or SABnzbd installed, please update to the latest versions to take advantage of this feature. If you have previously set up Prowlarr with qBittorrent or SABnzbd, this update will not affect your existing settings.
- Comes pre-configured with FlareSolverr. To use it, simply add the “flaresolverr” tag to any indexers that require it.
Full release notes here:https://github.com/Prowlarr/Prowlarr/releases
Full release notes for Prowlarr are available at https://github.com/Prowlarr/Prowlarr/releases
# As of v4.6.1, qBittorrent no longer supports a default password and instead prints a temporary password to the logs, which is not ideal for users.
# Users are meant to start qBittorrent, copy the temporary password from the container logs, log in with the temporary password, and then set a new password from the UI.
# This script will set the default password to the legacy 'adminadmin' password if the password is not already set. If a user has already set a password, this script will not overwrite it.
# The app description in the Umbrel app store encourages users to change the default password.
echo "inside qbittorrent/hooks/post-start"
# This script does 2 main things:
# 1. Sets the default password to 'adminadmin' if it hasn't been set yet. This is done so that users can access qBittorrent after installation without needing to access the qBittorrent container logs to retrieve a temporary password which will reset on restart.
# 2. Enables the AuthSubnetWhitelist option and sets the AuthSubnetWhitelist to the umbrel_main_network Docker network subnet. This is done so that we can autoconfigure other apps like Radarr/Sonarr/etc.
# We use a file called HAS_BEEN_CONFIGURED to indicate that we've already configured qBittorrent. This way users can modify the qBittorrent.conf file without our script overwriting it.
echo "qBittorrent has already been configured."
# Wait up to 30 seconds for the qBittorrent.conf file to exist
echo "Waiting up to 30 seconds for qBittorrent.conf file to exist..."
@ -24,26 +33,68 @@ if [[ ! -f "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}" ]]; then
# wait 5 seconds to be extra sure the file is fully written by the qBittorrent service
echo "Waiting 5 seconds for qBittorrent.conf file to be fully written..."
sleep 5
if "${UMBREL_ROOT}/scripts/app" compose "${APP_ID}" stop server; then
echo "qBittorrent stopped successfully."
echo "Failed to run stop command because we were sent here from the post-start hook. This is expected behavior. Continuing"
# As of v4.6.1, qBittorrent no longer supports a default password and instead prints a temporary password to the logs, which is not ideal for users.
# Users are meant to start qBittorrent, copy the temporary password from the container logs, log in with the temporary password, and then set a new password from the UI.
# This script will set the default password to the legacy 'adminadmin' password if the password is not already set. If a user has already set a password, this script will not overwrite it.
# The app description in the Umbrel app store encourages users to change the default password.
# If a line with `WebUI\Password_PBKDF2` does not exist yet in the qBittorrent.conf, then a custom password hasn't been set yet and we write out `adminadmin` as the default password.
# This line is expected to be under the [Preferences] section.
# We check for this line first because a user may have a legacy install from before qBittorrent removed the default password.
if ! grep --quiet '^WebUI\\Password_PBKDF2' "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}"; then
echo "WebUI\\Password_PBKDF2 does not exist in qBittorrent.conf. Adding default password."
# wait 5 seconds to be extra sure the file is fully written by the qBittorrent service
echo "Waiting 5 seconds for qBittorrent.conf file to be fully written..."
sleep 5
# stop the qBittorrent service
echo "Stopping qBittorrent..."
"${UMBREL_ROOT}/scripts/app" compose "${APP_ID}" stop server
echo "Writing default password adminadmin to qBittorrent.conf"
sed -i '/^\[Preferences\]/a WebUI\\Password_PBKDF2="@ByteArray(gTzqQHUv3A1X43tLaAhaJQ==:ZBCIBA4honNZ7H66xdEoHpqBC/Vvwj17ZCjQKARSK78ScJWDMdWSfxezHG536UekAL/zpRn571MXCfhtdqiArA==)"' "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}"
# start the qBittorrent service
echo "Starting qBittorrent..."
"${UMBREL_ROOT}/scripts/app" compose "${APP_ID}" start server
# This is a legacy install and the user has already set a password. We don't want to overwrite it.
echo "'WebUI\\Password_PBKDF2' already exists in qBittorrent.conf. No changes made."
# Users can overwrite these settings in the qBittorrent.conf file if they want to change them and this script won't overwrite them.
# Ensure WebUI\AuthSubnetWhitelist is set correctly
echo "Setting AuthSubnetWhitelist= in qBittorrent.conf"
if grep -q '^WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelist=' "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}"; then
sed -i 's/^WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelist=.*/WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelist=\/16/' "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}"
sed -i '/^\[Preferences\]/a WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelist=' "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}"
# Ensure WebUI\AuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled is set correctly
echo "Setting WebUI\AuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled=true in qBittorrent.conf"
if grep -q '^WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled=' "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}"; then
sed -i 's/^WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled=.*/WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled=true/' "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}"
sed -i '/^\[Preferences\]/a WebUI\\AuthSubnetWhitelistEnabled=true' "${QBITTORRENT_CONF_FILE}"
# Create the UMBREL_QBITTORRENT_CONFIG_FLAG file to indicate that we've configured qBittorrent
# start the qBittorrent service
echo "Starting qBittorrent..."
"${UMBREL_ROOT}/scripts/app" compose "${APP_ID}" start server
# Restart *arr apps in order to trigger automatic configuration
qBittorrent is an open-source software alternative to µTorrent. It's designed to meet the needs of most users while using as little CPU and memory as possible.
@ -10,23 +10,29 @@ description: >-
- qBittorrent on umbrelOS is configured to work without any additional configuration. Please make sure that you do not change the default download path in the app settings. It should remain set to "/app/qBittorrent/downloads" to ensure that your downloads show up in your main Umbrel downloads folder.
- This app comes bundled with VueTorrent, a sleek user interface that provides an alternative to qBittorrent's default interface.
To enable VueTorrent, simply navigate to tools --> options --> Web UI and select "Use alternative Web UI".
qBittorrent on umbrelOS is set up to work without any additional configuration needed. It will automatically be connected to dependent apps like Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, Readarr, and Prowlarr. Simply install additional media apps from the Umbrel App Store, and everything will work seamlessly together.
Some additional tips:
- Please make sure that you do not change the default download path in the app settings. It should remain set to "/app/qBittorrent/downloads" to ensure that your downloads show up in your main Umbrel downloads folder.
- It is recommended to change the default password for the app after installation.
- This app comes bundled with two alternative Web UI's:VueTorrent and Nightwalker. To enable them, navigate to tools --> options --> Web UI and select "Use alternative Web UI". In the "Files location" field, enter "/app/vuetorrent" for VueTorrent or "/app/nightwalker" for Nightwalker and then click "Save".
⚠️ qBittorrent downloads torrents over the Clearnet, not Tor.
This hotfix release addresses an issue where users who installed qBittorrent v4.6.5 on umbrelOS sometimes needed to restart the app to access the web interface.
qBittorrent on umbrelOS now offers automatic configuration for media apps like Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, Readarr, and Prowlarr. Simply install your preferred media apps from the Umbrel App Store, and the rest will be handled for you. No manual configuration required!
⚠️ After updating, please ensure that your downloads path in the app is set to the default "/app/qBittorrent/downloads" path. This will make it so that your downloads show up in your main Umbrel downloads folder.
Please update your media apps to the latest versions to take advantage of this feature. If you have previously set up qBittorrent with media apps, this update will not affect your existing settings.
Read the full release notes at https://www.qbittorrent.org/news#sun-may-26th-2024---qbittorrent-v4.6.5-release
Full release notes for qBittorrent are available at https://www.qbittorrent.org/news#sun-may-26th-2024---qbittorrent-v4.6.5-release
Radarr is a movie collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new movies and will interface with clients and indexers to grab, sort, and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of existing files in the library when a better quality format becomes available. Note that only one type of a given movie is supported. If you want both an 4k version and 1080p version of a given movie you will need multiple instances.
Radarr on umbrelOS will automatically connect to download clients installed from the Umbrel App Store. Choose from Transmission, qBittorerent, and SABnzbd. Simply install your preferred client(s).
All you need to do from there is add an indexer so Radarr can search for movies. You can add indexers directly within Radarr, or install Prowlarr from the Umbrel App Store for easier management of indexers across multiple apps.
Add your indexers to Prowlarr and they will be automatically available in Radarr.
@ -19,10 +28,15 @@ gallery:
- 3.jpg
This release updates Radarr from 5.0.3 to 5.6.0.
Radarr on umbrelOS now offers automatic configuration for qBittorrent and SABnzbd!
- Simply install your preferred download client from the Umbrel App Store, and Radarr will handle the rest. No manual configuration required! If you currently have qBittorrent or SABnzbd installed, please update to the latest versions to take advantage of this feature.
- Already configured? If you have previously set up Radarr with qBittorrent or SABnzbd, this update will not affect your existing settings.
Full release notes here https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/releases
Full release notes for Radarr are available at https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/releases
⚠️ Readarr is currently in beta testing and is generally still in a work in progress. Features may be broken, incomplete, or cause spontaneous combustion.
Readarr is an ebook and audiobook collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new books from your favorite authors and will grab, sort, and rename them. Note that only one type of a given book is supported. If you want both an audiobook and ebook of a given book you will need multiple instances.
Readarr on umbrelOS will automatically connect to download clients installed from the Umbrel App Store. Choose from Transmission, qBittorerent, and SABnzbd. Simply install your preferred client(s).
All you need to do from there is add an indexer so Readarr can search for books. You can add indexers directly within Readarr, or install Prowlarr from the Umbrel App Store for easier management of indexers across multiple apps.
Add your indexers to Prowlarr and they will be automatically available in Readarr.
Readarr on umbrelOS now offers automatic configuration for qBittorrent and SABnzbd!
- Simply install your preferred download client from the Umbrel App Store, and Readarr will handle the rest. No manual configuration required! If you currently have qBittorrent or SABnzbd installed, please update to the latest versions to take advantage of this feature.
- Already configured? If you have previously set up Readarr with qBittorrent or SABnzbd, this update will not affect your existing settings.
# sabnzdb offers no way to change the default download directory via environment variables
# and the sabnzbd.ini is not generated until after going through the setup wizard, which automatically sets the download directory to /config/Downloads
# users then need to manually change the download directory to /downloads in Settings > Folders
# This must be done in order to integrate easily properly with other apps like Sonarr and Radarr
# Wait up to 30 seconds for the sabnzbd.conf file to exist
echo "Waiting up to 30 seconds for sabnzbd.ini file to exist..."
for attempt in $(seq 1 300); do
if [[ -f "${SABNZBD_CONF_FILE}" ]]; then
echo "sabnzbd.ini file exists"
sleep 0.1
if [[ ! -f "${SABNZBD_CONF_FILE}" ]]; then
echo "sabnzbd.ini was never created. Something is likely wrong with the SABnzbd app."
# wait 5 seconds to be extra sure the file is fully written by the SABnzbd service
echo "Waiting 5 seconds for sabnzbd.ini file to be fully written..."
sleep 5
# stop the SABnzbd service
echo "Stopping SABnzbd..."
"${UMBREL_ROOT}/scripts/app" compose "${APP_ID}" stop web
# Overwrite download directories
echo "Overwriting download_dir and complete_dir in sabnzbd.ini"
sed -i 's/download_dir = Downloads\/incomplete/download_dir = \/downloads\/incomplete/' "${SABNZBD_CONF_FILE}"
sed -i 's/complete_dir = Downloads\/complete/complete_dir = \/downloads\/complete/' "${SABNZBD_CONF_FILE}"
# Add the SABnzbd container name to host_whitelist in the SABnzbd app's ini file
echo "Adding SABnzbd container name to host_whitelist in sabnzbd.ini"
if grep -q '^host_whitelist =' "${SABNZBD_CONF_FILE}"; then
sed -i 's/^host_whitelist = \(.*\)/host_whitelist = \1 sabnzbd_web_1,/' "${SABNZBD_CONF_FILE}"
sed -i '/^\[misc\]/a host_whitelist = sabnzbd_web_1,' "${SABNZBD_CONF_FILE}"
# Add categories to the SABnzbd app's ini file
# We do this because the *arr apps require exact category names to be present in the SABnzbd app's ini file in order to automatically configure SABnzbd.
SABnzbd makes Usenet as simple and streamlined as possible by automating everything we can. All you have to do is add an .nzb.
@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ description: >-
If you want to know more you can head over to our website:https://sabnzbd.org.
1. Set the Downloads Folder:During the quick-start wizard, you'll see default download directories ('/config/Downloads/complete' and '/config/Downloads/incomplete'). You will need to change these to
`downloads/complete` and `downloads/incomplete` as shown in the second gallery image above. You can change these by navigating to Settings > Folders in the SABnzbd app.
These directories are pre-configured to map to the main 'downloads' folder on your Umbrel device and to also work seamlessly with other apps like Sonarr and Radarr.
SABnzbd on umbrelOS is set up to work without any additional configuration needed. It will automatically be connected to dependent apps like Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, Readarr, and Prowlarr. Simply install additional media apps from the Umbrel App Store, and everything will work seamlessly together.
2. Integrating with Other Applications:If you want to integrate SABnzbd with other applications such as Sonarr or Radarr, you'll need to use the IP address of your Umbrel device as the 'Host' and use 9876 as the 'Port'.
You can find the IP address of your Umbrel device by checking your router's admin dashboard or by using an IP scanning tool like Angry IP Scanner.
If you want to modify the default categories that are set up on install, you can do so by navigating to the Categories section in the SABnzbd settings tab.
If you do this, you will need to update the categories in your other apps like Sonarr and Radarr to match the ones you set up in SABnzbd in order for them to work together.
You can also set up API keys for integration with other apps like Sonarr and Radarr by navigating to the General section in the SABnzbd app.
This is a hotfix release for SABnzbd 4.1.0 on Umbrel. It makes it easier to configure SABnzbd with apps like Sonarr and Radarr.
🚨 If you are already running SABnzbd 4.1.0 on Umbrel, please update your app and then follow these steps to re-configure your downloads folder path.
You may see errors in the UI when first opening SABnzbd after updating. No data has been lost. This is expected and will be fixed after following these steps.
1. In the SABnzbd app, navigate to Settings > Folders.
2. Change the 'Temporary Download Folder' to `downloads/incomplete` and the 'Completed Download Folder' to `downloads/complete`.
SABnzbd on umbrelOS now offers automatic configuration for media apps like Radarr, Sonarr, Lidarr, Readarr, and Prowlarr. Simply install your preferred media apps from the Umbrel App Store, and the rest will be handled for you. No manual configuration required!
3. Click 'Save Changes'.
Please update your media apps to the latest versions to take advantage of this feature. If you have previously set up SABnzbd as a download client within media apps, this update will not affect your existing settings.
If you have not previously set up SABnzbd with media apps, it is recommended that you uninstall and reinstall SABnzbd to avoid any potential category conflicts.
You are now set!
Full release notes for SABnzbd are available at https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/releases
tagline:Smart PVR for newsgroup and bittorrent users
Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available.
Sonarr on umbrelOS will automatically connect to download clients installed from the Umbrel App Store. Choose from Transmission, qBittorerent, and SABnzbd. Simply install your preferred client(s).
All you need to do from there is add an indexer so Sonarr can search for shows. You can add indexers directly within Sonarr, or install Prowlarr from the Umbrel App Store for easier management of indexers across multiple apps.
Add your indexers to Prowlarr and they will be automatically available in Sonarr.
@ -19,13 +28,15 @@ gallery:
- 3.jpg
This release updates Sonarr from 3.0.10 to 4.0.5. The official Sonarr v4 announcement can be found at https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/sonarr-v4-released/33089.
Sonarr on umbrelOS now offers automatic configuration for qBittorrent and SABnzbd!
🚨 You will be required to set-up a login for Sonarr with this update.
- Simply install your preferred download client from the Umbrel App Store, and Sonarr will handle the rest. No manual configuration required! If you currently have qBittorrent or SABnzbd installed, please update to the latest versions to take advantage of this feature.
- Already configured? If you have previously set up Sonarr with qBittorrent or SABnzbd, this update will not affect your existing settings.
Full release notes can be found at https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/releases
Full release notes for Sonarr can be found at https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/releases