Ghostfolio is a privacy-first, open source dashboard for your personal finances.
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- Hid the average buy price in the position detail chart if there is no holding
- Improved the language localization for French
This release upgrades Ghostfolio from v1.287.0 to v2.14.0, and includes numerous bug fixes, performance improvements, and exciting new features. Here's what's new in the latest version:
- Refactored the blog articles to standalone components
- Added the OpenFIGI data enhancer for Financial Instrument Global Identifier (FIGI)
- Added figi, figiComposite and figiShareClass to the asset profile model
- Moved the fees on account level feature from experimental to general availability
- Moved the interest on account level feature from experimental to general availability
- Moved the search for a holding from experimental to general availability
- Improved the error message in the activities import for csv files
- Removed the application version from the client
- Allowed to edit today’s historical market data in the asset profile details dialog of the admin control panel
- Fixed the sorting by currency in the activities table
- Fixed the style of the active page in the header navigation
- Trimmed text in i18n service to query messages.*.xlf files on the server
Special Thanks
For full release notes and additional changes from previous version 1.269, please visit:
For full release notes and additional changes from previous versions, please visit: