A few days ago we discovered a performance issue when a remote scry publisher gets many simultaneous requests, as often happens during OTA updates. This performance bug caused the publisher to do 500x more work than necessary. We have now released vere-v2.9 to fix the issue.
Full release notes here:https://github.com/urbit/vere/releases/tag/vere-v2.9
This release includes runtime fixes mainly aimed at OTA publishers. A
publisher running vere-v2.10 and urbit-os-v2.142 (releasing in a few
days) will be able to reliably deliver the initial OTA through remote
scry instead of falling back to ames.
The release also includes significantly better long-running replay
capabilities that were missing since vere-v1.14. The <your-ship>/.run
play command now supports the –auto-meld command line flag to
automatically meld a long memory-intensive replay. It also supports the
–snap-at x command line flag to snapshot every x events.
Full release notes here:https://github.com/urbit/vere/releases/tag/vere-v2.10