manifestVersion: 1
id: urbit
category: networking
name: Urbit
version: "v3.0"
tagline: Run Urbit on your Umbrel
description: >-
  Urbit is a personal server for self-sovereign personal & networked
  computing. Nock, a functional combinator, is built into Hoon, a system
  programming language, used to implement Arvo, a deterministic operating
  system, that communicates over Ames, a decentralized, encrypted P2P network.

  This app helps you boot and manage Urbit instances on your Umbrel. It provides a simple management GUI, start and stop operations, and passes your +code through the interface.

  If you are interested in purchasing an L2 planet checkout:

  Credit to ~timluc-miptev, ~master-forwex, ~sipsen-pilser & ~rivpyl-sidfyl
developer: ~mopfel-winrux & ~sitful-hatred
dependencies: []
port: 8090
  - 1.jpg
  - 2.jpg
  - 3.jpg
path: /launch
defaultUsername: umbrel
deterministicPassword: true
torOnly: false
submitter: ~mopfel-winrux
releaseNotes: >-
  The big ticket items for this vere release include the epoch system,
  support for persistent nock caching, informal pings and MDNS local
  routing. The epoch system is functional immediately after upgrading to
  vere-v3.0, the other features are reliant on the 411k release slated for

  This release is not backwards compatible with vere-v2.12 and earlier. A
  ship cannot be downgraded after upgrading to vere-v3.0.

  Epoch System:

  The epoch system cuts the previously uniform event log into “epochs”
  associated with a specific runtime version. The epochs are represented
  as directories in the file system. Here is an example of epochs under
  the Foundation galaxy ~deg that has been running the vere-v3.0
  pre-release for a while:

  bash ls ./deg/.urb/log/ 0i0 0i95419173 0i98550959 0i99182407 0i99543593
  data.mdb lock.mdb

  Each epoch folder is identified by an event number and includes a
  snapshot and a part of the event log. If the snapshot of a ship gets
  corrupted the ship may have to replay; the epoch system makes this
  process more pleasant since the ship no longer has to replay the entire
  event log. A replay can be initiated from the latest valid epoch,
  significantly speeding up the process.

  The latest snapshot for a ship is situated in the latest epoch,
  0i99543593 in the above case. All other epochs are safe to relocate
  elsewhere or even delete.

  The default behavior for the epoch system is to create a new epoch every
  time the vere runtime version changes. A user may also manually create a
  new epoch by using the urbit roll command.

  The urbit chop command now deletes all epochs except for the last two.

  Full release notes here: