#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail # We're forced to run user/group 1500 # More detail here: https://github.com/invoiceninja/dockerfiles/blob/ad3ffc227d63740330f761dad6e8c87768577847/alpine/5/Dockerfile#L70-L80 # So we set the owner of the data directories to 1500:1500 APP_DATA_DIR="$(readlink -f $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/..)/data" DESIRED_OWNER="1500:1500" PUBLIC_DATA_DIR="${APP_DATA_DIR}/public" STORAGE_DATA_DIR="${APP_DATA_DIR}/storage" invoiceninja_correct_permission() { local -r path="${1}" if [[ -d "${path}" ]]; then owner=$(stat -c "%u:%g" "${path}") if [[ "${owner}" != "${DESIRED_OWNER}" ]]; then chown "${DESIRED_OWNER}" "${path}" fi fi } invoiceninja_correct_permission "${PUBLIC_DATA_DIR}" invoiceninja_correct_permission "${STORAGE_DATA_DIR}" LARAVEL_APP_KEY_FILE_PATH="${APP_DATA_DIR}/laravel-app-key.txt" # We only generate and save the Laravel APP_KEY if it doesn't exist already if [[ ! -f "${LARAVEL_APP_KEY_FILE_PATH}" ]]; then # generates a laravel APP_KEY using the invoice-ninja container --> php artisan key:generate --show APP_KEY=$("${UMBREL_ROOT}/scripts/app" compose "${APP_ID}" run --rm app php artisan key:generate --show) # we remove the color codes and newlines from the output which cause laravel to fail to parse the APP_KEY echo "${APP_KEY}" | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' | tr -d '\r\n' > "${LARAVEL_APP_KEY_FILE_PATH}" fi