manifestVersion: 1.1
id: immich
category: files
name: Immich
version: "v1.85.0"
tagline: High-performance photo and video backup solution
description: >-
  An open-source and high-performance self-hosted backup solution for the videos and photos on your mobile device

  ⚠️ Immich is under very active development. Expect bugs and changes. Do not use it as the only way to store your photos and videos!

  - Upload and view videos and photos
  - Auto backup when the app is opened
  - Selective album(s) for backup
  - Download photos and videos to a local device
  - Multi-user support
  - Album and Shared albums
  - Scrubbable/draggable scrollbar
  - Support RAW (HEIC, HEIF, DNG, Apple ProRaw)
  - Metadata view (EXIF, map)
  - Search by metadata, objects and image tags
  - Administrative functions (user management)
  - Background backup
  - Virtual scroll
  - OAuth support
  - LivePhoto backup and playback
  - User-defined storage structure
releaseNotes: >-
  ⚠️ The server and mobile app must be on the same version for the application to work correctly. After updating, you may need to re-run
  metadata extraction for videos impacted by a bug that has now been fixed.

  Welcome to release v1.85.0 of Immich. This release introduces many bug fixes across the app, server, and web, along with new features.
  The most notable changes include:

  - Changing the /server-info/stats endpoint to /server-info/statistics.

  - Introducing global activity in a shared album and activity on the mobile app and album’s option.

  - Adding a new option to shuffle slideshow, allowing you to randomize the order.

  - Fixing a notable issue: Bulk data fetching for initial sync on the mobile app was causing the app to crash due to an out-of-memory error when dealing with a very large gallery.

  - Introducing a new mobile app bar and user profile screen.

  - Adding a shared link with password option.

  - Introducing shared album activity on the web.

  - Adding a custom scan interval for the external library.

  - Fixing a notable issue: The app was unable to download machine learning models from the S3 bucket.

  - Introducing asset stacking.

  - Adding shared links on mobile.

  - Introducing new storage template variables.

  - Adding a custom theme.

  Full release notes are found at:
developer: Alex Tran
dependencies: []
port: 2283
  - 1.jpg
  - 2.jpg
  - 3.jpg
path: ""
defaultUsername: ""
defaultPassword: ""
submitter: levma