version: '3.7' services: app_proxy: environment: APP_HOST: maybe_web_1 APP_PORT: 3063 web: image: restart: on-failure stop_grace_period: 1m volumes: - ${APP_DATA_DIR}/data/rails:/rails/storage # Self-hosted Maybe requires a Synth API key ( for basic multi-currency support. # Ideally Maybe will support API key input via the UI in the future, but for now we create a persistent .env file for Advanced users to input their API key and restart Maybe (see pre-install hook) env_file: - ${APP_DATA_DIR}/.env environment: SELF_HOSTING_ENABLED: "true" PORT: 3063 DB_HOST: db DB_PORT: 5432 DATABASE_URL: postgres://maybe:maybe@db:5432/maybe RAILS_FORCE_SSL: "false" RAILS_ASSUME_SSL: "false" POSTGRES_DB: maybe POSTGRES_USER: maybe POSTGRES_PASSWORD: maybe GOOD_JOB_EXECUTION_MODE: async SECRET_KEY_BASE: $APP_SEED depends_on: db: condition: service_healthy db: image: postgres:16@sha256:1bf73ccae25238fa555100080042f0b2f9be08eb757e200fe6afc1fc413a1b3c restart: on-failure stop_grace_period: 1m volumes: - ${APP_DATA_DIR}/data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: POSTGRES_DB: maybe POSTGRES_USER: maybe POSTGRES_PASSWORD: maybe PGDATA: /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata healthcheck: test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'pg_isready -U maybe'] interval: 10s timeout: 5s retries: 5