version: "3.7" services: dns-server: image: technitium/dns-server:13.0.1@sha256:d0217fb0652e8f4e2334ffb43d6f8e9466f4f07ba485e9f21b83e8124813e4d3 network_mode: host # ports: # - "5380:5380/tcp" #DNS web console (HTTP) # - "53443:53443/tcp" #DNS web console (HTTPS) # - "53:53/udp" #DNS service # - "53:53/tcp" #DNS service # - "853:853/udp" #DNS-over-QUIC service # - "853:853/tcp" #DNS-over-TLS service # - "443:443/udp" #DNS-over-HTTPS service (HTTP/3) # - "443:443/tcp" #DNS-over-HTTPS service (HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2) # - "80:80/tcp" #DNS-over-HTTP service (use with reverse proxy or certbot certificate renewal) # - "8053:8053/tcp" #DNS-over-HTTP service (use with reverse proxy) # - "67:67/udp" #DHCP service environment: - DNS_SERVER_DOMAIN=${DEVICE_DOMAIN_NAME} #The primary domain name used by this DNS Server to identify itself. - DNS_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=${APP_PASSWORD} #DNS web console admin user password. # - DNS_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE=password.txt #The path to a file that contains a plain text password for the DNS web console admin user. # - DNS_SERVER_PREFER_IPV6=false #DNS Server will use IPv6 for querying whenever possible with this option enabled. # - DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_HTTP_PORT=5380 #The TCP port number for the DNS web console over HTTP protocol. # - DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_HTTPS_PORT=53443 #The TCP port number for the DNS web console over HTTPS protocol. # - DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_ENABLE_HTTPS=false #Enables HTTPS for the DNS web console. # - DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_USE_SELF_SIGNED_CERT=false #Enables self signed TLS certificate for the DNS web console. # - DNS_SERVER_OPTIONAL_PROTOCOL_DNS_OVER_HTTP=false #Enables DNS server optional protocol DNS-over-HTTP on TCP port 8053 to be used with a TLS terminating reverse proxy like nginx. # - DNS_SERVER_RECURSION=AllowOnlyForPrivateNetworks #Recursion options: Allow, Deny, AllowOnlyForPrivateNetworks, UseSpecifiedNetworks. # - DNS_SERVER_RECURSION_DENIED_NETWORKS= #Comma separated list of IP addresses or network addresses to deny recursion. Valid only for `UseSpecifiedNetworks` recursion option. # - DNS_SERVER_RECURSION_ALLOWED_NETWORKS=, #Comma separated list of IP addresses or network addresses to allow recursion. Valid only for `UseSpecifiedNetworks` recursion option. # - DNS_SERVER_ENABLE_BLOCKING=false #Sets the DNS server to block domain names using Blocked Zone and Block List Zone. # - DNS_SERVER_ALLOW_TXT_BLOCKING_REPORT=false #Specifies if the DNS Server should respond with TXT records containing a blocked domain report for TXT type requests. # - DNS_SERVER_BLOCK_LIST_URLS= #A comma separated list of block list URLs. # - DNS_SERVER_FORWARDERS=, #Comma separated list of forwarder addresses. # - DNS_SERVER_FORWARDER_PROTOCOL=Tcp #Forwarder protocol options: Udp, Tcp, Tls, Https, HttpsJson. # - DNS_SERVER_LOG_USING_LOCAL_TIME=true #Enable this option to use local time instead of UTC for logging. volumes: - ${APP_DATA_DIR}/data:/etc/dns restart: on-failure # sysctls: # - net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65000