#!/usr/bin/env bash # This pre-start script ensures that legacy Core-Lightning-RTL installs receive the default RTL-Config.json file on update. APP_DATA_DIR="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")/..")" RTL_CONFIG_FILE="${APP_DATA_DIR}/data/rtl/RTL-Config.json" # We check if the RTL config file does not exist or if it exists and lnImplementation is set to "LND", which tells us that this is a legacy RTL install that needs to be modified. if [ ! -f "${RTL_CONFIG_FILE}" ] || jq -e '.nodes[] | select(.lnImplementation == "LND")' "${RTL_CONFIG_FILE}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Creating a default configuration file for RTL." # We overwrite/create the RTL configuration file with settings for CLN Umbrel # RTL-Config.json is owned by root cat >"${RTL_CONFIG_FILE}" <